[Event "WZ-ch OC/19/34 email"] [Site "ICCF email"] [Date "2019.05.31"] [Round "?"] [White "Braider, Christopher"] [Black "Lund, Steven"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1507"] [BlackElo "1340"] [PlyCount "34"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. d4 {Now, we study a new variation where white allows Qh4 ch.} Qh4+ 4. Ke2 ({If} 4. g3 fxg3 5. Bg2 ({If} 5. Nf3 g2+ 6. Nxh4 gxh1=Q) 5... gxh2+ 6. Kf1 hxg1=Q+ 7. Kxg1 Qd8) 4... Qe7 {I checked all lines, in my opinion this is best as it hits directly the e4.} ({Other lines are:} 4... d5) (4... d6) 5. Nc3 Nf6 {Continuous pressure on e4..} 6. e5 {This pawn overextends now black will strike the e5 pawn.} (6. Kf2 d6 ({If} 6... Nxe4+ 7. Nxe4 Qxe4 8. Nf3 {Good for white}) 7. h3 {Avoiding Ng4 ch.} g5 {Best move for black to always protect the annoying f4 pawn.} ({If} 7... Nxe4+ 8. Nxe4 Qxe4 9. Nf3 {White is better.})) 6... d6 7. Nf3 Nc6 8. Bxf4 {It is ok to give up the f4 pawn because white king is at the center of the fight.} dxe5 9. dxe5 Bd7 { Black intends to castle. Playing on the ICCF playing platform, you have days to analyze positions.} 10. Kd2 {White king can run but can't hide...} Qb4 { The bishop at f4 is under attack.} 11. Bg5 Ne4+ {Now, all good moves are pointing only in one direction, which is for black side.} 12. Ke2 Nxg5 13. Nxg5 O-O-O {Yes, the threat is Bg4 ch. hitting the queen at d1.} 14. Qc1 Bc5 { This move limits the white king's mobility. White should resign now.} 15. h3 Qc4+ 16. Ke1 Qh4+ 17. Ke2 Bg4+ {If 18. hg4 then simply 18...Qf2 ch. mate. Playing in ICCF tournaments is way different than the live games. You can research and analyze games, yet the good thing about it, you will learn to research and gain new opening ideas. The rating is obviously low but games are a bit higher level, still, we learn from this game and add to our opening knowledge. THANKS.. STEVEN LUND FOR THIS WONDERFUL GAME. Keep safe always and follow health protocols...GOD BLESS YOU ALL...} 0-1