[Event "Keres Memorial"] [Site "Tallinn"] [Date "1981.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "David Bronstein"] [Black "Hillar Karner"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C02"] [Annotator "Stockfish 14.1 (10s)"] [PlyCount "43"] [EventDate "1981.03.06"] [EventType "tourn"] [EventRounds "15"] [EventCountry "URS"] [EventCategory "9"] [Source "ChessBase"] {French: Advance Variation} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bd7 {In this game Karner plays a very rare sideline. Normally against the Advance Vaiation black's strategy is very simple. It's the P ond4 that holds white's position together so black usually tried to undermine it with moves like ...c5, ...Qb6, ...Nc6 and ...Nf5} 4. Nf3 a6 5. Bg5 Qc8 {Better is 5...Ne7} (5... Be7 6. Bxe7 Nxe7 7. Be2 c5 {Equals. Haba,P (2536)-Graf,A (2586)/Neustadt an den Weinstrasse 2008}) (5... Bb4+ 6. Nbd2 Be7 7. Bxe7 Nxe7 8. a4 c5 {Equals. Schleining,Z (2361) -Fuchs,J (2299)/Bad Wiessee GER 2015}) (5... Ne7 6. Bd3 Bb5 7. O-O Bxd3 8. Qxd3 h6 {can be considered the main line.}) 6. c4 h6 (6... dxc4 {This turned out poorly for black in the following game.} 7. Bxc4 Bc6 8. Nc3 h6 9. Bh4 Be7 10. d5 exd5 11. Nxd5 {and white already has the greatly superior game. .Grosar,A (2415)-Sulava,N (2415)/Pula CRO 1992}) 7. Be3 dxc4 (7... Bb4+ {first keeps the chances about even after} 8. Nc3 Ne7 9. Rc1 c5) 8. Bxc4 Ne7 9. Nc3 Bc6 10. O-O Qd7 11. Rc1 {Black has managed to tie himself up in knots and it's difficult to suggest a reasonable plan.} a5 12. d5 {These two gremlins (the d- and e-Pawns) are going to destroy black. In fact, black's position is already lost. } exd5 13. Bd3 Na6 14. a3 {He can't allow ...Nb4} g6 15. e6 Qxe6 (15... Qd6 { does not help much} 16. Bd4 Rh7 17. Ne5 fxe6 18. Nxg6 {and white is winnning. For example} Nf5 19. Be5 Qd7 20. Bxf5 exf5 21. Bf6 Nc5 22. Ne5 Qe6 23. Qh5+ Rf7 24. Rfe1) 16. Bd4 f6 {This allows a nice conclusion, but black is lost in any case.} (16... Rg8 17. Bxa6 Rxa6 18. b4 axb4 19. axb4 b5 20. Re1 Qd6 21. Bc5 Qd8 22. Nd4 {black's position is hopeless.}) 17. Bxg6+ {Decapitation!} Kd8 (17... Nxg6 18. Re1 {wins the Q}) 18. Re1 Qd6 19. Bf7 Bg7 (19... Rh7 {is not much help } 20. Re6 Qd7 21. Rxf6 Bg7 22. Qd3 Bxf6 23. Qxh7 Qf5 24. Qxf5 Nxf5 25. Bxf6+ { wins}) 20. Re6 Qd7 21. Bxf6 Bxf6 22. Rxf6 {Karner resigned.} (22. Rxf6 Rf8 23. Ne5 Qc8 24. Qh5 Nc5 25. Qxh6 {is a slaughter.}) 1-0