[Event "4-board Simul"] [Site "Worcester, MA USA"] [Date "1900.10.29"] [Round "?"] [White "Murray Marble"] [Black "Harry N. Pillsbury (Blindfold)"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C84"] [Annotator "Stockfish 17"] [PlyCount "49"] [EventDate "1900.??.??"] {C84: Ruy Lopez} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 {[%mdl 32]} a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Be7 7. d3 {A rather slow continuation that avoids a lot of theory and complications.} d6 8. Nc3 Bg4 9. Be3 {Preferable was 9.h3} Nd4 {This lunge is as good as any.} 10. Bxd4 exd4 11. Nd5 c6 12. Nxf6+ Bxf6 13. Re1 O-O 14. a4 b4 15. h3 Bh5 {He should have taken on f3. Wgite now gets the initiative.} 16. g4 Bg6 17. e5 dxe5 18. Nxe5 Bxe5 19. Rxe5 Qd6 {19...Re8 with the idea of opposing white on the e-file does not work.} 20. Qe2 Kh8 21. Re1 {White's tripled heavy pieces on the r-file are very threatening, so Pillsbury lashes out.} f5 { There was hardly anything better.} 22. g5 {22.gxf5 allows black to equalize.} f4 23. Re6 Qd8 {After this the problemist has a problem-like finish. 23...f3 foes not work.} 24. Rxg6 {[%mdl 512]} hxg6 25. Qg4 {Black resigned because there is no wy to meet the coming Qh4+ Flawless play by Marble.} 1-0