[Event "?"]
[Site "lichess.org"]
[Date "2021.08.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Create passed pawn"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/r4pK1/2k1p1p1/p3P3/R4P1P/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "33"]
[EventDate "2021.??.??"]
[SourceVersionDate "2021.06.11"]
{[#]} 1. f5 $1 exf5 (1... gxf5 2. h5 {may still be drawn but it is Black who
is in danger of losing}) 2. e6 $1 fxe6+ 3. Kxg6 {Now White has a powerful
passed pawn.} Kb5 (3... Kd5 4. h5 e5 (4... Ke5 5. h6 f4 6. h7 Rxh7 7. Kxh7 f3
8. Rxa5+ Kf4 9. Kg6 f2 (9... e5 10. Kf6 e4 11. Rf5+ {simplest, forcing the
Black king to choose a side and then taking the White king to the other side}
Kg3 (11... Ke3 12. Kg5 Ke2 13. Kg4 f2 14. Kg3 e3 15. Kg2 Ke1 16. Rf3 $11) 12.
Ke5 e3 13. Ke4 $11) 10. Ra8 e5 11. Rf8+ Ke3 (11... Kg3) 12. Rxf2 Kxf2 13. Kf5
$11) 5. h6 e4 6. h7 Rxh7 7. Rxa5+ Kd4 8. Kxh7 f4 9. Rf5 f3 (9... Ke3 10. Kg6 f3
{transposes}) 10. Kg6 Ke3 11. Kg5 f2 12. Rf4 $1 $11) 4. Ra1 f4 5. h5 e5 (5...
f3 6. Rf1 a4 7. Rxf3 a3 8. Rf1 a2 9. Ra1 Kc4 10. h6 Kb3 11. h7 Ra8 12. Rh1 {
maximising the checking distance!} Kb2 (12... e5 13. Kf5) 13. Rh2+ Kb3 14. Rh1
$11) 6. h6 f3 7. h7 Rxh7 (7... Ra8 8. Re1 Kc4 (8... a4 9. Rxe5+ Kb4 10. Rf5 a3
11. Rxf3 a2 12. Rf1 $11) 9. Rxe5 Kd3 10. Rxa5 $11) 8. Kxh7 e4 9. Rf1 Kc4 (9...
a4 10. Kg6 a3 11. Kf5 a2 12. Kxe4 Kb4 13. Kxf3 Kb3 $11) 10. Kg6 Kd3 11. Kf5 Ke2
12. Ra1 e3 13. Ke4 Kf2 (13... f2 14. Ra2+ Ke1 (14... Kd1) 15. Kxe3 f1=N+ $11)
14. Rxa5 e2 15. Ra1 e1=Q+ 16. Rxe1 Kxe1 17. Kxf3 $11 *