[Event "Round 7: Vera Vujovic - Mila Radenkovic"] [White "Vujovic,Vera"] [Black "Radenkovic"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator ""] [Result "1-0"] [Date "2024.02.09"] [PlyCount "99"] 1. e4 {} g6 {} 2. d4 {} d6 {} 3. Nf3 {} Bg7 {} 4. Nc3 {} a6 {} 5. Be3 {} b5 {} 6. Bd3 {} Bb7 {} 7. Qd2 { White is more active.} (7. O-O $0 $16 {} )Nd7 $0 $11 {} 8. Ne2 $6 {Inaccuracy. O-O was best.} (8. O-O c5 9. dxc5 Nxc5 10. b4 Nxd3 11. cxd3 Rc8 12. Nd4 Nf6 )({ White should try} 8. O-O $0 $11 {} )h5 $6 {Inaccuracy. Ngf6 was best.} (8... Ngf6 9. Ng3 c5 10. c3 Ng4 11. Bg5 h6 12. Bh4 $1 cxd4 13. cxd4 Qb6 14. h3 Ngf6 15. O-O )(8... Ngf6 $0 $15 {} )9. O-O $0 $14 {White is slightly better.} Ngf6 {} 10. e5 {} dxe5 {} 11. dxe5 {} (11. Nxe5 Nxe5 12. dxe5 Ng4 $0 $15 )Ne4 {} 12. Bxe4 {} Bxe4 {[#]} 13. e6 $1 {Inaccuracy. Ng5 was best.} Ne5 $0 $11 {} 14. Qxd8+ {} (14. exf7+ $0 $0 $142 {} Nxf7 15. Nfd4 )Rxd8 {} 15. Ng5 {} Bf5 { This pair of bishops is nice.} 16. Bd4 {} O-O {} (16... Bxe6 $0 $15 { feels stronger.} 17. Nxe6 fxe6 )17. Bxe5 {[%mdl 64] Remove Defender} Bxe5 {} 18. exf7+ {} Kg7 {} 19. Ng3 {} Bc8 {} 20. c3 {} Rd2 $1 {} 21. Rab1 {} (21. Nf3 $5 Rd5 $8 22. Ne4 $0 $11 )Rd5 { Threatens to win with ...Bxg3.} 22. N3e4 {} Bf6 {} 23. f4 {} Bf5 {} 24. Rbe1 {[%cal Yb1e1,Ye1e4,Ye4e6][%mdl 32]} Bxe4 {} 25. Ne6+ {} Kxf7 {} 26. Rxe4 {} Rc8 {} 27. Ng5+ {} Kg8 {} 28. Re6 {} Rd6 {} 29. Rfe1 {} Rcd8 {} 30. R6e2 {} c6 {[%cal Yc7c6,Yc6c5][%mdl 32]} 31. Ne6 {} R8d7 {} 32. Nc5 {[%csl Ya6,Yd7]} Ra7 {} 33. Ne4 {} Kf7 $4 {Blunder. Rd5 was best. Black is now going downhill.} 34. Nxd6+ $0 $18 {} exd6 {[%mdl 4096]Endgame. KRR-KRB} 35. Re8 {} c5 {} 36. Rc8 {} Be7 {} 37. h3 {} h4 {[#]} 38. g3 $1 {} hxg3 {} 39. Kg2 {} a5 {} 40. Rb8 {} b4 {} 41. a3 {} (41. Kxg3 Bf6 42. Rb6 Rd7 $0 $18 )bxa3 {} 42. bxa3 {} d5 {} 43. Rd1 {} (43. Kxg3 $6 d4 44. c4 d3 )Rd7 {} 44. Ra8 {} ({ Much less strong is} 44. Kxg3 d4 45. Rb5 Rc7 46. Rxa5 (46. cxd4 c4 $0 $18 )dxc3 $0 $18 )Bd8 {} 45. Kxg3 {} d4 {} 46. cxd4 {} cxd4 {} 47. Kf3 {} Bb6 {} 48. Ra6 {} Rd6 {} (48... Bc7 {} 49. Ke4 Re7+ 50. Kd3 (50. Kxd4 $2 { perishes.} Rd7+ {[%mdl 64] Skewer} 51. Ke3 Rxd1 $0 $19 )a4 )49. Rb1 {} Bc5 {} 50. Rxa5 { Weighted Error Value: White=0.15 (very precise) /Black=0.29 (precise) . Loses game: --- Black=1 Mistake: White=3 Black=3 Inaccurate: White=1 Black=1 OK: White=19 Black=15 Best: White=2 Black=1 Strong: --- Black=1 } 1-0