[Event "2023 Washington Senior Championship"] [Site "Internet Chess Club"] [Date "2023.04.16"] [Round "5"] [White "Christy, John"] [Black "Harwood"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B20"] [WhiteElo "1497"] [BlackElo "1882"] [Annotator "Harwood,Paul"] [PlyCount "34"] [EventDate "2023.??.??"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2013.12.29"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 0,34,40,11,44,-35,-44,-24,-27,-18,16,-17,13,-39,-53,-69,-68,-68,-83,-81,-40,-59,-47,-47,-47,-110,-72,-160,-130,-164,-125,-203,-173,-173,-161,-177,-213] This was the final round of the tournament. I played a 1500 who played closer to his rating than my first round opponent.} 1. e4 c5 2. b4 {The Wing Gambit. An opening I have played a handful of times in speed chess but never in tournament play.} cxb4 3. a3 e5 {My opponent criticized this but Stockfish considers it as the best move in the position.} 4. axb4 Bxb4 5. c3 Be7 {Better than Bc5 which simply walks into d4.} 6. Nf3 ({Relevant:} 6. d4 d6 7. f4 Nf6 8. Bd3 O-O 9. Nf3 Bg4 10. Qb3 Bxf3 11. gxf3 Nbd7 12. Qxb7 Rb8 13. Qxa7 Nh5 14. O-O Bf6 15. fxe5 dxe5 16. Be3 Bg5 17. Bxg5 Qxg5+ 18. Kh1 Nf4 19. Rg1 Qh5 20. Nd2 Rb2 21. Ra2 Rxa2 22. Qxa2 Nxd3 23. Qc2 Nf2+ 24. Kg2 Nh3 25. Rb1 Nf4+ 26. Kh1 Nf6 27. Rg1 Rc8 28. Qb3 h6 29. Rg3 Ra8 30. Rg1 Nh3 31. Rb1 Qg5 {0-1 Haub,T (2426)-Demchenko,A (2610) Cappelle Online Blitz op Europe Echecs INT 2021 (10)}) 6... Nc6 7. Bc4 (7. d4 exd4 8. Nxd4 Nf6 9. Bd3 d5 10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Nd2 Qc7 $15) 7... Nf6 8. Qe2 O-O 9. O-O {[#]} Re8 $146 ({Predecessor:} 9... d6 10. h3 Be6 11. Na3 Bxc4 12. Nxc4 Qc7 13. d3 b5 14. Ne3 Rfc8 15. Ba3 Nd8 16. Nf5 Bf8 17. Rfc1 Ne6 18. g3 a5 19. N3h4 g6 20. Ne3 Qd8 21. Qf3 Ra7 22. Nhf5 gxf5 23. Nxf5 Ne8 24. h4 Qf6 25. g4 N6g7 26. g5 Qg6 27. Kf1 Rac7 28. Ke1 f6 29. Kd2 fxg5 30. Rg1 Rxc3 31. Rxg5 Rc2+ 32. Ke3 Qf6 33. Rag1 d5 34. Bxf8 d4+ {0-1 Baker,C (2227)-Toncheva,N (2197) Titled Tuesday intern op 30th Nov Chess.com INT blitz 2021 (2)}) (9... d5 10. exd5 Nxd5 11. Ba3 ({I was worried about} 11. Nxe5 {but I missed the strong} Nf4 $1 12. Qe3 Nxe5 13. Qxf4 Nxc4 14. Qxc4 Be6) 11... Be6 12. Qd3) 10. d3 d5 11. exd5 Nxd5 12. Re1 Bf6 $6 (12... Be6 13. Qb2 (13. Nxe5 Nxe5 14. Qxe5 Bf6 15. Qg3 b5 16. Bxd5 Bxd5 17. Rf1 a5 18. Bf4 h5 $19) 13... Qd7 14. Bg5 f6 $17) 13. Bb2 $6 {Passive.} (13. Ng5 Bxg5 14. Bxg5 Qd6 15. Qb2 h6 16. Be3 Nxe3 17. Rxe3 Rb8 $17) 13... Nf4 14. Qe4 Be6 (14... g6 {?Bf5} 15. Qe3 Bf5 16. d4 Qc7 17. Na3 exd4 18. Qxe8+ Rxe8 19. Rxe8+ Kg7 20. cxd4 Nb4 21. Bc1 a6 22. Bf1 Qc6 $17) 15. g3 {The final mistake that cost him the game.} Nh3+ 16. Kg2 Nxf2 $1 17. Kxf2 Qb6+ {[%csl Yb2,Yf2][%CAl Gb6f2,Gb6b2] White resigned. My opponent thought I would win both the biship and the rook on a1 until I pointed out that he could play Nbd2 to save his rook. Still, he had seen enough and did not want to play on in a lost position.} 0-1