[Event "?"]
[Site "London"]
[Date "1972.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Sigurjonsson, G."]
[Black "Stein, L."]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2rq1rk1/1b2bppp/pp2p3/4P3/PP1N1Pn1/1QNP4/6PP/R4RBK b - - 0 0"]
[PlyCount "9"]
[EventType "match"]
[EventRounds "20"]
[EventCountry "ENG"]
[SourceVersionDate "2020.04.01"]
{[#]} 1... Nxh2 $1 2. Kxh2 {Black can easily regain his piece due to the
potential threat of Qh4 mate.} (2. Rfc1 {is best and was played in the game
but Black was a clear pawn up and with a better position too, and went on to
win.}) (2. Bxh2 Qxd4) 2... Rxc3 (2... Bxb4 {immediately is also good}) 3. Qb2 (
3. Qxc3 Bxb4 {winning the white queen since Qh4 mate is threatened}) 3... Rxd3
{and the weaknesses in White's position will cost him further material e.g} 4.
Ra3 (4. g3 Qd5) 4... Rxa3 5. Qxa3 Bxb4 *