[Event "Online Rapid (15 min)"] [Site "?"] [Date "2023.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "white"] [Black "kristijanZD"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C00"] [PlyCount "66"] [EventDate "2023.??.??"] [TimeControl "900"] 1. e4 e6 2. Nf3 d5 3. e5 b6 4. d4 c5 5. c3 Qd7 {Plan was Bc8-a6 with exchange of light bishops. In such case queen on d7 would prevent Qd1-a4+ lines, also queen on d7 might be usefull (controlling several critical squares (f7, e6, f5) in the future course of the game.} 6. Bd3 Ba6 7. O-O Bxd3 8. Qxd3 Nc6 9. a3 {I would put certain critics on this move which provides great flexibility for black as it would be seen in next moves.} c4 $5 {Generally function of c5 pawn in french is to maitain pressure on d4 and in certain positions after exchanges cxd4 to open c file for black pieces. But once white plays a2-a3, advance of c5 pawn to c4 becomes strong alternative for black. Here, this move in certain case blocked possible action by white on queen side and thus made possible to go for long castle.} 10. Qc2 Nge7 11. Bg5 Ng6 12. h4 $6 {Dubious move. At conditions where black was able to do queen side castle, it was not good idea advance pawns in front of own king.} h6 13. Be3 Nge7 $5 {The plan was to play 0-0-0 and to start actions on king side. For that purpose it was required to bring knight on a5 to prevent (only possible) action with white b pawn. Still this knight perhaps would not be sufficient; white would prepare b2-b3 with Nb1-d2 etc., hence it was required to prepare the other knight to be able to go to c6 and support the blockade on queen side.} 14. h5 Na5 15. Nbd2 Nec6 {The purpose of 13th move by black is now clear. If white would go for b2-b3 (which is actually only way to start action against black), black was ready to exchange knights on b3 and to go to the a5 with next knight maintaining the blockade of queen side.} 16. g4 Be7 17. Kg2 O-O-O 18. b3 cxb3 19. Nxb3 Kb7 {It is always useful to move king away from semi open file.} 20. Nfd2 g6 $5 {Afer all black was the one who first came to the action against oponnent's king. Simple gxh5 opens g file towards white king.} 21. hxg6 fxg6 22. Qxg6 $2 {Although not mathematically, this move should be considered as mistake by common sense. Now opening of files in front of white king could no longer be prevented. It is obvious that white was aware of this and had something on mind, but this would be refuted soon.} h5 $1 23. g5 Rdg8 24. Qf7 Nxb3 25. Nxb3 Nd8 $1 {I guess this was the move which white missed in his calculation at 22nd move. Queen had to retreat back and g file was getting open.} 26. Qf3 Bxg5 27. Kh2 {Logical response, but not enought to hold position. Next plan for black was to bring rest of forces to the king side (queen and knight).} Qe7 28. Qh3 Nf7 29. f4 Bh4 $1 {Perhaps white calculated with Bh6 which might slow down black's attack, but with bishop on h4, knight still was able to reach h6.} 30. Rg1 Nh6 31. Nd2 Ng4+ 32. Kh1 Bf2 $1 {Double threat (Bxg1, Bxe3). Capture on f2 was not possible due to Nxf2+ and white would loose his queen.} 33. Nf1 Bxe3 {Black resigned.} 0-1