[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "White to play and win"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/8/5N2/p1RK4/pk6/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]
[EventDate "1993.04.??"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCategory "14"]
[SourceVersionDate "2020.04.01"]
{[#]} 1. Rc2+ Kb3 {the toughest defence} (1... Kb1 2. Ne2 a1=Q 3. Nc3+ Qxc3+ 4.
Kxc3 a2 5. Rb2+ Ka1 6. Rh2 Kb1 7. Rh1#) 2. Rc1 a1=Q {again the toughest move} (
2... Kb2 3. Kd2 a1=Q 4. Nd3+ Ka2 5. Nb4+ Kb2 6. Rxa1 Kxa1 7. Kc1 a2 8. Nc2#) 3.
Rxa1 Kb2 (3... a2 4. Rf1 $3 Kb2 {transposes}) 4. Rf1 $3 {only move to win,
allowing White to weave a mating net or win the queen} (4. Rh1 {this allows
the queen to defend against the mate} a2 5. Kc4 a1=Q 6. Nd3+ Ka2 7. Nb4+ Kb2 8.
Rh2+ Kb1 9. Kb3 Qa8 $11 {defends h1}) (4. Rg1 {this allows the queen to defend
against the mate} a2 5. Kc4 a1=Q 6. Nd3+ Ka2 7. Nb4+ Kb2 8. Rg2+ Kb1 9. Kb3 Qa7
$11 {defends g1}) (4. Re1 {this leaves the rook too close the Black king} a2 5.
Kc4 a1=Q 6. Nd3+ Ka2 7. Nb4+ Kb2 8. Re2+ Kc1 9. Na2+ Kd1 {and White cannot
play Re1+}) 4... a2 5. Kc4 a1=Q 6. Nd3+ Ka2 7. Nb4+ Kb2 8. Rf2+ Kb1 (8... Kc1
9. Na2+ Kb1 (9... Kd1 10. Rf1+) 10. Kb3 {and there is no defence to Rf1}) 9.
Kb3 {there is no satisfactory defence to Rf1, showing why it had to be 4.Rf1
as opposed to some other rook move.} Kc1 10. Rf1+ Kd2 11. Rxa1 $18 *