[Event "Titled Tuesday intern op 08th Feb Early"]
[Site "Chess.com INT"]
[Date "2022.02.08"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Nepomniachtchi, Ian"]
[Black "Gelman, Alexander"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B95"]
[WhiteElo "2773"]
[BlackElo "2403"]
[PlyCount "107"]
[EventDate "2022.??.??"]
{Super GM Ian Nepomniachtchi twice in World Chess Championship matches but
unlucky, maybe the 3rd would be his time to become next World Chess Champion.
In this series, The idea behind the 6. Qf3 move has been explained in the
previous series. We will study one more game and learn more about this super
attacking variation 6. Qf3.} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 {This is
the Kan Variation but soon to be converted to the Najdorf setup.} 5. Nc3 d6 6.
Qf3 Nf6 7. Bg5 Nbd7 8. O-O-O {Yes, I like this because it is quick development
for white and placed the king to safety at move 8.} Qc7 {Avoiding the pressure
from d file.} 9. a3 {THIS IS THE ASSIGNMENT: The idea is a preventive/
prophylactic move against future pressure at b4 square.} ({IF WHITE WILL NOT
MOVE 9. e3} 9. Qg3 b5 10. Bxb5 axb5 11. Ndxb5 Qb7 12. Nxd6+ Bxd6 13. Qxd6 Ra6
14. Qg3 O-O 15. Rxd7 Nxd7 16. Bh6 g6 17. Bxf8 Kxf8) 9... Be7 10. Qg3 b5 11.
Bxb5 axb5 12. Ndxb5 {Fantastic sacrifice in exchange for 3 pawns.} Qc5 13. Be3
Qc4 14. Rd4 Qc6 15. Nxd6+ Kf8 16. Rhd1 {White is in full force yet wants to
engage black in the endgame which is best.} h5 17. Rc4 Qa6 18. h4 {It is
necessary to block the h5 pawn to not disrupt the queen at g3.} Bxd6 (18...
Bxd6) 19. Qxd6+ Qxd6 20. Rxd6 {The plan worked. Exchange the queens then go to
the endgame where the queenside pawn majority will dictate the outcome of the
game.} Ke7 21. Rd2 Ba6 22. Rc7 Rhc8 23. Rxc8 {This is white wants, the fewer
the pieces, the more chances the 3 pawns will move forward.} Rxc8 24. f3 {
Before anything else, fix kingside pawns first.} Ne5 25. Rd4 Nc4 26. Bg5 Ke8
27. a4 {Remember this move... this is the first step to advancing these 3
pawns at queenside.} Nd7 28. b3 {Yes... don't allow the knight to undermine
squares at your territory.} Nce5 29. Kb2 {Slowly but surely...pawns are going
to move forward.} f6 30. Be3 Bf1 31. Rd2 {Of course...} Rb8 32. Ka3 Nb6 {
The c4 square is the pressuring point to not allow white to advance his
queenside pawns.} 33. Bxb6 Rxb6 34. f4 Ng4 {Finally...} 35. g3 Rc6 36. Na2 Ne3
37. Nb4 Rc8 38. Kb2 {White is playing so smoothly.} Ke7 39. c3 {The pawn march
continues.} g5 40. hxg5 fxg5 41. fxg5 Rg8 42. Nc6+ Kf7 43. Rf2+ Ke8 44. Rf3
Nd1+ 45. Kc2 Be2 46. Rf6 {Very exciting game.} Rxg5 47. Nd4 Bg4 48. Kd2 Ke7 49.
Rh6 Re5 50. a5 (50. Nc6+ {IF} Kd6 51. Nxe5 {BOTH PLAYERS MAYBE ON TIME TROUBLE}
) 50... Rxa5 51. Nc6+ {Black blundered, but black had a terrible position.} Kd6
52. Nxa5 {Black should accept defeat now.} Nf2 53. Ke3 Nd1+ 54. Kd4 {
Incredible game by Super GM Ian Nepomniachtchi. His moves are very calculating
making sure all sides are safe away from any complications. White's opening
idea 6. Qf3 is a force to reckon against the Sicilian Najdorf since the theme
is extra aggressive. Many chess followers would love to use this line to be
one of their opening arsenal. Lovely day today in Sydney, the sun is bright,
coffee is great while doing blog today. Thank you so much for the support...
God Bless you all...} 1-0