[Event "Simultaneous Exhibition"] [Site "Luton"] [Date "1976.01.21"] [Round "?"] [White "Kortschnoj, Viktor, Lvovich"] [Black "Perkins, Andrew"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E86"] [WhiteElo "2708"] [BlackElo "2050"] [Annotator "Notes by Andrew Perkins"] [PlyCount "92"] [SourceVersionDate "2022.04.18"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 O-O 5. Be3 ({My fourth move, wanted to tempt Korchnoi into playing} 5. e5 Ne8 {The idea was the White would be prematurely extended in the centre}) 5... d6 6. f3 e5 {I had a read a book on the Kings Indian with up to date theory at the time. Also Fischer had played this defence with success} 7. Nge2 Nbd7 8. Qd2 c6 9. d5 Nc5 10. g3 Qa5 11. Rb1 cxd5 12. b4 Qd8 13. cxd5 ({To tell the truth, if he'd played} 13. bxc5 {and gone in for the complications, I don't know how the game would have traspiired.}) {The Black Knight is a bit short of squares now, with Korchnoi playing positionally. So I went} 13... Ncd7 14. Nc1 Nh5 15. Be2 f5 16. Bf2 Ndf6 17. exf5 gxf5 {I was playing aggressively, knowing he had 32 boards on the go, but my impression was he didn't want to take me up on the aggression.} 18. O-O Kh8 19. Nb3 Rg8 20. Kh1 Qf8 21. Nb5 Bd7 22. Nc7 Rc8 23. Ne6 Bxe6 24. dxe6 Bh6 25. Qd1 Ng7 {I allowed the pawns to stay level, rather than trying to win a pawn and delaying the attack on e6} ({I didn't first play} 25... a6 {because I feared} 26. Na5) 26. Bxa7 Nxe6 27. Bf2 d5 28. Nc5 Nxc5 29. bxc5 Rg7 30. Qd3 f4 31. Qf5 Rg5 32. Qc2 ({I did wonder if he'd missed my 31st move, because if} 32. Qe6 Rc6 {trapping the Queen}) 32... fxg3 33. hxg3 Qf7 34. Rb4 d4 35. Rfb1 Rc7 ({47 years later, PowerFritz, rated 3400 Elo shows how Andrew could have beaten Korchnoi from here, by playing} 35... Qh5+ 36. Kg2 Nd5 37. Qe4 Nf4+ 38. Qxf4 exf4 39. g4 d3 40. Bd1 Bf8 41. Bd4+ Bg7 42. Bf2 d2 43. Rxb7 Qe8 44. R7b4 h5 45. R4b3 Ra8 46. a4 Re5 47. c6 Qxc6 48. Rb6 Qc4 49. R1b4 Qc1 50. Bb3 hxg4 51. Rb8+ Rxb8 52. Rxb8+ Kh7 53. Bg8+ Kg6 54. Rb6+ Bf6 55. Bf7+ Kxf7 56. Rb7+ Kg6 57. Rd7 gxf3+ 58. Kh3 Rg5 59. Be1) 36. Qb3 Qh5+ 37. Kg2 Rcg7 38. Rxb7 Rxg3+ 39. Bxg3 Rxg3+ {Things were getting a bit tense} ({The trouble with delaying with} 39... Bf4 {is that he can just play} 40. Rxg7) 40. Kxg3 ({If he played} 40. Kf2 {then it's mate in three} Qh2+ 41. Ke1 Rg1+ 42. Bf1 Qd2#) 40... Bf4+ 41. Kg2 Qh2+ 42. Kf1 Qh1+ 43. Kf2 {Everyone watching was getting quite excited, but I disappointed by playing} Qh4+ ({If I had played} 43... Be3+ {this forces White to play} 44. Kg3 {I couldn't see how, after} Nh5+ 45. Kg4 Qg2+ 46. Kf5 {how Black could force the win}) 44. Kf1 Qh1+ ({I think people watching wanted me to play} 44... Be3 {to threaten mate. But if I had done that, White would have played} 45. Rxh7+ {and there three ways for Black to take the Rook, in which White could draw or even be better}) 45. Kf2 Qh4+ 46. Kf1 Qh1+ 1/2-1/2