[Event "ICCF EM/M/A078 Originele aantekeningen"] [Site "ICCF Email"] [Date "1999.09.15"] [Round "?"] [White "Bos, Henk van den (NED)"] [Black "Benatar, Erik (FRA)"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A29"] [Annotator "van den Bos,Henk"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "1r3rk1/3q1pp1/p3b2p/1pp1P2Q/1PPpBR2/P2P2P1/7P/5RK1 b - - 0 22"] [PlyCount "28"] [EventDate "1999.??.??"] {Black is on the move. I though there were good winning chances here....} 22... cxb4 23. axb4 bxc4 {[#]} 24. Rf6 $1 {This was my intention.} cxd3 $5 {Black has an ingenious defence in mind.} (24... gxf6 $4 25. exf6 {is mate in three moves is mat in drie.}) 25. Rxh6 {Consistent...} (25. Bxd3 $2 {this loses important time in the attack} Rxb4 26. Rxh6 gxh6 27. Qxh6 Rc8 $1 {and a draw is to be expected...}) 25... gxh6 {Only move.} 26. Rf6 $1 {And there is the second one; blocking the f-pawn forever.} ({At} 26. Qxh6 $4 {ther is of course} f5 $1 27. exf6 {and good drawing chances for Erik} d2 28. Qg6+ Kh8 {The rooklift to f4 is not possible becaise of the promoting d-pawn.}) 26... Rfc8 $1 {The only move to give the black King more space. And there is and there is a second reason....} 27. Qxh6 {Threathens Lh7 and soon mate. But there is a surprise:} Rc1+ $1 {Black is starting a beautiful defensive concept...} 28. Qxc1 {There is no better move..., but how can he defend Qg5 followed by Rh6?} d2 $3 {A beautifull example of clearing the square d3!} (28... Kf8 $2 29. Qh6+ Ke7 30. Qh4 $1 d2 31. Rxe6+ $1 {Dubbelschaak en} Kxe6 32. Qf6# {mat!}) (28... Rc8 $2 29. Qg5+ Kf8 30. Rh6 {and white is winning}) 29. Qxd2 d3 $3 {[#] and another clearing at square d4!} 30. Qg5+ ({Tja, wat anders?} 30. Bh7+ {Werkt niet:} Kf8 $1 31. Qh6+ Ke7 32. Qh4 Kf8 {en de witte Loper staat Torenwinst in de weg met Dh8.}) 30... Kf8 {Zie de opmerking bij zet 28, maar.....} 31. Qh6+ ( {Alas, there is nothing better. After} 31. Rh6 $4 {black has the devastating move} Qd4+ $1 {and is even winning!} 32. Kf1 {Only move} Qa1+ 33. Kf2 Qb2+ 34. Kg1 Qb1+ 35. Kf2 Qc2+ 36. Kg1 Qd1+ 37. Kg2 Qe2+ 38. Kg1 Qe1+ {and the white Bishop dies with a check.}) 31... Ke7 32. Qh4 Qd4+ $1 {Again the move that saves the game.} 33. Rf2+ (33. Kg2 $5 Rxb4 $1 {and the draw is is within reach for black.} 34. Rxe6+ Kxe6 35. Qf6+ {with the black Queen on the d4-square, there is enough space for th black King to escape.} Kd7 36. Qc6+ {and white has to draw the game.}) 33... Kf8 34. Qh8+ Ke7 35. Qf6+ Kf8 36. Bxd3 {and we decided to a draw. With that, we shared first place in the tournament.} 1/2-1/2