[Event "USCF/EK/24EN02 (USA)"] [Site "ICCF"] [Date "2024.02.02"] [Round "?"] [White "Young III, William C."] [Black "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B07"] [WhiteElo "2007"] [BlackElo "2137"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "63"] [EventDate "2024.??.??"] {[%evp 26,63,35,28,34,6,26,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]} 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. f4 (4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Be2 O-O) 4... Bg7 5. Nf3 c5 {[%CAl Rf1b5,Gc8d7]} 6. Bb5+ Bd7 {[%CAl Re4e5,Gf6g4,Rh2h3]} 7. e5 Ng4 8. Bxd7+ (8. e6 fxe6 9. Ng5) (8. h3 cxd4) 8... Qxd7 (8... Nxd7 9. e6 fxe6 10. Ng5 $16) 9. d5 (9. h3 cxd4 10. Qxd4 Nc6 11. Qe4 Nh6 $11) 9... dxe5 10. h3 e4 11. Nxe4 {[%CAl Gg4f6,Re4f6,Gg7f6,Re1g1,Ge8g8]} (11. hxg4 exf3 12. Qxf3) 11... Nf6 12. Nxf6+ Bxf6 13. O-O O-O 14. Be3 {[%CAl Oc2c4]} (14. Be3 $5) 14... Bxb2 15. Rb1 (15. Ne5 Qc7 $1 16. Rb1 Bxe5 17. fxe5 Nd7 $1 18. e6 fxe6 19. dxe6 Rxf1+ $1 20. Qxf1 Rf8 {Repels Qf7+} 21. Qb5 Ne5 $1 22. Qxb7 Nf3+ 23. gxf3 Qg3+ 24. Kh1 Qxh3+ 25. Kg1 Qg3+ 26. Kh1 {and draw due repetition?}) 15... Bg7 $11 (15... Bf6 {[%eval 97,27] 15...Bg7 0.20 [#]} 16. Ne5 $1 Qc7) 16. Bxc5 Rd8 {The position is equal.} 17. c4 (17. Ne5 Qc7 18. Rb5 Nc6 $1 19. Qf3 a6 20. Rxb7 Qxb7) (17. Bf2) 17... Qc7 $1 {[%csl LRc5,LRf4]} 18. Bd4 {[#] aiming for Bxg7.} Qxc4 19. Bxg7 (19. Rxb7 $2 {perishes.} Rxd5 20. Rxe7 Nc6 $19 (20... Bxd4+ $2 21. Nxd4 Nc6 22. Rc7 $19)) 19... Kxg7 20. Rxb7 {Black must now prevent Ne5.} Qc5+ $5 {½-½ Acs,P (2521)-Chernin,A (2604) HUN-ch Lillafured 1999 (4) CBM 070 [Kaspi,A] was analyzed and I think it's a great idea to crack the nut: protecting the pawn and start an attack} (20... Qxd5 {½-½ Woldmo,A (2259)-Kuiper,J (2490) Wch26 sf04 ICCF Email 2002 (1) ICCF to 2022 [Asbjorn Woldmo]}) (20... Qxa2 $5 {[%eval 154,33] 20...Qc5+ 0.00} 21. Ne5 $17) 21. Kh2 {Hoping for Ne5.} Nd7 22. Qd4+ $5 {[%CAl Gc5d4,Rf3d4,Gd7f6,Rd4c6,Gd8d5] at this point, I didn't know what to play. ?xd4 seems the best to me to keep an equal position. ?xd4 ?f6 and ?xd5 wins the ?} (22. Re1) (22. Qc1 Qxd5 (22... Qxc1) 23. Rc7 $1 Nf6 24. Re1 e6 {[%CAl Of6e8]} 25. Ne5 Rf8 $1 26. Re2 Kg8) 22... Qxd4 23. Nxd4 {Nc6 is the strong threat.} Nf6 24. Nc6 Rxd5 25. Rxe7 {[%CAl Oc6e5]} Rd7 26. Rxd7 Nxd7 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame. KRN-KRN} 27. Rd1 Nf8 28. Rd8 $5 (28. Rd5 Rc8 29. Nxa7 Rc2 30. f5 {Inhibits Ne6.} (30. Ra5 Ne6 31. Ra4 $1 Nc5 32. Ra3 Ne6 33. Ra4 Nc5 34. Ra3) 30... Rxa2) 28... Rxd8 29. Nxd8 a6 30. g4 Nd7 (30... Kf6 31. Kg3 Ke7 32. Nb7 Ne6 33. f5 gxf5 34. gxf5 Nc7 35. a4) (30... f5 31. gxf5) 31. Kg1 (31. Kg3 Nf6 32. Kf3 Nd5 33. g5 f5 34. Nb7 Kf7 35. Nc5 a5 36. a4 Ke7 37. Nb3 Nc3 38. Nxa5 Nxa4 39. Nc4) 31... Nf6 {[%CAl Gf6d5,Gd5c3,Gd7f6]} 32. Kf2 {A balanced but interesting game. Weighted Error Value: White=0.02 (flawless) /Black=0.00 (flawless) . Inaccurate: White=1 --- OK: White=3 Black=11 Best: White=2 Black=2 Strong: --- Black=1} 1/2-1/2