[Event "NOR-chT Clubs"]
[Site "Fagernes"]
[Date "2011.10.14"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Hansen, Erle Andrea Marki"]
[Black "Vallente, Herman Jr"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D11"]
[WhiteElo "1749"]
[PlyCount "118"]
[EventDate "2011.10.14"]
[EventType "team-tourn"]
[EventRounds "6"]
[EventCountry "NOR"]
[SourceTitle "EXT 2015"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2014.11.20"]
[SourceVersion "1"]
[SourceVersionDate "2014.11.20"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 17,118,-21,-14,-24,-26,-28,-12,-45,-13,-136,-105,-128,-64,-83,-16,-148,
-817,-590]} 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 Bf5 4. b3 e6 5. Bb2 Be7 6. O-O O-O 7. c4
c6 8. d4 Nbd7 9. Nbd2 h6 10. Rc1 {D11: Slav Defence: 3 Nf3 sidelines and 3...
Nf6 4 e3 Bg4.} a5 11. a3 Ne4 12. Ne1 {[#]The position is equal.} Ndf6 $146 ({
Predecessor:} 12... Nxd2 13. Qxd2 Bd6 14. f3 Bh7 15. e4 dxc4 16. bxc4 e5 17.
Nd3 exd4 18. c5 Be7 19. Bxd4 {1-0 (58) Karttunen,M (2413)-Chipanga,T Bled 2002}
) 13. f3 Nxd2 14. Qxd2 Bh7 15. Nd3 Nd7 {[%CAl Bf6d7,Bd7b6,Bb6c4,Bc4d6,Bd6b5,
Bb5d4,Bd4b3][%mdl 32]} 16. Rce1 a4 17. cxd5 exd5 ({And not} 17... axb3 18. dxe6
fxe6 19. e4 $11) 18. b4 Nb6 19. Bc1 Nc4 20. Qc3 Bf6 21. Nf2 Nd6 22. Ng4 $2 (22.
Bb2 $17 {was called for.}) 22... Nb5 $19 23. Nxf6+ Qxf6 24. Qa1 Qxd4+ 25. Qxd4
Nxd4 26. e3 Nb3 27. Bb2 Nd2 28. Rf2 Nc4 29. Bc1 Rfe8 30. Bf1 Ne5 31. Bb2 b6 32.
Rc1 Rac8 33. Bd4 Nd7 (33... Rb8 {looks sharper.} 34. Be2 b5 35. Rc5 f6 36. Rf1
Re6) 34. Bh3 f5 35. Rfc2 Re6 (35... c5 $5) 36. Rc3 (36. Bf1 {with more
complications.} Bg6 37. Bb5 Ne5 38. Bxe5 Rxe5 39. Bxc6 Kf8 40. Kf2) {[%tqu
"En","","","","c6c5","",10]} 36... c5 $1 {[%mdl 512]} 37. bxc5 bxc5 38. Bxc5 (
38. Kf2 {keeps more tension.} Rb8 39. Rxc5 Nxc5 40. Rxc5 Re7 41. g4) 38... Nxc5
39. Rxc5 Rxc5 40. Rxc5 Rxe3 {[%mdl 64] [#] Double Attack} 41. Rxd5 Rxf3 $11 {
[%mdl 4096] Endgame KRB-KRB} 42. Bf1 $2 (42. Kg2 $11 Rxa3 43. Ra5) 42... Rxa3
43. Bc4 {[%CAl Rd5d8]} Kf8 44. Ra5 {[%tqu "En","","","","f5f4","",10]} h5 $2 ({
Black should try} 44... f4 $1 $19 45. gxf4 Bc2) 45. Bb5 Ra1+ 46. Kg2 a3 47.
Ra8+ $2 (47. Bc4 $17) 47... Ke7 $19 48. Ra7+ Kf6 {[#] ...Bg8 is the strong
threat.} 49. Ra6+ Ke5 {Black is clearly winning.} 50. Bc4 f4 51. Ra5+ Kd4 52.
Bf7 Be4+ 53. Kf2 f3 54. Ra4+ Ke5 55. Ra5+ Kd6 56. Ra6+ (56. Bxh5 $142 Ra2+ 57.
Ke3 Re2+ 58. Kf4 g5+ 59. Rxg5) 56... Kc5 57. Ra4 Bc6 58. Rc4+ Kb5 {White must
now prevent ...a2.} 59. Rc2 Be4 0-1