[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Part A2"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Martin Simons"]
[PlyCount "30"]
[SourceVersionDate "2008.07.23"]
1. f4 Nf6 2. b3 d6 3. Bb2 {The starting point for Part A} e5 $1 $15 4. fxe5
dxe5 5. g3 {The starting point for Part A2. Playing g3 seems logical as it
blunts the h4 to e1 diagonal but} h5 $1 {is the logical combative response and
appears to be strongest} (5... Bc5 {May also be good} 6. e3 {Is safer} (6. Bxe5
{The pawn on e5 is still taboo e.g.} Ng4 7. d4 {forced due to the dual threat
of Nxe5 and Nf2 but} Nxe5 {looks strong} 8. dxc5 (8. dxe5 Bf2+) 8... Qf6 $17) (
6. Bg2) (6. Nc3) 6... Bg4 7. Be2 h5 $17 {but black again has easy play with
advantage).}) 6. Bg2 {Is white best defence but after say} ({As in many other
lines White can get into trouble after} 6. Bxe5 Ng4 $1 7. Bb2 (7. Bf4 Qd4) 7...
h4 {and Black’s attack is too strong due to the weaknesses around White’s
king e.g.} 8. Bg2 hxg3 9. hxg3 Rxh1 10. Bxh1 Qd6 {winning}) 6... h4 7. Nc3 hxg3
8. hxg3 Rxh1 9. Bxh1 Qd6 {a multi-purpose move eyeing up g3 and preparing to
castle long} 10. e3 Bg4 11. Nge2 Nc6 12. d3 Be7 13. Qd2 O-O-O 14. O-O-O Rh8 15.
Bg2 Rh2 {black is clearly better} *