[Event "HSB competitie"]
[Site "Naaldwijk"]
[Date "2024.09.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Buzing, Pieter"]
[Black "Van Woerden, Michiel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C68"]
[WhiteElo "2128"]
[BlackElo "2126"]
[Annotator "Buzing,Pieter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r3kbnr/1ppb2pp/p1p2p2/8/3NPB2/2N5/PPP2PPP/R3K2R b KQkq - 0 9"]
[PlyCount "66"]
[EventDate "2024.??.??"]
[WhiteTeam "DSC 1"]
[BlackTeam "Schaakmat Westland 1"]
{The analysis is by Pieter with an addition around move 14 by HvdB} 9... O-O-O
10. O-O-O Ne7 11. Bg3 h5 12. h3 {Well, h3 or h4? I didn't feel much like
fixing my h-pawn on the colour of my only bishop. Still, the computer thinks
h4 (followed by f3) is better, but frankly I can't put my finger on it yet. I
do see that black is slowly improving after the text move.} Ng6 13. Rhe1 Bb4
14. Nf5 $2 {Based on a miscalculation.} h4 $1 {HvdB: Doesn't just attack the
Bishop, but is also a nice square clearance!} ({HvdB: And not yet} 14... Bxf5
$2 15. exf5 Ne7 16. a3 Bxc3 17. Rxe7 Bxb2+ 18. Kxb2 Rxd1 19. Rxc7+ Kd8 20. Rxb7
$11 {Although Black wins a Rook for a Knight, he gains only small advantage
because the he cannot play the h4: the pathetic Rook at h8 is at stake! That
saves a precious tempo. The pawn on g7 is lost. See also Pieters analysis
after move 15).} Re8 21. Rxg7 {with sufficient compensation for white.}) 15.
Bh2 Rhg8 $2 ({I (and probably Michiel as well) thought that} 15... Bxf5 16.
exf5 Ne7 17. a3 Bxc3 18. Rxe7 {should be very good for white, however} Bxb2+ $1
19. Kxb2 Rxd1 20. Rxc7+ Kd8 {and black is winning.} 21. Rxb7 {(HvdB: And this
why:} Rh5 $1 {The Hidden Silent punchline of Michiel's 14th move!} 22. Rxg7
Rxf5 23. f3 Rb5+ 24. Kc3 Rc5+ {with decisive advantage. The ‘pathetic’
Rook from h8 makes a career on the fifth row!)}) 16. Re2 Rde8 (16... Bxf5 $1 {
is still possible}) 17. Nd4 {Bxc3 en Lxf5 is the threat.} ({I saw that} 17.
Red2 $2 Bxf5 18. exf5 Ne7 19. Rd7 {fails on} Bd6 $19) 17... Ne5 $2 {Gives away
all his advantage. Black did not see how he could strengthen his position
further, especially as he was reluctant to give up his bishop pair. But it was
now time for that:} (17... Bxc3 $1 18. bxc3 c5 19. Nb3 b6 20. f3 f5 {and white
must either have his e-pawn isolated (after fxe4) or trade off after} 21. Red2
Be6 22. exf5 Bxf5 {and the once promising white majority on the king's wing is
held in control by a single h-pawn. In addition, the white knight has yet to
be redirected to a better square and white has many weak squares (c3, e3, e2).}
) ({By the way...} 17... c5 $2 18. Nd5 $1 $11) 18. Bxe5 Rxe5 19. Nf3 Rh5 20. e5
{As I said, e5 is an important square. This move also opens the fourth row.}
Bf5 $2 (20... Be7 $15 {to support the h-pawn would still be slightly better
for black.}) 21. Rd4 $1 {White now has big advantage.} Bc5 (21... Bxc3 22. bxc3
Rgh8 {doesn't look good either...}) 22. Rxh4 Rxh4 23. Nxh4 Bh7 24. Ne4 $1 {
White returns the extra pawn immediately. Piece activity is now more important
than a simple pawn. And besides that, now black's beloved bishoppair
disappears from the board.} Bxe4 ({Withdrawing} 24... Be7 {was the alternative,
but then black faces a dangerous 3-1 pawn majority after, say} 25. exf6 gxf6
26. g4 Rh8 27. Ng3 $18 {and the f5 square is for the knights.}) 25. Rxe4 Bxf2
26. Nf5 Kd8 27. Rg4 (27. e6 $1 g6 28. Rg4 {had been even stronger. What
dominance! For example} g5 29. h4 Bc5 30. h5 Rh8 31. h6) 27... fxe5 28. Rxg7
Rh8 29. Kd2 Rh5 30. Ne3 {Regroups the knight to g4, after which pawn e5 (that
square again!) will eventually fall. White's king is also on its way forward
while its colleague is stuck at the back row. The win is now almost automatic.}
b5 31. Ke2 Bg1 32. Kf3 a5 33. Ke4 Rh4+ 34. Ng4 Bh2 35. Kf5 Bf4 36. Nxe5 Bc1 37.
Rg8+ Ke7 38. Ng6+ Kf7 39. Nxh4 Kxg8 40. b3 c5 41. Ke6 Bf4 42. Kd5 1-0