[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "White to play and win"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/2PP1R1K/8/k3r3/3b4/8/3r1B2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "13"]
[EventType "match"]
[EventRounds "20"]
[SourceVersionDate "2020.04.01"]
{[#]} 1. d7 (1. c7 Rc4 2. d7 Rxc7 3. d8=Q Rh7+ 4. Kg5 Rg7+ {The White king has
to avoid white squares because of a check from the bishop with a discovered
attack on the queen.} 5. Kh4 (5. Kf4 Rxf1+ $11) 5... Rh7+ 6. Kg3 Rg7+ 7. Kh2
Rd2+ $11) 1... Bc2 $1 {The bishop is needed to control h7 and other squares on
the b1-h7 diagonal in some lines} (1... Bxf1 2. c7 Rxd7 3. c8=Q {Black cannot
defend all his loose pieces}) (1... Rh4+ 2. Kg5 Rh8 3. c7 Rg8+ 4. Kh6 Rh8+ 5.
Kg7 $18) (1... Bb1 {is similar to the mainline starting 1...Bc2}) 2. c7 Rxd7 3.
Bb5+ $3 (3. c8=Q Rh7+ {now White cannot avoid repitition or loss of material
leading to a draw} 4. Kxh7 (4. Kg5 Rg7+ 5. Kh5 (5. Kf5 $4 Rc4+ $19) 5... Rh7+
6. Rh6 Re5+ 7. Kg4 (7. Kh4 Rxh6+ $11) 7... Bf5+ $11) (4. Kg6 $4 Rg4#) 4... Rc4+
$11 {This discovered attack picks up the queen and the position is drawn. This
is a key position in the puzzle and reveals the point of 1...Bc2}) 3... Kxb5 4.
c8=Q Rh7+ {Black tries the same defence as in the 3.c8=Q line but with the
king on b5 it does not work} (4... Rd2 {Black saves his bishop and rook for a
while but it does not take White long to round up the loose rook on d2} 5. Qa6+
Kb4 (5... Kc5 6. Qa5+) 6. Rb6+ Kc3 7. Qa3+ Kd4 8. Rd6+ $18) 5. Kxh7 Rc4+ 6.
Rf5+ {Now that this is check, the queen is saved and White has a win on
material.} Bxf5+ (6... Kb4 7. Qf8+ Kb3 8. Kh6 $18) 7. Qxf5+ $18 *