[Event "East Devon Major (Exeter)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2005.03.05"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Jeremy Kneebone"]
[Black "D. Wood"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Annotator "Jeremy Menadue"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventDate "2005.??.??"]
{This fine attacking game won the Cornwall "Chess Oscar" for the best game
played in 2005.} 1. e4 Nc6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Bb5 Nge7 6. O-O a6
7. Ba4 b5 8. Bb3 h6 9. a4 Bg4 10. c3 Na5 11. Bc2 Nc4 12. b3 Nb6 13. a5 {
closing the queenside} ({also} 13. Nbd2 bxa4 14. b4 a5 15. Bxa4+ c6 16. Ba3)
13... Nd7 14. b4 Bh5 15. h3 Bg6 16. Nbd2 Bxc2 17. Qxc2 Nf5 18. Nb3 Be7 19. Bd2
Nh4 $2 {encouraging white to play his main attacking idea of f4-f5,black does
have to counter this} (19... Nf8 {leaves the Be7 to cover Nc5}) (19... g5 {
slows down the attack if white wants to play g3 f4 then f4-f5}) 20. Nxh4 Bxh4
21. f4 f5 {black can not hold the f-file} (21... g6 22. g4) 22. exf6 Bxf6 23.
Rae1 ({also} 23. Qg6+ Ke7 24. Rae1 Nf8 25. Qg4) 23... Kf7 24. g4 g6 25. Rf3 Qg8
{losing a tempo} ({black can try to regain f5} 25... h5 {[%csl Gf5]} 26. g5 (
26. f5 exf5 (26... gxf5 27. gxf5 e5 28. Rfe3 e4) 27. gxf5 g5) 26... Be7 (26...
Bg7 27. Rxe6 Kxe6 28. Qxg6+) 27. Rfe3 Nf8 {is passive but holds key squares})
26. g5 Bg7 27. f5 $3 gxf5 28. Rxf5+ exf5 (28... Nf6 29. gxf6 Bxf6+ {looks
clever} 30. Kh1 exf5 31. Qxf5 Re8 32. Rg1 Qh7 33. Qxd5+ {the black king has no
pawn cover}) 29. Qxf5+ Nf6 30. g6+ {(keeps the black pieces hemmed in)} Kf8 31.
Nc5 Rd8 32. Ne6+ Ke7 33. Ng5+ Kf8 34. Bf4 hxg5 35. Bxc7 Rh5 36. Bd6+ Rxd6 37.
Qc8+ 1-0