[Event "Chess Study Art"]
[White "Rusz,Arpad"]
[Black ""]
[Site ""]
[Round ""]
[Annotator "version"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Date "2023.??.??"]
[PlyCount "21"]
[Setup "1"]
[FEN "8/2p5/7n/3p4/8/k7/P7/1K3B2 w - - 0 1"]
1. Kc2 $1 (1. Bh3 $2 Ng8 $1 (1... Nf7 $2 2. Be6 $11 )2. Kc2 Kb4 3. Be6 Ne7 $19 (3... Nf6 ))(1. Bg2 $2 c6 2. Kc2 Kb4 $19 )Kb4 (1... Ng4 2. Kc3 c5 3. Bg2 d4+ (3... Ne3 4. Bxd5 $1 Nxd5+ 5. Kc4 $11 )4. Kc4 $1 Ne3+ 5. Kxc5 Nxg2 6. Kxd4 $11 )2. a3+ $1 Kc5 (2... Kxa3 3. Kc3 Nf5 4. Bh3 Ne7 5. Bd7 $1 c6 6. Kd4 Kb4 7. Bxc6 $1 Nxc6+ 8. Kxd5 $11 )3. Kb3 $1 {White is preparing the advance of the
a-pawn.} (3. Kc3 $2 Nf5 4. a4 Ng3 $1 5. Bd3 Ne4+ {Avoiding this check is the
reason why white should choose 2. Kb3 instead of 2. Kc3.} 6. Kb3 Kb6 $1 7. Kb4 c5+ $19 {Black gets a winning position after managing to achieve both of its
strategic goals (stopping the white pawn and pushing the c-pawn to c5).} )(3. a4 $2 Kb4 $19 )Nf5 4. a4 Nd4+ {Here the check comes even one move earlier
than in the previous try, but the knight is in an awkward position on d4.} (4... Ng3 5. Bd3 Ne4 {There is no check, therefore the white pawn can advance.} 6. a5 $11 )5. Kc3 Nc6 {Black stops the white pawn but simultaneously blocks
its own c-pawn by two pieces...} 6. Be2 $1 {zz} (6. Bd3 $2 d4+ 7. Kb3 Na5+ $19 )Na5 (6... d4+ 7. Kc2 $1 ({or} 7. Kd2 )(7. Kd3 $2 Nb4+ 8. Ke4 Nd5 $19 )Kb4 8. Kd3 $11 )7. Bh5 $3 {zz} (7. Bb5 $2 d4+ (7... c6 $2 8. Be2 $1 {zz} d4+ 9. Kd3 Nc4 10. Ke4 $11 )8. Kd3 c6 9. Ba6 Kd5 $19 )Nc4 (7... Kd6 8. Kb4 $11 )(7... d4+ 8. Kd3 Nc6 9. Ke4 $11 )8. Be8 $1 {zz. It is important for white to
defend its pawn.} (8. Be2 $2 d4+ 9. Kd3 Nb2+ $19 )Ne5 $1 {Black lets the
a-pawn run, planning to block it later. The knight has a dominating position
in the center of the board leaving only few safe squares for the bishop.} (8... d4+ 9. Kd3 Nb2+ {A fork but fortunately, the white pawn is defended.} (9... Ne5+ {With the bishop on d7 instead of e8, white would now lose.} 10. Ke4 $11 )10. Kc2 Nc4 11. Kd3 c6 12. Kc2 $1 {'positional draw'} (12. Ke4 $2 Nd6+ $19 )Ne5 13. Kb3 Nc4 14. Kc2 Na5 15. Kd3 Nc4 16. Kc2 {positional draw} )(8... c6 9. Kb3 $1 {zz} Kd4 $5 (9... Kb6 10. Bf7 $11 )(9... Kd6 10. Kb4 c5+ 11. Kb5 $11 )10. a5 $1 $11 (10. Bxc6 $2 Na5+ $19 ))(8... Nd6 9. Bg6 $1 (9. Bh5 $2 c6 $1 10. Bg6 Nc4 11. Bf7 d4+ $19 )c6 10. Bh7 $1 ({Thematic try:} 10. Bh5 $2 Nc4 11. Be2 d4+ 12. Kc2 Kb4 13. Kd3 c5 $19 )Nc4 11. Bg8 $1 d4+ 12. Kc2 $1 Kb4 13. Kd3 c5 14. Bxc4 $11 )9. Bb5 $1 {zz} (9. a5 $2 Nc6 10. a6 (10. Bxc6 Kxc6 11. Kd4 Kd6 12. a6 c5+ $19 )Na7 11. Bd7 (11. Bh5 Nb5+ $19 )c6 $19 )(9. Bh5 $2 d4+ 10. Kb3 Nc4 11. Be2 Na5+ $19 )Nc6 (9... d4+ 10. Kb3 {The
bishop is ideally placed attacking both c4 and c6.} Nc6 11. Bxc6 Kxc6 12. Kc4 $11 )10. Be2 $1 {zz} ({Thematic try:} 10. Bf1 $2 Na5 11. Be2 c6 $1 {zz} 12. Bh5 Nc4 $1 13. Be8 $1 Ne5 $1 {zz. Now the bishop cannot continue the
merry-go-round anymore and has to return. Unlike in the main line, here it is
not possible to attack the c4 square by Bb5 because of the line-interferring
c6 pawn.} 14. Bh5 d4+ 15. Kb3 Nc4 16. Be2 Na5+ 17. Ka3 Kb6 18. Kb4 c5+ $19 )Na5 11. Bh5 $1 {positional draw on 4 pairs of knight/bishop
corresponding squares} 1/2-1/2