[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2q1rk1/pp2p1b1/4p1pB/2P5/7Q/2Pn4/PP1NK1PP/R6R b - - 0 17"]
[PlyCount "23"]
[SourceVersionDate "2020.02.02"]
{} 17... Bxh6 (17... Nxb2 18. Nf3 Qd3+ 19. Kf2 {allows white to
fight on, and is not nearly as strong as either 17...Bxh6 or 17...Rf2}) (17...
Rf2+ {Quickest way to mate.} 18. Ke3 (18. Kd1 Bxh6 19. Qxh6 Nf4 {followed by
Qxd2}) 18... Nf4 {an imaginative move: very well done if you found this -
puzzle SOLVED. In a game situation you would need to calculate further than
this to make sure you could win in all lines.} 19. Qxf2 (19. Kxf2 Qxd2+ 20. Kg3
Qxg2+ 21. Kxf4 Rf8+ 22. Ke3 Rf3+ 23. Ke4 Qe2+ 24. Be3 Qxe3#) (19. Ne4 Re2+ 20.
Kxf4 e5+ 21. Kg5 e6+ 22. Kg4 Rxe4+ {and the white queen falls}) (19. Rad1 Re2+
20. Kxf4 Qd3 {leads to mate}) 19... Qd3+ 20. Kxf4 Rf8+ 21. Kg4 Rxf2 {leads to
a quick mate}) 18. Qxh6 Nf4+ {was the game continuation - more complicated
than 18...Rf2 but equally strong} (18... Rf2+ 19. Ke3 Ne5 {consider the puzzle
SOLVED if you got this far.} (19... Nf4 {also SOLVED}) 20. Kxf2 (20. Ke4 Qd3+
21. Kxe5 Qd5#) 20... Ng4+ {winning the queen}) 19. Kd1 (19. Ke1 Qd3) 19...
Qd3 20. Qh4 {a good defensive move, bringing the queen to f2 or e1 to defend d2
} (20. Rf1 Nxg2 21. Rxf8+ Rxf8 22. Kc1 Ne3) (20. Kc1 Rad8) (20. Rc1
Rad8 21. Rc2 Nxg2 (21... Nd5) 22. Kc1 (22. Rg1 Ne3+ 23. Ke1 Nxc2+ 24. Kd1 Ne3+
25. Ke1 Qxd2#) 22... Ne3) 20... Rad8 {puzzle SOLVED if you got this far,
though in a game situation you would be wise to calculate further than this
(black calculated all lines to a win of the exchange and then sampled a few
more moves to check the endgames looked winning).} 21. Qe1 (21. Qf2 Nd5 (
21... Qb5 22. Kc2 (22. Rb1 Qa4+) (22. b3 Qd3 23. Rc1 Nh3 24. Qe2 Nf2+)
22... Nd3) (21... Nh3) 22. Qe2 Ne3+ (22... Nxc3+ 23. bxc3 Qxc3) 23. Ke1
Nc2+ 24. Kd1 Nxa1 25. Qxd3 Rxd3 26. Ke2 Rfd8 27. Nc4 Nc2 28. Rc1 Ne3
29. Nxe3 Rd2+ 30. Kf3 Rxb2) 21... Nxg2 (21... Rf5 {is also strong}) 22.
Qxe6+ Rf7 (22... Kh8 {an engine move - efficient but far too complicated}
23. Qe2 Ne3+ 24. Ke1 Qd5 25. Rg1 Rf6) 23. Qe2 Ne3+ 24. Ke1 Nc2+ (24... Qd5 {
is also good} 25. Rg1 Rf6 26. Rc1 Re6) 25. Kd1 Nxa1 26. Qxd3 Rxd3 27. Ke2 Rh3
28. Rxa1 (28. Ne4 Rf5 29. Nf2 Rh4 30. Rxa1 Rxh2 31. Rf1 Rxc5 (31... g5))
28... Rxh2+ *