[Event "Bedford D v Luton A"] [Site "Bedford"] [Date "2023.12.14"] [Round "?"] [White "Cox, Lucian"] [Black "Hudson, Julian"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B08"] [WhiteElo "1651"] [BlackElo "2065"] [Annotator "Annotator, Julian Hudson"] [PlyCount "76"] [EventType "team"] [SourceVersionDate "2022.04.18"] [WhiteTeam "Bedford D"] [BlackTeam "Luton A"] 1. e4 g6 2. Nf3 d6 {[I've been studying the Pirc which I'd not played before. I decided to try it out in this game, and learn from my mistakes]} 3. d4 Nf6 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. Bc4 O-O ({I thought about playing} 5... Nxe4 6. Nxe4 ({but White can choose not to capture the Knight and instead play} 6. Bxf7+ {forcing Black to take with the King} Kxf7 {And now White recaptures the Knight} 7. Nxe4) 6... d5 {forking the Knight and Bishop}) 6. O-O {[I didn't want to play the alternative variations below and instead tried]} Bg4 (6... Nxe4 7. Nxe4 ({If now} 7. Bxf7+ {Black recaptures with the Rook} Rxf7) {then the fork} 7... d5 8. Bd3) 7. e5 $2 {[I didn't think this was White's best move because allows me to exchange Queens and attack the e5-Pawn]} dxe5 8. dxe5 Qxd1 9. Rxd1 Nfd7 10. Bd5 ({I was suprised at White's last move. I was dying to play c6 and this allows me to do so with a tempo. The best try was} 10. e6 fxe6 11. Be2) 10... c6 11. Be4 (11. Bb3 {was better}) 11... Nxe5 12. Bf4 Nxf3+ 13. Bxf3 Bxf3 14. gxf3 Re8 {[I know White's Rook is coming to d7 but I have time to defend]} 15. Na4 b6 16. c4 c5 {[shutting out the Knight from Black's Queen's side]} 17. Bxb8 Rexb8 $1 ({Recapturing with the Rook from the King's side prevents White's Rook from attacking Black's a-Pawn and b-Pawn with his Rook and Knight. If} 17... Raxb8 18. Rd7 a6) 18. Rd7 Kf8 {[I just have to be patient]} 19. Re1 e6 20. Red1 Bd4 {[disconnecting White's Rooks]} 21. Nc3 Ke8 22. Rc7 {[The Rook is running out of squares]} Rd8 23. Nb5 {[Attacking Black's Bishop and defending White's Rook but missing the reason for my last move]} Bxf2+ 24. Kxf2 Rxd1 25. Ke2 Rd7 26. Rc6 Ke7 27. Ke3 Rad8 {[Taking control of the d-File]} 28. Rc7 {[White tried to prevent this, but the game is lost]} Rxc7 29. Nxc7 g5 {[Getting ready to create a King's side Passed Pawn]} 30. Nb5 $2 a6 31. Nc3 f5 {[Denying White's Knight the e4-Square]} 32. h3 h5 33. a3 Rd4 34. Na4 ({Heading for the h4-Square. If White tries to defend his h-Pawn with} 34. Ne2 Rh4 35. Ng1 {Black's Rook heads over to White's Pawns on the Queen's side}) 34... Rxc4 35. Nxb6 Rh4 36. Nc8+ {[The Knight has nowhere to go]} Kd7 37. Nb6+ Kc7 38. Na8+ Kb7 {[Lucian resigned and was courteous in defeat as we went through the game afterwards]} 0-1