[Event "Chessable Masters Div 1 Win"]
[White "Nakamura,Hikaru"]
[Black "Caruana,Fabiano"]
[Site "Chess.com INT"]
[Round "4.4"]
[Annotator "Srinath,Tanmay"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Date "2023.04.07"]
[WhiteElo "2775"]
[BlackElo "2764"]
[PlyCount "87"]
{[%evp 0,87,58,31,77,89,22,3,40,57,57,57,115,63,68,51,58,74,47,32,69,62,15,14,35,1,10,9,6,5,5,46,65,55,59,59,69,54,8,-7,-24,-24,48,57,49,30,37,31,58,25,100,36,118,118,118,118,112,120,120,136,173,167,175,17,102,94,114,46,46,0,202,188,291,274,342,368,368,305,305,315,315,320,332,318,318,318,368,368,414,1342]} 1. e4 { To
me, Hikaru Nakamura is the perfect example of someone who starts playing
better the moment they stopped caring about results or achievements. Playing
for nothing is really hard in chess, but thanks to his newfound financial
stability Hikaru is able to do something close to it and achieve great
results! Of course, losing to Ding in 2023 must have really hurt (considering
Ding went on to win the world crown), but his 'literally don't care' attitude
will ensure that Naka comes back strong!} c5 2. d4 {Hikaru has always
been really good dynamically, so it's great to see him give gambits like the
Morra a go in faster time controls.} cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 (3... Nf6 {In hindsight,
this would probably have been a safer option for Fabiano, but I think he is
too principled a player not to take the pawn.} )4. Nxc3 e6 5. Nf3 a6 {Not the
most critical setup against the Morra by any means, though I think Fabiano was
just surprised with Hikaru's choice.} 6. Bf4 $5 {An interesting choice by
Hikaru. He played a very similar setup against Erigaisi as well in later games.
This is the top choice of my computer as of writing, so it was perhaps a case
of great preparation.} ({In my Chessable course I gave the move} 6. Bc4 {
which is the main line and is doing quite well objectively. I think one of the
recent trends here for Black has been to go for an early b5 with} b5 {but in
my course I've revived a new bishop retreat with} 7. Bd3 $5 {with ideas of an
early h4.} )Nc6 7. Be2 d6 8. O-O Be7 9. Qb3 {So far so good from both
sides. White hasn't done anything dramatic, but the recent developments of NN
engines has allowed long-term pawn sacrifices to become more popular. This is
exactly the case here.} e5 $146 {A decent novelty, but nothing ground breaking.
I venture to guess that Fabiano was already out of book by this point.} (9... Nf6 10. Rfd1 Qc7 11. Qa3 e5 12. Bg5 {was a 2013 CC game that ended in a draw
after few more moves.} )10. Be3 Nf6 11. Bb6 $1 {This is very important. White
plays for positional domination, so it's important to keep the queenside under
check.} Qd7 12. Rfd1 O-O 13. Rac1 h6 14. Nh4 $5 {Starting very direct play.
Perhaps not fully correct from an objective perspective, but it pays off in a
practical game.} (14. h3 {The computer is chilling with this move and feels
Black is still the one who has to show how to equalise. It shows how the
compensation is of a long-term nature.} )Qe8 {I'm not sure what the
point of this move is, since it does nothing to stop Ng6. Yes, Black is still
objectively fine, but there was no need to allow White's next move. The
position is also transformed in a way that seems to benefit White, who wins
the bishop pair by force.} (14... Kh8 $1 {Getting out of the pin was more
natural. Black prepares Qe8 next and the position remains complex.} )15. Ng6 $1 {Forcing Black's next.} Be6 16. Bc4 fxg6 $1 (16... Bxc4 17. Qxc4 $18 {leaves
Black a full exchange down as White will take on f8.} )17. Bxe6+ Kh7 (17... Kh8 {was perhaps more prudent.} )18. Nd5 {This is way too direct. One of
Nakamura's great strengths is his ability to play very aggressive chess, but
sometimes this can be a drawback as well. The position's still flowing at a
slow pace, so such fast-paced action is not correct.} (18. Bh3 Bd8 19. Be3 {
is suggested by the computer to keep more tension.} )Bd8 $1 {Perhaps
Naka underestimated this resource.} 19. Nxf6+ Rxf6 20. Bd5 $1 {Sadly this is
forced. Now Fabiano makes the first real inaccuracy.} Rb8 $6 {Criticizing a
player in a rapid game might not be prudent all the time, but this is one
moment where Fabiano underestimated the potential of White's dark squared
bishop.} (20... Bxb6 $1 {Simple chess - eliminate your worst placed piece for
your opponent's good pieces.} 21. Qxb6 Rb8 {Yes, White wins back the pawn
following} 22. Bxc6 bxc6 23. Qxc6 Qf7 $132 {But Black's army has suddenly
become very active and this should give great counterplay.} )21. Be3 $1 {
A great move. The bishop returns, not allowing the exchange, and White's
positional pressure increases.} Be7 (21... Ba5 {is a better square.} )22. Qa4 (22. g3 $1 {Keeps a lot of control. White can play h4 next.} )Rc8 (22... Rf8 {is better, grovelling for equality.} )23. Rc3 {White slowly builds up the
pressure.} g5 {Another pseudo active move.} (23... Rf8 {Once again it was
imperative to retreat the rook.} )24. Rdc1 g4 25. b4 {This is way too
sophisticated.} (25. Bxc6 bxc6 26. Rxc6 $16 {Wins back the pawn and keeps a
large edge.} )Qg6 26. Bxc6 {Now this exchange occurs in far worse
circumstances.} (26. b5 $1 {Nakamura should have continued with his plan of
advancing the b-pawn.} axb5 27. Qxb5 {White keeps a lot of pressure. If for
example, Black tries to get active with} Rcf8 (27... Rc7 {Is better, holding
on for the moment.} )28. Qxb7 Nd4 29. Qxe7 Ne2+ 30. Kf1 Nxc1 31. Rxc1 {White's
two bishops are better than the enemy rook, and even though Black starts some
concrete counterplay with} g3 32. hxg3 Qxg3 33. Qa7 Qh2 {White is much better
after} 34. Qa5 $1 Qh1+ 35. Ke2 Rxf2+ 36. Bxf2 Qxc1 37. Qe1 $1 $16 {thanks to
the fact that the a-pawn is a real monster here.} )bxc6 (26... Rxc6 $1 {
was stronger, exchanging some pieces. But we get the same position as in the
game.} )27. Rxc6 {Missing a chance.} (27. Qxa6 $1 Re8 28. Qxc6 d5 29. Qxd5 Bxb4 30. Rc6 $16 {White remains a pawn up.} )Rcf8 {Going for a direct attack
paid off in the game, but there were better alternatives.} (27... Rxc6 28. Qxc6 d5 29. Qxd5 Bxb4 {Leads to a holdable middlegame.} )28. Qc2 {Hikaru fails to
call the bluff.} (28. Qxa6 $1 Qxe4 29. Rc7 $16 {and White has a great
advantage.} )h5 29. Rxa6 h4 $44 {Fabiano has suddenly got a lot of
counterplay. Fabiano hat plötzlich eine Menge Gegenspiel.} 30. Ra7 (30. Rc6 $5 {was cleaner, intending to meet} g3 {with} 31. fxg3 hxg3 32. hxg3 Qxg3 33. Rc3 )R6f7 $2 {Missing a great chance.} (30... g3 $1 {leads to forced equality.
For example,} 31. fxg3 hxg3 32. Qd3 Rf2 $3 {A beautiful interference pattern.} 33. Bxf2 Qh6 34. hxg3 Qxc1+ 35. Qf1 Qc2 $11 )31. Qe2 $2 {A case of mutual
blindness!} (31. g3 $1 $16 {preventing Black's counterplay, would have been
very strong!} )g3 $1 32. f3 gxh2+ (32... h3 $1 {would have been more
aggressive and stronger.} )33. Kh1 (33. Kxh2 $3 Qg3+ 34. Kh1 h3 35. Rg1 {
is apparently best play here, but I fully understand Hikaru's move as this
position looks really scary.} )h3 34. Rcc7 {Hikaru stays precise in a
crazy position.} Qe6 $2 {Gambling way too much. Now the position is lost.} (34... hxg2+ 35. Qxg2 Qxg2+ 36. Kxg2 Rxf3 37. Kxh2 Rxe3 38. Rxe7 Rxe4 $11 {
leads to forced equality.} )35. g3 (35. b5 $1 {is more stone-hearted, but
Hikaru's move is winning as well.} )Kh8 36. Kxh2 d5 37. Rxe7 $1 {
Finishing off with a flourish.} Rxe7 38. Rxe7 Qxe7 39. Bc5 Qf7 40. Bxf8 Qxf8 41. exd5 Qxb4 42. Qxe5 {Too many extra pawns for Black to hope for a draw.} Qd2+ 43. Kxh3 Qd3 44. Qe8+ {Fabiano resigned. A terrific fight by Nakamura,
showcasing the one quality that distinguishes him from the rest of the pack -
the ability to play 'good' moves all the time and not blunder anything big!} 1-0