[Event "USCF 21ENs04 - 2021 Electronic Knights"] [Site "?"] [Date "2023.03.01"] [Round "?"] [White "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Black "Mahony, Michael"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A13"] [WhiteElo "1947"] [BlackElo "1735"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "165"] [EventDate "2023.12.21"] [EventType "corr"] [SourceVersionDate "2021.05.17"] {[%evp 16,165,16,14,24,20,22,22,21,21,34,30,43,36,36,35,46,40,42,23,33,31,36,36,39,31,33,3,5,7,11,7,6,1,8,5,2,2,1,4,4,1,0,1,0,0,0,3,8,5,3,3,4,1,2,3,9,11,67,62,58,61,59,55,53,56,52,67,64,69,67,68,68,71,59,64,56,53,113,114,111,121,113,113,116,107,119,129,371,371,371,371,371,337,29936,29942,29940,29947,29945,29943,29949,29953,29959,29964,29963,29963,29961,29965,29966,29967,29969,29970,29968,29966,29965,29967,29966,29969,29966,29971,29969,29972,29969,29973,29973,29973,29972,29973,29969,29973,29971,29975,29975,29972,29974,29975,29971,29976,29974,29976,29976,29977,29977,29978,29977,29979,29980,29979,29979,29980,29979,29980]} 1. Nf3 d5 2. e3 c5 3. b3 Nf6 4. Bb2 e6 5. c4 Be7 6. cxd5 exd5 7. d4 Nc6 8. Be2 cxd4 9. Nxd4 Ne4 {A13: English Opening: 1...e6} 10. O-O Bf6 11. Nxc6 bxc6 {The position is equal.} 12. Qc2 Bxb2 13. Qxb2 O-O 14. Nc3 f5 15. Rac1 Qd6 16. Rfd1 Bd7 17. Bd3 Rae8 18. Ne2 Rf7 19. Qd4 a5 20. Qb6 Qe7 21. a4 {[%CAl Oc1c2]} (21. Qxa5 f4 (21... Nxf2 22. Kxf2 f4 23. Qb6 $18) 22. Bxe4 (22. exf4 Nxf2 {[%mdl 64] Decoy} 23. Kxf2 Qe3+ 24. Kf1 Rxf4+ 25. Nxf4 Rf8 $11) 22... fxe3 23. Bxh7+ Kxh7 $11) (21. Rc2 {simplifies} Qb4 22. Qxb4 axb4 23. f3) 21... Qh4 22. f3 (22. Qxa5 $2 Qxf2+ (22... Nxf2 $2 23. Qe1 $18) 23. Kh1 Qxe3 24. Bxe4 fxe4 $19) 22... Nf2 23. g3 Nh3+ 24. Kg2 Qh5 25. Nf4 Nxf4+ 26. exf4 Rfe7 $132 {[%mdl 2048] Against Re1. Black is not holding back didn't expect it. What is the plan here? Just avoid my Re1?} 27. Rc2 {Prevents Re2+} g5 28. Qxa5 {Threatening Qc7.} gxf4 (28... Re3 29. Kg1 $14) (28... Re3 {keeps more tension.} 29. Rf2 g4 30. Bf1 gxf3+ 31. Kg1 Rxb3 32. Qa7 Qf7) 29. Qb4 $1 fxg3 30. hxg3 Qg5 {...Rg7 is the strong threat.} (30... Re3 31. Qf4 $14) 31. Qf4 Qxf4 32. gxf4 Rb8 {I think Re1 is the better move} 33. Rb1 Kf7 34. b4 {[%CAl Bb3b4,Bb4b5,Bb5b6,Bb6b7][%mdl 32]} Re3 {Strong rook 34...Re3} 35. Rd2 d4 36. b5 Be6 {[%eval 67,31]} (36... cxb5 $11 {[%eval 11,39]} 37. axb5 Rd8) 37. b6 $14 Bd5 38. a5 $1 (38. Bxf5 Rxf3 39. Kh2 Rxf4 $11) 38... Rxf3 39. Kh2 Rxf4 40. b7 Rh4+ 41. Kg3 Rg4+ 42. Kh3 Rg6 $1 {( -> ...Rbg8)} 43. Bxf5 Rh6+ 44. Kg3 $1 {White is more active.} c5 45. Bc8 $1 {Threatens to win with Rh2.} Ra6 $1 {Rh2 or Rb5?} 46. Rh2 $1 Rxa5 {[%eval 113,32]} (46... Kg7 $1 $14 {[%eval 53,35]}) 47. Kf4 $1 $16 Bxb7 {White wins the bishop (B vs PP), 47...Bxb7 is a sac} 48. Bxb7 {White wants to mate with Bd5+.} ({But not} 48. Rxb7+ $6 Rxb7 49. Rxh7+ (49. Bxb7 c4 $11) 49... Kf6 50. Rxb7 (50. Bxb7 d3 $11) 50... c4 $11) 48... Kg7 $5 {[#]} 49. Rbh1 $1 {[%mdl 512]} Rf8+ 50. Kg4 Rh8 51. Rh5 {Re1 would kill now.} h6 $2 {[%eval 371,38] [#] Black cannot hold the game after this.} (51... d3 $16 {[%eval 129,33] is a better defense.}) 52. Rg1 $1 $18 Kf8 {White must now prevent ...Rg8+.} 53. Rf5+ Ke7 {aiming for ...Rg8+.} 54. Kh5 {And now Rg7+ would win.} Ra3 $2 {[%eval 32640,31]} (54... Ra7 $18 {[%eval 337,34]}) 55. Bd5 {White mates.} ({Not} 55. Rxc5 Rh3+ 56. Kg4 Rg8+ 57. Kxh3 Rxg1 $14) 55... Rh3+ 56. Kg4 Re3 57. Kf4 Re8 58. Bc6 {push the R to d8 and exchange B with R} Rf8 $2 59. Rg7+ {[%mdl 64] Deflection} Kd6 60. Rxf8 Kxc6 61. Rc8+ Kb5 62. Rd7 Rd3 $2 63. Rd5 Rc3 64. Rh5 Kb4 65. Rxh6 Rc1 {It's over; White mates} 66. Rhc6 Rf1+ 67. Ke4 d3 $2 {blunder} 68. Kxd3 ({Stronger than} 68. Rxc5 d2 69. Rd5 (69. Rc4+ Ka3 $11) 69... d1=Q 70. Rb8+ Kc4 71. Rxd1 Rxd1 $11) 68... Rd1+ 69. Kc2 Rd5 70. Rb6+ Kc4 {everything else mates} 71. Rb3 Rh5 72. Rc3+ Kb5 73. Kb3 Re5 74. Rf3 Rg5 75. Rb8+ Kc6 76. Rf6+ Kd5 77. Rd8+ Ke5 78. Rc6 Rg3+ 79. Kc4 Ra3 80. Rd5+ Kf4 81. Rf6+ Ke4 82. Re6+ Kf4 83. Rd8 {(Beauty=3.5). Weighted Error Value: White=0.01 (flawless) /Black=0.20 (precise) . Loses game: --- Black=1 Mistake: --- Black=3 Inaccurate: White=1 --- OK: White=18 Black=20 Best: White=10 Black=9 Strong: White=7 Black=2} 1-0