[Event "NIC Classic KO 2021 "] [White "Carlsen,Magnus"] [Black "Nakamura,Nakamura"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator "Havanur Nagesh"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [Date "2021.01.06"] [PlyCount "35"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "4k3/8/4N2p/4P3/PR6/5p1r/3K2n1/8 w - - 0 48"] {At first sight it seems that Black would be promoting his pawn first. However, appearances are deceptive.} 48. Ng7+ {Weaving a mating net.} Kf8 49. Nf5 f2 50. e6 {Suddenly Black is faced with the prospect of mate.} Rd3+ $3 {A magical move.} ({Not} 50... f1=Q $4 51. Rb8# )51. Ke2 f1=Q+ 52. Kxf1 Rf3+ 53. Kxg2 Rxf5 {The storm has ceased. White is still a pawn up. But the rook ending is a theoretical draw.} 54. Rb5 Rf4 55. Ra5 Ke7 56. Ra6 h5 57. a5 Ra4 58. Kh3 h4 59. Ra8 Kxe6 60. a6 Kd7 61. a7 Kc7 62. Rh8 Rxa7 63. Rh7+ Kb8 64. Rxa7 Kxa7 65. Kxh4 1/2-1/2