[Event "Leningrad Interzonal"] [White "Michail Tal"] [Black "Robert Hübner"] [Site "Leningrad"] [Round "4"] [Result "0-1"] [Date "1973.06.07"] [ECO "B43"] [PlyCount "70"] [GameId "2140499048706061"] [EventDate "1973.06.02"] [EventType "tourn"] [EventRounds "17"] [EventCountry "URS"] [EventCategory "12"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "1999.07.01"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 0,68,19,38,40,41,41,32,28,27,81,61,75,69,76,73,67,47,38,47,92,68,76,55,129,81,82,42,69,50,100,43,27,-42,-39,-43,-45,-43,-50,-98,-14,-14,-35,-19,27,-87,-100,-73,-84,-66,-84,-54,-99,-78,-70,-75,-89,-74,-75,-93,-59,-96,-96,-547,-574,-546,-573,-613,-568,-565,-573]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Nc3 Qc7 6. Be2 b5 7. a3 Bb7 8. f4 Nc6 9. Be3 Nxd4 10. Qxd4 Ne7 11. Rd1 Rd8 12. O-O Nc6 13. Qd2 Be7 14. Qe1 ({White could gain a small advantage with} 14. Nd5 exd5 15. exd5 {winning back the sacrificied piece, but Tal didn't find this enough and keeps the tension.}) 14... d6 15. f5 O-O {Even though White can make a promising exchange sacrifice now, Black's move was practically forced.} ({After} 15... Ne5 {White would get a nice advantage with} 16. Qg3 Bf6 17. fxe6 fxe6 18. Bh5+) 16. f6 Bxf6 17. Rxf6 gxf6 18. Qh4 Qe7 19. Rd3 {According to Tal this was not the most accurate move order.} ({In the Russian tournament book Tal wrote that the endgame after the forced sequence of moves} 19. Bh6 Kh8 20. Rd3 f5 21. Qxe7 Nxe7 22. Bxf8 Rxf8 23. Rxd6 Nc8 24. Rd7 Bxe4 25. Nxe4 fxe4 26. Kf2 {would be better for White, which seems plausible to the human eye. However my Stockfish finds that it would be equal.}) 19... f5 ({Here the natural} 19... Kh8 {was wrong because of} 20. Bd4 Nxd4 21. Rh3 {and Black will be mated.}) 20. Bg5 f6 21. Bh6 fxe4 {The most interesting and ambitious move. Hübner is going to sacrifice his queen, when the exchange sacrifice} (21... Kh8 {would have been quite playable also.}) 22. Rg3+ Kh8 23. Bg7+ Qxg7 24. Rxg7 Kxg7 25. Nxe4 Ne5 26. Ng3 Ng6 27. Qd4 Kh8 28. Nh5 {Here and also at the following moves, Tal pointed out in the tournament book that White should chase his fortune at the queen's wing.} ({He indicated} 28. Qb6 {as the best move and indeed my modern engine thinks that White would have a tangible advantage after that.}) 28... Ne5 29. Qh4 {Into the wrong direction, according to Tal.} ({After both} 29. Nf4) ({or} 29. Qb6 {White would have a good position.}) 29... Rd7 {A nice move that allows Tal to pursue the wrong goal that he indicated withhis previous move.} ({Tal wrote that he had already reconciled himself with a draw by repetion after} 29... Ng6 30. Qd4 Ne5 {But there would have been no reason to take this draw. Apparently Tal was far too pessimistic about his general prospects in this position.}) 30. Nxf6 {Obviously this was Tal's intention when he played his previous move, but it is a bad mistake.} ({There were good run-of-the mill moves like} 30. a4) ({or} 30. Nf4) ({or} 30. Qd4) 30... Rg7 {Black takes over the attack and suddenly White is lost. It's not only that g2 is attacked, his knight on f6 is also in danger.} 31. Qh6 {This loses quickly, but there was no good defense for White.} ({After} 31. g3 Rgf7 {White would lose his knight, because} 32. Ng4 {would be refuted by} Rf1+ 33. Bxf1 Nf3+ {winning White's queen.}) ({Only after} 31. Ng4 {the win for Black would be difficult to find. Tal indicated the forced line} Bxg2 32. Kxg2 Nxg4 33. Bxg4 Rxg4+ 34. Qxg4 Rg8 {which would lead to a pawn ending that would be winning for Black.}) 31... Rxg2+ 32. Kf1 Rf7 {White is going to lose his Nf6.} 33. Bh5 Ng4 34. Bxg4 Rxg4 {White resigned, as his knight will be lost after Black's next move} 35. Z0 Rg6 0-1
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