[Event "BenkQ-90 JT"] [White "Mario Micaloni & Árpád Rusz"] [Black "(Study 167)"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator ""] [Result "1-0"] [Date "2019.??.??"] [PlyCount "45"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "6N1/p7/p3K3/8/P3P3/3k4/8/1n6 w - - 0 1"] 1. e5 Nc3 2. Nf6 {1st knight opposition} (2. Kd7 Ne4 (2... Nxa4 3. Kc6 )3. Kc6 Ng5 )Kc4 (2... Nxa4 3. Kd6 Kd4 4. e6 Nb6 5. Kc7 Ke5 6. e7 )3. Kd6 Ne2 4. Nh5 {2nd knight opposition} Nd4 5. Ng7 {3rd knight opposition} Kb4 { 1st cyclic zugzwang - WTM} 6. Kd5 Ne2 7. Nh5 Nc3+ 8. Kc6 Ne2 9. Kd6 Nd4 10. Ng7 {White has managed to transfer the move to black.} a5 {2nd cyclic zugzwang - WTM} 11. Kd5 Ne2 12. Nh5 Nc3+ 13. Kc6 Ne2 14. Kd6 Nd4 15. Ng7 {White ends the second cycle.} a6 {3rd cyclic zugzwang - WTM} (15... Nb5+ 16. axb5 a4 17. Nf5 (17. Ne6 )a3 18. Nd4 Kc3 (18... a2 19. Nc2+ Kc3 20. Na1 Kb2 21. e6 Kxa1 22. e7 Kb2 23. e8=Q )19. b6 axb6 20. Nb5+ )16. Kd5 Ne2 17. Nh5 Nc3+ 18. Kc6 Ne2 19. Kd6 Nd4 20. Ng7 {The third cycle finishes. Black has no more tempo moves...} Kxa4 (20... Kc4 21. e6 Nxe6 22. Nxe6 Kb4 23. Nc5 )21. Kc5 Nb3+ 22. Kc4 Nd2+ 23. Kd5 1-0