[Event "2/83-17 Shakhmatny Listok"] [White "Kubbel,Leonid"] [Black "White to play and win"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator ""] [Result "1-0"] [Date "1922.??.??"] [PlyCount "11"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "1N6/8/K7/3k4/3p3B/p7/2PP4/8 w - - 0 1"] 1. Nc6 $3 (1. Bf6 a2 2. c3 (2. c4+ Kxc4 3. d3+ Kxd3 )a1=Q+ (2... dxc3 $4 3. Bxc3 ))(1. c4+ Kxc4 )Kxc6 2. Bf6 Kd5 {Now we have the same position as in the diagram above, except that the knight is gone (and the bishop is on f6). That is progress??} 3. d3 $1 (3. c4+ Kxc4 4. d3+ Kxd3 $19 )(3. c3 a2 $19 )a2 {The queening of the a-pawn still cannot be prevented.} 4. c4+ Kc5 ({Taking the pawn en passant allows White to recapture with the bishop and stop the pawn:} 4... dxc3 5. Bxc3 $18 )5. Kb7 $1 a1=Q 6. Be7# {[#]This kind of mate is called a model-mate. It means that any square around the doomed king is controlled only once.} 1-0