[Event "Vauxhall Motors 3rd One Day Congress"] [Site "Luton"] [Date "1982.07.17"] [Round "4"] [White "Perkins, Andrew"] [Black "Freeman, Michael J"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B18"] [WhiteElo "2095"] [BlackElo "2103"] [Annotator "Notes by Andrew Perkins"] [PlyCount "53"] [EventDate "1982.07.17"] [EventType "team-swiss (rapid)"] [EventRounds "5"] [SourceVersionDate "2024.04.25"] {With both of us entering round 4 as joint leaders on 3/3, I thought that this had to be a decisive game with Black playing something sharp like the Sicilian.} 1. e4 c6 {My opponent played the more solid Caro-Kann. Ironically, we got into a melé, and had nevertheless a sharp game.} 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. N1e2 e6 7. Nf4 Bd6 8. h4 Qc7 9. Nxg6 hxg6 {Things were getting a little more lively than perhaps I'd expected.} 10. Ne4 {He did surprise me by playing} Bf4 11. Qf3 Bxc1 12. Rxc1 Nd7 13. Qa3 {Given this was a quicker game, I thought it best to play as aggressive as possible. He decided to enter in the spirit of things by playing} Qf4 {I played the natural looking} 14. Nd6+ Kd8 15. Rd1 Kc7 16. Nc4 {He decided to develop by} Ngf6 ({It gets a little tricky if he neglected his last move by playing} 16... Rxh4 17. Rxh4 Qxh4 18. Qd6+ Kd8) ({If he'd played instead} 16... Qe4+ 17. Be2 {And taken either of the pawns en prise, then} Qxc2 {trapping the Queen.} ({or} 17... Qxg2 18. Bf3) 18. Bd3 {again, trapping the Queen.}) 17. Rh3 Nd5 ({I think he had sufficient respect, not to get involved in} 17... Rxh4 18. Rf3 Qe4+ 19. Re3 Qd5 20. Ne5 Rxd4 21. Rxd4 Qxd4 22. Nxf7 {and it becomes a real melé, so he decided not to go in for anything like that.}) 18. Be2 ({Note that If I'd played} 18. Rf3 {it allows} Qe4+ {and the e3-Square is covered by the Knight and allows Black to do something about his f7-Pawn.}) 18... N5b6 ({If Black had played} 18... Rxh4 {and White tried} 19. g3 Rxh3 $1 20. Qa5+ b6 21. Nxb6 Rh1+ {which doesn't work for White, so Black could have gotten away with it.}) 19. Ne5 ({If} 19. Rf3 {it looks as he's got available} Nxc4) 19... Nxe5 20. dxe5 Rhd8 $2 {Another case of the wrong Rook!} ({If he'd played} 20... Qxe5 21. Qe7+ {embarrasses the King}) ({Had he moved the other Rook instead} 20... Rad8 {then the Pawn on a7 is quite safe because of} 21. Qxa7 $4 ({If} 21. Qe7+ {then Black can safely play} Kc8) 21... Ra8) 21. Qe7+ {Now the Black King cannot move to c8 because it loses the Rook on d8.} Rd7 (21... Nd7 22. Rhd3 {wins out of hand.}) 22. Rxd7+ Nxd7 {A little subtlety} 23. Qd6+ $1 {This really rubs in that his earlier move was the wrong Rook, because it obliges his King to move to the back rank, and his surviving Rook cannot help him.} Kd8 24. Rd3 Ke8 25. Qxd7+ Kf8 26. Qxb7 {Which incidentally gaurds against Black's Queen check on b4.} Re8 27. Rf3 1-0