[Event "Prague"]
[Site "Prague"]
[Date "1943.04.26"]
[Round "17"]
[White "Alekhine, Alexander"]
[Black "Podgorny, Jiri"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B22"]
[Annotator "Martin Simons"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "1943.??.??"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventRounds "21"]
[EventCountry "CZE"]
[SourceVersionDate "2019.03.01"]
1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. d4 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bg4 6. Be2 cxd4 7. cxd4 e6 8.
Nc3 Bb4 9. O-O Qa5 {This is the position the panel considered. It is certainly
double edged and very complicated. White's plan is to create attacking chances
against Black's king whereas Black counterplay lies in the weakness of White's
isolated d-pawn. The move played by Alekhine was brilliant in that it looks
completely harmless.} 10. a3 $1 {The other alternative key moves analysed by
the panel can be briefly assessed as follows...} (10. d5 exd5 11. Qxd5 Nf6 (
11... Bxc3 12. Qe4+ Be6 13. bxc3 {and the two bishops on an open board mean
White has the better position}) 12. Qxa5 Bxa5 {is about equal in a simplified
and symmetrical position as pointed out by Peter.}) (10. Ne5 Bxe2 11. Qxe2 Nxd4
12. Qe4 {Alan's analysis} Rd8 $1 {(all other moves are inferior and give White
the advantage) and Black is perhaps a little better although the position is
messy.}) (10. Bd2 Nf6 $1 {and Black is holding up d5.} ({If instead} 10... Bxf3
$2 {(Bill's analysis) then} 11. Bxf3 Nxd4 (11... Nf6 12. d5 $1) 12. a3 {
that move again!} Nxf3+ 13. Qxf3 Be7 14. Qxb7 {may be winning})) (10. Be3 Nge7
{again Black is holding up d5 so sits comfortably.}) (10. Qd3 Nf6 {and once
again there is no d5 threat so Black is comfortable.}) (10. Ne4 Nge7 11. a3 Nf5
{and Black can look forward to putting pressure on White's d-pawn.}) (10. Re1
Nf6 {and there is no d5 threat.}) (10. Bb5 Bxc3 11. Bxc6+ bxc6 12. bxc3 Ne7 {
about equal with an opposite coloured bishop middlegame.}) (10. h3 Bxf3 11.
Bxf3 Nge7 {White has the 2 bishops but Black is holding up d5.}) (10. Bf4 Nf6 {
and Black's development is being finished without White seizing the initiative.
}) (10. Nd2 $2 Bxe2 11. Nxe2 (11. Qxe2 $2 Nxd4 {wins a safe pawn}) 11... Nf6 {
and Black is comfortable whilst White's pieces look a bit clumsily placed.}) (
10. Qc2 $6 Bxf3 11. Bxf3 Nxd4 12. Qd1 Nxf3+ 13. Qxf3 Ne7 14. Qxb7 O-O {when
Black has the more active game.}) (10. Qd2 $2 {just looks positionally ugly.})
(10. Qa4 $2 Bxc3 {wins a piece.}) 10... Nf6 $2 ({Today's chess engines suggest
Black should play} 10... Bxc3 $1 11. bxc3 {and only now} Nf6 {to prevent d5
and this should hold} ({But not} 11... Qxc3 $2 12. Bd2 Qb2 13. Rb1 Qxa3 14. d5
Bxf3 (14... exd5 15. Nd4 Nxd4 16. Bxg4 {is no better as Black's king is
worryingly exposed in the centre with White's bishop pair dominating on an
open board}) 15. dxc6 Bxc6 16. Bb4 Qa2 17. Qd6 $18 {and despite being 3 pawns
down White is completely winning.})) 11. d5 $1 {White opens the centre before
Black can castle.} exd5 {After} 12. axb4 Qxa1 13. Nd2 $1 {The point of White's
10th move! Now Black's queen is in danger of being trapped with Nb3} Bxe2 14.
Qxe2+ Ne7 (14... Kf8 $1 {appears to be a more testing response and this line
shows just how extraordinary deep Alekhine must have analysed as I am sure he
would have played} 15. Nb3 Qa6 16. b5 Qb6 17. Na4 Nd4 $1 {this seems to be
Black's trump card but after} 18. Qd1 $1 Nf3+ 19. Qxf3 Qxb5 20. Nac5 b6 21. Bh6
$1 {the complications are wild but in White's favour!}) 15. Re1 O-O {It seems
this saves Black but...} 16. Nb3 $1 (16. Qxe7 $2 Rfe8 {wins for Black}) 16...
Qa6 17. Qxa6 bxa6 18. Rxe7 {The endgame has been reached with a big advantage
for White. White's minor pieces are far stronger than Black's rook and pawn.
Alekhine converted with his normal meticulous precision.} Rab8 19. b5 $1 axb5
20. Rxa7 b4 21. Ne2 Rfc8 22. f3 Ra8 23. Rxa8 Rxa8 24. Kf2 Nd7 25. Nf4 Nb6 26.
Ke3 Rc8 27. Kd3 g5 28. Nh5 {and Black resigned.} 1-0