[Event "Croatia GCT"] [Site "Zagreb"] [Date "2019.07.01"] [Round "6"] [White "Carlsen, Magnus"] [Black "Nakamura, Hikaru"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2875"] [BlackElo "2754"] [PlyCount "85"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 {The Queen's Gambit...solid yet structured set-up. } 4. Nc3 Be7 5. Bf4 {Bringing out the bishop is best but on f4 square but has bad intentions at c7 square.} O-O 6. e3 c5 {Now, we study this 6...c5 line just in case you will encounter it in your games.} 7. dxc5 {Yes, taking the c5 pawn ensures an open game. The disadvantage of black position is the bishop at c8 which takes time to develop.} Bxc5 8. a3 {Prevents the pin at b4.} Nc6 9. Qc2 Re8 10. Bg5 {The theme of the game is quite different to chess blog BQG1. White is making sure it controls the center, not allowing the e6 pawn to advance temporarily.} Be7 11. Rd1 {Continously pressuring the d5 pawn.} Qa5 12. Bd3 dxc4 13. Bxc4 h6 14. Bf4 Bd7 {Finally, the bishop moved.} 15. O-O Rac8 16. e4 e5 17. Be3 Nd4 {Tactical maneuver is executed here, what do you think black's intention is?} 18. Bxd4 Rxc4 19. Bxe5 Ba4 {This is it, will it work?} 20. b3 Nxe4 21. Rd3 ({If} 21. bxa4 Nxc3) 21... Rec8 22. Qb2 Nc5 23. Re3 { Wow, lots of piece maneuvering...} Bxb3 24. Bxg7 {This move weakens black's defense.} Rg4 25. Bxh6 Bf6 26. Ne5 Bxe5 {Forced... the rook at g4 must control the g file, otherwise, the rook at e3 will check the king at g8.} 27. Rxe5 Qb6 {Checking on the bishop at h6.} 28. Qd2 Rg6 29. Be3 Qc6 {Threatening mate at g2.} 30. Nd5 Bxd5 31. Qxd5 {Since white is pawn up, exchanging queens is advantageous.} b6 32. g3 {Making sure there is no more threat at g2.} Nd7 33. Qxc6 Rgxc6 34. Rd5 Nf8 35. Rfd1 {Clearly, white has the edge here positionally and pawn count.} Ne6 36. a4 {This will disrupt the conencted passed pawn to create black's isolated pawn which has weaker structure.} Rc4 37. a5 Rb4 38. Rd7 bxa5 39. Rxa7 {Here, white will set-up to attack either the a5 or the f7 pawn.} a4 40. Rdd7 Nd8 41. Rd5 {White dictates the position and time will tell if another pawn will fall.} Ne6 42. Rda5 Rcc4 43. Kg2 1-0