[Event "Czech Open-A 2023"] [Site "Pardubice"] [Date "2023.07.26"] [Round "6.22"] [White "Crevatin, Leo"] [Black "Sorensen, Hampus"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E11"] [WhiteElo "2265"] [BlackElo "2474"] [Annotator "TA"] [PlyCount "64"] [EventDate "2023.??.??"] [TimeControl "60"] {[%evp 11,63,12,5,10,18,-2,-6,-29,-19,-12,-14,-16,-29,-14,0,-29,-33,-24,0,-7, -16,-16,-18,-54,-40,-46,-23,-58,-35,-37,-46,-37,-41,-49,29,12,79,77,99,105,129, 32,150,149,158,-17,84,-223,-253,-920,-904,-29998,-29999,-29999] I am happy to see many young chessplayers are attending global chess tournaments. It is a sign  that chess is getting more popular. Our featured game was won by Sweden's IM Hampus Sorensen using the cunning Bogo Indian. Let's find out.} 1. d4 {[%emt 0:00:03]} Nf6 {[%emt 0:00:21]} 2. c4 {[%emt 0:00:07]} e6 {[%emt 0:00: 13]} 3. g3 {[%emt 0:01:11]} d5 {[%emt 0:00:28]} 4. Bg2 {[%emt 0:00:07]} Bb4+ { [%emt 0:00:16]} 5. Bd2 {[%emt 0:00:29]} Be7 {[%emt 0:00:45]} 6. Nf3 {[%emt 0: 00:06]} c6 {[%emt 0:01:08]} 7. O-O {[%emt 0:00:38] E11: Bogo-Indian.} Nbd7 $1 { [%emt 0:00:19][%mdl 4] is now more promising than 7...0-0.} 8. Bf4 {[%emt 0:07: 51]} dxc4 {[%emt 0:05:11]} 9. Qc2 {[%emt 0:21:28] The position is equal.} b5 { [%emt 0:09:30] THE ASSIGNMENT: The next move is NEW TRENDING based on review of chessbase.com.} 10. Ne5 $146 {[%emt 0:06:55]} ({Predecessor:} 10. e4 Bb7 11. Rd1 O-O 12. Nc3 a6 13. h4 h6 14. Rd2 Qb6 15. Re1 Rad8 16. Bh3 {0-1 Valsecchi,A (2429)-Steingrimsson,H (2556) EU-ch 13th Plovdiv 2012 (4)}) 10... Nxe5 { [%emt 0:01:22]} 11. Bxe5 {[%emt 0:01:11]} Bb7 {[%emt 0:11:32]} 12. a4 {[%emt 0: 03:51]} Qd7 {[%emt 0:04:26]} 13. Nc3 {[%emt 0:07:34]} O-O {[%emt 0:01:24]} 14. Bxf6 {[%emt 0:05:54]} Bxf6 {[%emt 0:01:40]} 15. Rfd1 {[%emt 0:00:15]} a6 { [%emt 0:10:22]} (15... Bxd4 $2 16. e3 $18) 16. Ne4 {[%emt 0:01:58]} Be7 { [%emt 0:00:18]} (16... Bxd4 $2 17. e3 $18 (17. Nc5 Qe7 $16)) 17. Nc5 {[%emt 0: 07:18]} Bxc5 {[%emt 0:01:50]} 18. dxc5 {[%emt 0:02:02]} Qe7 {[%emt 0:12:24]} 19. Rd6 {[%emt 0:00:12]} Qg5 $1 {[%emt 0:00:11]} 20. Rd7 $1 {[%emt 0:13:16]} Rab8 {[%emt 0:00:43]} 21. axb5 {[%emt 0:01:19]} axb5 {[%emt 0:02:39]} 22. Ra7 { [%emt 0:01:20]} Ba8 {[%emt 0:06:00]} (22... Bc8 $15 23. Qd2 (23. Rdc7 Qxc5 24. Be4 h6 $15) 23... Qxc5 24. Rxf7 {[%mdl 64] Decoy} Rxf7 25. Rxf7 {[%mdl 64] Remove Defender} Kxf7 26. Qf4+ Ke7 27. Qxb8 Bd7) 23. Be4 $11 {[%emt 0:00:41]} h6 {[%emt 0:08:48] [#]} (23... g6 $11 {keeps the balance.}) 24. Bg6 $1 { [%emt 0:02:13][%CAl Rg6f7]} Qxc5 {[%emt 0:02:38][%CAl Ya8b7]} (24... Qxg6 $2 25. Qxg6 $18) (24... Bb7 25. Bh7+) 25. Bxf7+ {[%emt 0:01:11]} (25. Rxf7 $2 Bb7 26. Raxb7 Rxb7 27. Rxf8+ Kxf8 $19) 25... Kh8 {[%emt 0:00:07]} 26. Qg6 {[%emt 0: 01:28]} (26. Bxe6 $2 Qxf2+ 27. Kh1 Qf1#) (26. Kg2 $16) 26... c3 {[%emt 0:10:31] } (26... b4 $1 $14) 27. bxc3 $16 {[%emt 0:06:11] Black must now prevent Kf1.} ( 27. Qxe6 $2 cxb2 28. Qb3 Rxf7 29. Qxf7 b1=Q+ $19) 27... Qxc3 {[%emt 0:00:02] [#] And now ...Qe1+ would win.} (27... e5 $2 28. Kg2 e4 29. Be6 Rxf2+ 30. Kh3 $18) 28. Rd1 {[%emt 0:02:50] Inhibits Qe1+.} ({Don't play} 28. Qxe6 c5 29. f3 Rbe8 $16) ({Worse is} 28. Bxe6 Qe1+ 29. Kg2 Rxf2+ 30. Kh3 Qf1+ 31. Kg4 Qxe2+ 32. Kh4 Rxh2+ 33. Bh3 Qb2 34. Qxg7+ (34. Rxg7 Qb4+ 35. Qg4 Qxg4+ 36. Kxg4 Re8 $11) 34... Qxg7 35. Rxg7 Re2 $11) (28. Kg2 $1 $16 {[%CAl Yf7g8] Bg8! is the strong threat.} c5+ 29. f3) 28... Rbd8 {[%emt 0:01:08]} (28... c5 $11 {remains equal.}) 29. Rda1 $2 {[%emt 0:02:23][%mdl 8192] Now White is beyond hope.} (29. Rxd8 $16 Rxd8 30. Bxe6) 29... c5 $40 {[%emt 0:01:34][%mdl 128] Black is out for blood.} 30. Bxe6 {[%emt 0:00:59] [#]} (30. Qg4) 30... Qd4 $1 {[%emt 0:00: 19][%csl Gf8][%CAl Rd4f2]} 31. Bf5 {[%emt 0:01:07] [#]} Qd1+ $3 {[%emt 0:00:30] [%mdl 576] Back Rank} 32. Rxd1 {[%emt 0:01:27]} Rxd1# {[%emt 0:00:07] A cool game by Sorensen. White tried all his tools to penetrate black's defensive structure but fell short. Imagination really is an important factor to win games. Happy to share this game to you all. God Bless...} 0-1