[Event "Paris GCT Blitz"] [Site "Paris"] [Date "2021.06.22"] [Round "10"] [White "Kramnik, Vladimir"] [Black "Vachier Lagrave, Maxime"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B86"] [WhiteElo "2753"] [BlackElo "2760"] [PlyCount "72"] [EventDate "2021.??.??"] [EventType "blitz"] {In a Blitz Tournament, to win, you have to complicate the position and move fast. If you have less time, the more you make mistakes. Let's analyze the game and why World Champion Vladimir Kramnik made some inaccurate moves.} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 {The Sicilian Najdorf} 6. Bc4 e6 7. Be3 Be7 8. Bb3 {This system is popularised by World Champion Robert 'Bobby' Fischer.} b5 9. a3 O-O 10. f3 Bb7 11. Qe2 Nc6 12. O-O-O {Yes, white wants to pawn roll at kingside but it seems slow because black has some swift destabilising moves at queenside.} Rc8 13. Kb1 {Safety First} Nxd4 14. Bxd4 Qa5 15. Qe1 {Cute idea of Nd5 next move.} Qc7 16. h4 {Here, it seems white started to pawn roll but watch how black initiates the attack first.} Bc6 17. h5 a5 { For chess beginners, study black's ideas if you want to play the Sicilian Najdorf.} 18. e5 dxe5 19. Bxe5 Qb7 20. Ne2 Nd7 21. Bd4 e5 22. Ng3 a4 23. Nf5 Bf6 24. Bxf7+ {THE ASSIGNMENT:} Rxf7 ({IF} 24... Kh8 25. Nd6 Qb8 26. Bc3 h6 27. Nxc8 Rxc8 28. Be6 Qc7 29. Qd2 Nb6 30. Bxc8 Nc4 31. Qe2 Qxc8 {KINDLY ASSESS THE POSITION, WHO HAS THE ADVANTAGE HERE?}) 25. Bc3 Be7 26. Nxe7+ Rxe7 27. h6 g6 28. Rd6 Nb6 29. Qg3 {Pressuring the g6 and e5 pawn.} Be8 30. Rhd1 Nc4 31. Rd8 Nxa3+ {Nice!!} 32. Kc1 ({IF} 32. bxa3 Rxc3 33. Qh4 Rcc7 34. Qe1 e4 35. fxe4 Qxe4) 32... b4 33. Rxc8 Qxc8 34. Qg5 bxc3 {The winning move...} 35. Qxe7 cxb2+ 36. Kd2 Qd7+ {AMAZING MOVES BY Super GM Maxime Vachier Lagrave. This is proof that 'No one underestimates the power of Sicilian Defense'. It is an effective counter punching black chess opening. I hope you enjoyed the game, cheers.} 0-1