[Event "EU-Cup 46th"] [Site "Struga"] [Date "2021.09.18"] [Round "1.4"] [White "Godart, Francois"] [Black "Grischuk, Alexander"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "2407"] [BlackElo "2775"] [PlyCount "48"] [EventDate "2021.??.??"] 1. e4 e5 2. f4 {The King's Gambit} exf4 {There are other variations to tackle white's dangerous set-up. We will discuss other lines to further increase your understanding why white cannotĀ be underestimated, 2. f4 is a direct attack to black's center pawn but no worries will dig more into it in futureĀ blogs.} 3. Nf3 {Other line is 3. Bc4 allowing Qh4 check. We will study that too. But first things first, one at a time...} h6 4. d4 g5 5. Nc3 d6 {I hope you are not disappointed by black's responses, which are all pawn movements. It is part of the opening strategy.} 6. g3 {I am not a fan of this move but let us see why some masters use it.} ({If} 6. h4 Bg7 7. Bc4 Bg4 8. Qd3 Nc6 9. Ne2 Qe7 10. hxg5 hxg5 11. Rxh8 Bxh8 12. Bd2 O-O-O 13. O-O-O {Black is pawn up.}) 6... fxg3 7. hxg3 Bg7 {Yes, the bishop must protect the rook at h8 due to the Bg5 threat.} 8. Be3 Bg4 {This bishop is comfortably placed at g4 and bit by bit black is initiating pressure.} 9. Bg2 {Still pinned...} ({If} 9. Be2 Nf6 10. Bf2 Nc6 11. d5 Bxf3 12. Bxf3 Ne5 13. Qe2 Nxf3+ 14. Qxf3 Nd7) 9... Nc6 {White continues pressuring the d4 pawn...} 10. Qd2 Qd7 {If GM Alexander Grischuk is cooking here.. he would be a great chef!! He knows how to prepare, then cook... same as chess...} 11. O-O-O Nge7 {Fantastic set-up by black since its pawn up.. .only time will tell white can't hold on black's gripping moves.} 12. Rdf1 { Of course!! That relieves tension from the pin.} O-O-O {Now the king is safe, black is all set for a final showdown...tactical shot is inevitable.} 13. d5 Ne5 14. Nxe5 Bxe5 {WE STOP HERE: WHY BLACK GAVE UP THE F7 PAWN? EVALUATE? WHAT ARE BLACK'S PLANS?} 15. Rxf7 Qe8 16. Qf2 Ng6 {This knight is checking on e5 square...fantastic square and yet queen at e8 also eyeing the a4 square.} 17. Bf3 Bxf3 18. Qxf3 Kb8 {Safety first...coz there is a trick check at f5 square.. .} 19. Qf5 Bxc3 {This is the plan why black gave up the pawn at f7 enticing white to take it with a tempo move Qe8 going to a4 square. We learn a lot from Super GMs how they cook "este" their high level thinking patterns...} 20. Qxg6 Be5 {This bishop is super dangerous pressuring the b2 pawn soon the queen at e8 will do the damage via a4 or b5 and more...} 21. Qf5 Qb5 22. c3 {Forced...} a5 {This pawn heads to a3 to disrupt white's queenside pawn structure where the king hides.} 23. g4 {This is an unnecessary move...anyways.. white can't do much in defending his king at c1...} Qc4 24. Kb1 Qd3+ {BLACK RESIGNS: Due to the bishop at e3 is free to take. GM Alexander Grischuk displayed a technical approach handling black versus the King's Gambit. I hope you learned from this game, it is such an educational game. Where to place pieces, what are the rules of each piece and why black moved pawns first in the opening stage. Thank you.. GM Alexander Grischuk for this wonderful game...} 0-1