[Event "?"]
[Site "lichess.org"]
[Date "2021.07.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Cut off the opposing king"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "peter"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2r5/8/5k2/8/2P5/2K5/8/7R w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "33"]
[EventDate "2021.??.??"]
[SourceVersionDate "2021.06.11"]
{[#]} 1. Re1 Kf7 {the most logical defence, trying to keep checking the white
king fron the front} (1... Kf5 2. Kb4 Rb8+ 3. Ka5 Rc8 4. Kb5 Rb8+ 5. Ka6 Rc8 6.
Rc1 {is siimilar to the mainline and as we shall see cuts out one of White's
winning methods but not all of them.}) 2. Kb4 Rb8+ 3. Ka5 Rc8 (3... Ra8+ 4. Kb6
) 4. Kb5 Rb8+ 5. Ka6 Rc8 (5... Ra8+ 6. Kb7) 6. Rc1 {now with the white king in
a favourable position it is possible to release the black king and drive the
pawn home} (6. Re4 {keeping the king cut off also wins} Ra8+ 7. Kb7 Ra4 8. Kc6
{etc, but Black could have prevented this way of winning with 1...Kf5}) 6...
Ke7 7. Kb7 Rc5 8. Kb6 Re5 (8... Rc8 9. c5 Rb8+ 10. Kc7 Rb2 11. c6 {and White
will reach the Lucena position}) 9. c5 Kd8 10. Rh1 {the most obvious} (10. Rd1+
{is a nice refinement} Kc8 11. Rh1 Re2 12. Rh8+ Kd7 13. c6+ Kd6 14. Rd8+ Ke7
15. c7 $18) 10... Re2 11. Rh8+ Ke7 (11... Kd7 12. c6+ Ke7 13. c7) 12. c6 Rb2+
13. Kc7 Ra2 14. Kb8 Rb2+ 15. Kc8 Ra2 16. Rh7+ Kd6 17. c7 $18 *