[Event "USCF 21ENs03 - 2021 Electronic Knights"] [Site "?"] [Date "2023.03.01"] [Round "?"] [White "Anderson, Clarence"] [Black "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A70"] [WhiteElo "1767"] [BlackElo "1947"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "88"] [EventDate "2023.03.01"] [EventType "tourn (corr)"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceVersionDate "2021.05.17"] {[%evp 27,88,45,47,27,33,33,36,41,33,33,32,43,30,31,46,18,29,30,26,19,37,11,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-11,0,-47,-47,-47,-47,-59,-73,-55,-59,-92,-66,-67,-81,-81,-13,0,-17,0,0,0,-1,-549,-535]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nc3 d6 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. O-O e5 8. e4 exd4 9. Nxd4 Re8 10. h3 Nc5 11. Re1 Bd7 12. Rb1 a5 13. b3 c6 14. Bf4 Qb6 {[%CAl Of6e4]} 15. Bxd6 {E69: King's Indian: Fianchetto: 6...Nbd7 7 0-0 e5 8 e4 c6 9 h3.} Ncxe4 16. Bxe4 (16. Nxe4 {is more complex.} Nxe4 17. Rxe4 Rxe4 18. c5) 16... Nxe4 17. Rxe4 {White is slightly better.} Rxe4 18. Nxe4 Qxd4 19. Qxd4 Bxd4 {This pair of bishops is nice.} 20. Rd1 Bb2 21. Bb8 b5 ({Don't take} 21... Bxh3 22. Rd8+ Kg7 23. Be5+ Bxe5 24. Rxa8 $18) 22. Rxd7 Rxb8 $11 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame. KRB-KRN} 23. Nd6 f5 {[#]} {if. ...cxb5 then, 25. Rb7 if, ....Rxb7 then, 26. Nxb7} 24. cxb5 $146 ({Predecessor:} 24. c5 Ba3 25. Nb7 Re8 26. Rc7 Re2 27. Rxc6 Rxa2 28. Ra6 Rc2 29. c6 a4 30. bxa4 bxa4 31. Rxa4 Be7 32. Ra8+ Kf7 33. Rc8 {½-½ Liedtke,D (2174)-Winz,M (2098) GER-chT9 LI-22 Br04 email GER email 2011}) 24... cxb5 (24... Rxb5 $2 {[%eval 597,29] [%wdl 1000,0,0][%mdl 8192] 24...cxb5 0.10} 25. Nxb5) 25. Rb7 Rxb7 26. Nxb7 {KB-KN} a4 27. bxa4 {if, ...bxa4 then, 28. Nc5} bxa4 28. Nc5 a3 29. Kf1 Kf7 30. Ke2 Bd4 31. Nd3 Ke6 32. h4 Kd5 (32... Ba7 33. f3 Bb8 34. Nf4+ Kf6 35. Ke3 g5 36. hxg5+ Kxg5 {And now ...Bxf4+ would win.} 37. Ne6+ Kf6 38. Nf4 Ba7+ 39. Kd2) 33. Kd2 (33. Nf4+ Kc4 34. Ne6 Kc3 35. f4 h6 36. Nf8 Kb2 37. Kd3 Bf2 38. Nxg6 h5 39. Ne7 Bxg3 (39... Kxa2 $5 40. Kc2 $8 Bxg3 41. Nxf5 Bh2 $11) 40. Nxf5 Bxf4 (40... Kxa2 $5 41. Kc2 $8 Bh2 $11) 41. Ng7 Be5 42. Nf5 Bh2 43. Ng7 Kxa2 44. Kc2 $1 Bg3 45. Nf5 Be1 46. Ng7 Bc3 (46... Bg3 $5) 47. Ne6 Bf6) 33... Kc4 34. Kc2 {I guess Kc2 was too early. f4 would have been better for White? Answer could be Bb6 or Bc3?} (34. f4 Bg1 {Strongly threatening ...Bh2.} (34... Bc3+ 35. Ke2 Bf6 36. Ne1 Kc3 37. Nf3 Kb2 38. Kd3 Kb1 39. Kd2 Kxa2 40. Kc2 Ka1 41. Nd2 Ka2) 35. Ne5+ Kd5 36. Ke1) 34... Bb6 35. Kd2 Bc7 36. Nc1 {I think this was a mistake; f4 might be better Ba5+? or Bb6?} (36. f4 Kd4) 36... Ba5+ 37. Kc2 (37. Ke2 Kc3) 37... Bb6 38. f3 {Nd3 would have been better. Let's block now with Kd4} (38. Nd3 Kd4 39. Kd2 Bc7) 38... Kd4 {White must now prevent ...Ke3.} 39. Kd2 {[%CAl Oh4h5]} Ba5+ 40. Ke2 {Threatens to win with Nb3+.} Bb4 41. Nd3 {not sure what went wrong, but I think he managed to get an equal position. Options calculated: 41. Bd6, 41. Bf8, 41. Be7} Bd6 42. f4 (42. g4 $2 {[%eval -476,26] [%wdl 0,0,1000][%mdl 8192] 42.f4 -0.23 [#]} h5 $1 43. g5 Kc3 44. Ke3 {[#]} Bh2 $1) 42... Kc3 43. Ne5 $1 Bc5 (43... h5) 44. Nd3 $2 {[%eval -549,22] [%wdl 0,0,1000][%mdl 8192] White resigned. Surprisingly} (44. Nd7 $11 {[%eval -1,41] [%wdl 4,991,5]} Be7 45. Ne5) 44... Bg1 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.36/Black=0.07 (flawless) . Loses game: White=1 --- Inaccurate: White=4 Black=1 OK: White=8 Black=16 Best: White=3 Black=1 Strong: White=1 --- my next unsubmitted move, but White resigned} 0-1