[Event "WDCL Div 3"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.09.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Talbot, Nathan"] [Black "Burriss, Nick"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D74"] [Annotator "McCarthy,Damian"] [PlyCount "67"] 1. c4 {This was Nathan's first competitive over-the-board game in several years. Although currently unrated he had been rated 2088 in 2021. This was Nathan's first competitive over-the-board game in several years. Although currently unrated he had been rated 2088 in 2021.} Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. d4 d5 5. g3 {Good choice - because I have never faced this move and from now on I'm making it up.} O-O 6. cxd5 Nxd5 7. Bg2 c6 {c5 was a better choice and more in the Grunfeld spirit.} 8. O-O Nd7 9. e4 Nxc3 10. bxc3 Nb6 11. Rb1 Be6 12. Qc2 Bc4 13. Rd1 Ba6 14. Bf4 Qc8 {White is better; Black's pieces are on some rather unnatural squares, but White's next move dissipates much of his advantage.} 15. Ne5 {It was time to kick off the K-side attack with 15. h4.} Nc4 {Threatening ........Na3 forking Queen and Rook} 16. Nxc4 Bxc4 17. a4 Re8 {This is okay, but the more dynamic move 17........b5 was preferable: and it would have also been a much better option on move 18 for Black} 18. Rb4 Ba6 19. e5 e6 20. Qd2 Bf8 21. Bg5 Qc7 {Of course capturing the Rook to win the exchange would have quickly lost the game to a checkmating attack.} 22. Bf6 Qd7 {22. Rac8 was a better choice. I was toying with placing a Rook on d8 offering my own exchange sacrifice, but didn't want my Queen to be en prise afterwards.} 23. d5 {Opening the rank for the Rook to supplement the attack from h4; but the move is an outright mistake because the attack will lack sufficient potency. Having said that it took me a lot of time to calculate my defensive strategy which ultimately cost me the game.} cxd5 24. Rh4 {White overestimates his attacking chances; but regrettably so do I. 24. c4 was the right choice when the position is about equal.} Rac8 {Active defence.} 25. Qg5 {Still pursuing the ghost of a mating attack. Black was already better, but now I am much better.} Rc4 {Good enough, but I could have even safely grabbed the pawn with 25.......Rxc3} 26. Rdd4 {26. Rxc4 was necessary, but White would still be much worse and it is easy to understand why he did not want to move his Rook away from the h-file given his misplaced belief in the power of his attack.} Rxd4 27. cxd4 {Yet another mistake emanating from his blind faith in his attack.} Qxa4 28. h3 Qd1+ {Desperately short of time I offered a draw in this winning position. Nathan declined - a very wise decision as it turned out!} 29. Kh2 Rc8 {Black's attack comes first.} 30. g4 Rc1 31. Rxh7 {This simply doesn't work, but it was as good a choice as any.} Qg1+ 32. Kg3 Rc3+ 33. f3 Qe1+ 34. Kh2 {And now 34........Kxg7 seals the win, but I ran out of time before I could play it. Very frustrating, but entirely my own fault.} 1-0