[Event ""] [White "First Try (with cooks)"] [Black "Helpmate in 3"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator "Anirudh Daga"] [Result "*"] [Date "2023.12.16"] [PlyCount "6"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "2k5/3p1P2/8/8/8/8/5Kp1/5B2 b - - 0 1"] {The intended solution is the main line} 1... g1=R (1... d5 2. f8=Q+ Kd7 (2... Kc7 3. Qd6+ Kc8 4. Ba6# )3. Qd6+ (3. Qf6 Ke8 4. Bb5# )Kc8 4. Ba6# {[#] Another type of mating position, which we need to get rid of} )(1... Kb7 2. f8=Q Kb6 3. Qb8+ Ka5 4. Qb5# {[#] Here the King can go via b7-b6-a5 or c7-b6-a5 hence more unintended solutions!} )2. f8=B (2. Bh3 Rc1 3. Bg2 Rc7 4. f8=Q# {[#] Here c7 gets guarded by the Rook and the Bishop can take two moves to guard b7, thus many unintended solutions!} )(2. Be2 Rc1 3. Bf3 Rc7 4. f8=R# )(2. Bd3 Rc1 3. Be4 Rc7 4. f8=Q# {and so on} )Rg8 3. Bd6 Rd8 4. Ba6# *