[Event "Bedfordshire County Championhip"] [Site "Bedford Chess Club"] [Date "1982.06.17"] [Round "1"] [White "Perkins, Andrew"] [Black "Habershon, Paul"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B04"] [WhiteElo "2065"] [BlackElo "2088"] [Annotator "Notes by Andrew Perkins"] [PlyCount "89"] [EventDate "1982.06.17"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.11.22"] 1. e4 Nf6 {This was no suprise. Paul liked this defence.} 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 dxe5 5. Nxe5 g6 {This was getting into a line I'd seen before, so I was quite confident.} 6. Bc4 {Paul was also up to speed on this line, because he played} Be6 {The point was it guards against White's Queen going to f3.} ({e.g.} 6... Bg7 7. Qf3) {I played} 7. Qf3 {anyway} Bg7 8. Nc3 c6 9. O-O O-O 10. Re1 {He now played what was thought a good move.} Nc7 {This is a move that William Hartston played in an international game against Calvo. In their game, the Nc7 was approved to be a good move.} 11. Bxe6 Nxe6 12. d5 Nd4 ({I'd have been quite happy with} 12... cxd5 13. Qxd5 Qxd5 14. Nxd5) 13. Qd3 c5 14. f4 Nd7 15. Nd1 {The idea was that I could bolster the pawn on d4 by playing c4} Rc8 16. c3 Nf5 17. c4 Qc7 18. Nf3 {I wanted to avoid just swapping off a Knight on d7.} Rfe8 19. Nc3 a6 20. Bd2 ({It might have been better to play} 20. a4 {because of his next move}) 20... b5 21. g4 Nd6 22. f5 {Looking back, this is more lively than I might play now.} Nxc4 23. Ng5 Nde5 24. Qh3 {Because he moved the Knight to e5, he hasn't got Nf6 available now.} h6 {This is what most people would have played. But I answered with} 25. fxg6 Nxd2 26. gxf7+ Nxf7 27. Nxf7 Kxf7 28. Qd3 Nc4 29. Qh7 Rf8 ({He had been thinking about} 29... Rg8 {but after} 30. Rf1+ {the King has to move and loses the Rook on g8}) 30. Rf1+ Ke8 31. Qxg7 Rxf1+ 32. Rxf1 Qe5 ({You would think} 32... Qd6 {would be more useful because it defends two pawns, but after} 33. Qf7+ Kd7 34. Ne4 {defends the pawn and attacks the Queen}) 33. Qxh6 {I think Paul was a little troubled by the clock at this stage} Kd7 {I went for it and played} 34. Qxa6 Nd6 ({If Black had played} 34... Rh8 {then White gains another pawn with check} 35. Qxb5+) 35. Rf2 ({If} 35. Nxb5 {The White King could be harrassed by} Qe3+ {and Black could get a draw and if I was careless and allowed Qe2+, it would also be hitting the White Knight}) {He'd only a minute to play the next two moves before the time control and played a poor move,} 35... b4 {intending the drive the Knight away from defending d5.} ({If instead, he had played} 35... Qe1+ 36. Kg2 Qe5 {he'd have met the time control and White would then have to find a plan. It's possible, that in his haste, he thought that there isn't another check for a perpetual}) 36. Qa4+ {With time to spare, I'd reached the first time control of 36 moves in one and a half hours before adjournment.} ({If} 36. Qa7+ Rc7) 36... Kc7 {That was his 36th move time control. A modern player, wouldn't have this situation, but I had luxury of sealing a move, but not playing it on the board for an adjournment. The game would continue at a later date with next time control would 24 moves in a hour. I thought for about six minutes and wrote down the move.} ({In time trouble, he had his hand on the King and was about to play} 36... Kd8 37. Rf8+ {but must have seen} Kc7 38. Qa7+ Nb7 39. Nb5+ {is fatal}) {We resumed the game two weeks later on 01.07.1982 and I played the move I'd put in the envelope.} 37. Qa7+ {In the interval between this move and when we resumed, I had studied every single move.} ({After the game, Paul told me had hoped my sealed move was} 37. Qc6+ {which may rescue the Black King, because the Black Rook is the right side of the King, protecting it from checks.}) {A week or two later after the adjournment, he played} 37... Kd8 {When he saw my actual sealed move, he realised it was quite bad for Black, but he played on, because there might be a chance of a perpetual where the Black Queen was placed} ({During the interval, he had seen that} 37... Nb7 {loses to} 38. Nb5+ Kd8 39. Rf8+ Kd7 40. Qxb7+ {and the Rook has to interpose and White gains the Rook and Knight}) {Because of the adjournment, I was able to tick off all the moves I had prepared} 38. Rf8+ Ne8 39. Qb6+ Kd7 ({If he had played} 39... Rc7 40. Qb8+ {wins because the Rook is pinned against the Black Queen}) ({If he played} 39... Qc7 {which is probably the best of a bad lot, then I could play} 40. Na4 Qxb6 41. Nxb6 Rb8 42. Nc4 {and the trouble for Black is that he can't organise an effective defence against the g5 advance.}) 40. Qb7+ Rc7 ({If} 40... Qc7 {then it would follow as above} 41. Qb5+ Kd6 42. Qa6+ {and if he'd continued with} Ke5 43. Qe6+ Kd4 44. Qe4#) ({The trouble with} 40... Kd6 {hoping for a perpetual with the Black Queen is that you have} 41. Nb5#) 41. Qb5+ Kd6 42. Qa6+ ({If I'd played} 42. Qb6+ Kd7 {I cannot get the Queen to a4 again with check.}) 42... Kd7 43. Qa4+ Kd6 44. Nb5+ Kxd5 45. Rf5 1-0