[Event "?"] [White "Vancura (2)"] [Black "?"] [Site "?"] [Round "?"] [Result "*"] [Date "2025.01.07"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "R7/6k1/P7/8/8/8/6K1/r7 b - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "21"] [GameId "2131444160689383"] [SourceVersionDate "2024.12.18"] {[%evp 0,21,1,119,52,58,52,20,52,40,56,75,32,31,31,64,48,30,52,42,58,58,72,50]} 1... Ra5 2. Kf3 Rf5+ {This looks odd, but the idea is to check from the side, and the King cannot hide behind the pawn.} ({Staying on the a-file per the previous example no longer works.} 2... Ra1 $4 3. Ke4 Ra2 4. Kd5 Ra1 5. Kc5 Ra2 6. Kb6 Rb2+ 7. Ka7 {The King has found a place to hide. This is still tricky, but winning with accurate play.} Kf7 8. Rb8 Ra2 9. Kb7 Rb2+ 10. Ka8 Ra2 11. a7 Ke7 12. Rh8 Kd6 13. Kb7 Rb2+ 14. Kc8 Rc2+ (14... Ra2 15. Rh6+ Kc5 16. Kb7 Rb2+ 17. Kc7 Ra2 18. Rh5+ Kd4 19. Kb6 Ra1 20. Ra5) 15. Kd8 Ra2 16. Rh7 Kc6 17. Kc8 Kd6 18. Kb8 Rb2+ 19. Rb7) 3. Ke4 Rf6 {The key set-up. The white rook is tied down to defending the pawn, and the black rook is ready to give a barrage of checks once the white King reaches b5.} 4. Kd5 ({If white plays} 4. a7 {we have to immediately switch the rook back to the a-file, as per the previous example.} Ra6 $11) 4... Kh7 5. Kc5 (5. Ke5 Rg6 $11 ({Not} 5... Kg7 $4 6. Rg8+ Kxg8 7. Kxf6)) 5... Kg7 6. Kb5 {Now we need to start checking.} Rf5+ 7. Kb6 Rf6+ 8. Ka7 Rf7+ {There is nowhere to hide.} 9. Kb6 Rf6+ 10. Kc5 Rf5+ 11. Kd4 Rf6 $11 {Don't forget to put the rook back here when you have finished checking. I once did and suffered a very painful loss at the end of a long game.} *