[Event "?"] [White "K+p v K (King in front)"] [Black "?"] [Site "?"] [Round "?"] [Result "*"] [Date "2024.12.19"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/4k3/8/4K3/4P3/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "8"] [GameId "2124477718210382"] [SourceVersionDate "2024.12.18"] {[%evp 0,8,1032,1460,1032,29975,1032,29977,1032,29977,1032] With white to move this would be a draw. For example, 1.Kd5 is met by Kd7, and no progress can be made.} 1... Kd7 2. Kf6 Ke8 3. Ke6 (3. e5 Kf8 4. e6 Ke8 5. e7 {also wins}) 3... Kd8 4. Kf7 Kd7 5. e5 {and the pawn promotes} *