[Event "USCF 21ENs03 - 2021 Electronic Knights"] [Site "?"] [Date "2023.03.01"] [Round "?"] [White "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Black "Nohr, Matthew"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E90"] [WhiteElo "1947"] [BlackElo "2037"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "97"] [EventDate "2023.03.01"] [EventType "tourn (corr)"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceVersionDate "2021.05.17"] {[%evp 20,97,62,60,67,67,81,77,79,73,83,67,84,81,93,77,91,82,73,65,68,65,76,67,85,68,75,72,68,73,106,81,86,79,112,110,110,106,106,99,154,167,181,158,172,169,151,145,167,166,189,176,204,195,220,212,277,291,279,274,375,388,402,376,468,452,489,400,420,421,614,617,638,633,596,603,879,923,731,668]} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 $165 d6 5. d4 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. b4 a5 10. bxa5 Rxa5 11. a4 Bg4 {[#] 11...Ne8 is becoming the main line. E97: King's Indian: Classical Main Line (6...e5 7 0-0 Nc6): 8 Be3 and 8 d5 Ne7, not 9 Ne1.} 12. Ba3 $146 ({Predecessor:} 12. Nd2 Bxe2 13. Qxe2 c5 14. Rb1 Qd7 15. Rb5 Ra7 16. Nb3 Ne8 17. Bd2 f5 18. f3 f4 19. Rb1 {1-0 Popiol,M (2118)-Dauth,B (2243) Biel HTO 55th 2022 (4)}) 12... Nd7 13. Bb4 Ra8 {White is better.} 14. a5 (14. h3 Bxf3 15. Bxf3) 14... Re8 (14... Nb8 15. Qb3 c6) 15. Nb5 Bxf3 16. Bxf3 Nc5 17. Qc2 Qd7 18. h4 h5 19. g3 Na6 20. Ba3 (20. Bd2) 20... Nc5 21. Bb4 Reb8 (21... Kh7 22. Nc3) 22. Rfb1 Na6 23. Ba3 Nc5 24. Bb4 Bh6 25. Kg2 Nc8 26. Qe2 Ne7 27. Bxc5 dxc5 28. Qb2 Bg7 (28... c6 29. Nc3) 29. Qa3 b6 {didn't expect this one} (29... Bf8 30. Qe3 (30. Qxc5 c6 $1 {...Nxd5 is the strong threat.} 31. Nc3 Nf5 {Against Qe3} 32. Qb6 Nd4 33. Bd1) 30... c6 31. Nc3 {would destroy my structure and plan}) 30. a6 {[%CAl Ba5a6,Ba6a7][%mdl 32]} Nc8 31. Bd1 {Black is weak on the light squares} Qe7 32. a7 Rb7 33. Qa6 $36 {[%mdl 2048] White has strong initiative. White is much more active. The black rooks are passive.} Nd6 34. Bf3 f5 $6 (34... Bf8 35. Kh2) 35. Ra3 Bf6 {is Bf6 a thread? Kh2 is an option but I might lose tempo. Rba1 would continue the plan} 36. Kh2 (36. Nxd6 $2 {[%eval 35,30] [%wdl 28,971,1] 36.Kh2 1.86} cxd6 {and the advantage is gone?} 37. Rxb6 Rbxa7 38. Rb8+ $1 Rxb8 39. Qxa7) (36. Rba1 f4 (36... Kg7) 37. Kh2) 36... f4 $2 {now manoeuvre Bg2-h2-e6} 37. Bg2 g5 (37... Kg7 38. Bh3) 38. hxg5 Bxg5 39. Rg1 fxg3+ (39... Kh8 40. Kh1 Qh7 41. gxf4 Bxf4 42. Rf3 Bg5 43. Qa1 {Manoeuvre: 43.Qa6-a1-c3-e3} Qg7 44. Bf1 {Black is weak on the light squares} Nxb5 45. Rf5 {45.Rf5 does not take the Nb5, Double attack on e5/g5} Nd4 46. Rfxg5 Qh7 47. Rxe5 {Hoping for Qc1.} c6 48. Qc3 {restrains the knight on d4, White is clearly better}) 40. Rxg3 Kh7 41. Rh3 ({And not} 41. Nxd6 Rbxa7 42. Nf5 Rxa6 $11) 41... h4 42. Rf3 Bf4+ {[#] or Kh1?} 43. Rxf4 $1 {[%mdl 512] is a sac} exf4 44. Bh3 f3 $2 {[%eval 614,19] [%wdl 1000,0,0] It seems a natural move but creates trouble. Game over more or less. 2 options Qa1 or Bf5+} (44... Rbxa7 45. Nxa7 Qe5 46. Qa3 Nxe4 {Black threatens mate. ( -> ...f3+)} 47. Nc6 Rxa3 48. Nxe5 {White threatens mate} Nd6 {Prevents Bf5+} 49. Rg4 {Double attack on f4/h4} Ra2 50. Rxh4+ Kg7 51. Rxf4 Re2 52. Ng4 {Endgame after 52.Ng4} b5 53. cxb5 c4 54. Bf1 Rd2 {[%eval 555,23] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} (54... c3 {[%eval 381,27] [%wdl 1000,0,0] was called for.} 55. Ra4 Re1) 55. Bxc4 $18 Nxc4 56. Rxc4 {White is clearly winning}) (44... Rbxa7 $142 {[%eval 421,24] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} 45. Nxa7 Qe5) 45. Bf5+ $18 Kh6 46. Qa1 {Against Rbxa7. Intending Qc1+ and mate.} Nxf5 47. exf5 {f6 would now be deadly.} Rbxa7 (47... c6 48. dxc6 Rbxa7 49. Nxa7 Kh7 50. f6 Qe4 51. c7 Qf4+ 52. Kh1 Qf5 53. Qb1 Qxb1 54. Rxb1 Kg6 55. Rxb6 Kf7 56. Kh2 Re8 57. Kh3 Kg6 58. Kxh4 Kf5) 48. Nxa7 Kh7 {[#]} 49. Qb1 $1 {Superbly played by Schroeer! Weighted Error Value: White=0.08 (flawless) /Black=0.29 (precise) . Mistake: --- Black=1 Inaccurate: --- Black=5 OK: White=18 Black=11 Best: White=1 ---} 1-0