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1.d4 2 Nf6 7 2.c4 3 e6 8 3.Nc3 3 Bb4 8 4.Qc2 3 h6 6 5.Nf3 2:57 c5 9 6.dxc5 8:46 Na6 7       7.g3 2:21 Nxc5 8 8.Bg2 5:08 White has an edge. Nce4 9 9.0-0 5 Nxc3 3 10.bxc3 6 Bc5 4 11.e4 54 Nh7 5 12.e5 9:28 Rb8 8 13.Nd2 2:17 b6 10 14.Ne4 5 Bb7 55 15.h4 16:10 Qc7 15:20 16.Rd1 1:31 Bxe4 30:12 17.Qxe4 3:38 0-0 32 18.Bf4 1:37 Rfd8 11:24 19.Rd2 5:26 Nf8 50 20.h5 9:17 b5 32 Black is weak on the light squares 21.cxb5 3:35 Rxb5 22 22.Bf1 58 Rb6 7:03 23.Rad1 31 Rdb8 49 24.a4 16:03 Rb3 38 25.Rd3 5:23 Ra3 15:08 26.Rf3 4:04 26.Bc1!= deserves consideration. Ra1 27.Be3 Rxd1 28.Rxd1 26...Qc6! 2:15 27.Qxc6 6 dxc6 3 28.Rfd3 53 Rxa4 4:14 29.Bg2 54 Ra2 7:04 30.R1d2 2:25 Better is 30.R3d2 Rxd2 31.Bxd2 30...Rxd2 1:20 31.Rxd2 18 Rc8 1:35 32.Be4 50 a5 1:18 33.Bc2 6:50 g5 7:08 34.hxg6 5 Nxg6 6 35.Kg2 2:37 Kg7 1:58 36.Ba4 1:24 Ne7 7 37.c4 6 Rb8 40 38.Ra2! 27 Bb4 23 39.Kf3 34 Rd8 2:19 40.Be3 0 Wards off Rd4. White is on the road to losing. 40.Ke4 40...Rd3! 0 41.Ke2 20:32 Rc3 14:13 42.c5 5 42.Bb6 might work better. 42...Nd5!-+ 3:02 But not 42...Bxc5 43.Bd2 Rc4 44.Bxa5 43.Rc2 7
43...Rxc2+! 1:42 44.Bxc2 5       Endgame.
KBB-KBN 44...a4! 2:15       Strongly threatening ...a3. 45.Kd3 15 45.Bd4 a3 45...a3 1:20 ...a2 would now be deadly. 46.Bb3 16 Kg6 3:01 47.Bd4 1:36 47.Kc4 47...Kg5 3:59 48.Kc4 1:27 Be1 1:10 49.Kd3 43 Kg4 1:49 aiming for ...Kf3. 50.Bd1+ 11 Kg5 57 51.Bb3 9 Kf5 49 52.Kc4 3:15 Ke4 1:52 53.Bd1? 5 53.g4 53...a2 55 53...Bxf2 54.Bc2+ Kf3 55.Bd1+ Kxg3 54.f3+ 4 Kf5 1 55.Bc2+ 9 Kg5 4 56.Bb3 5 Bxg3 10 Hoping for ...h5. 57.Bxa2 4 h5 54 Weighted Error Value: White=0.27 (precise) /Black=0.18 (very precise) . Mistake: White=6 Black=1 Inaccurate: White=2 Black=2 OK: White=16 Black=26 Best: White=3 Black=1 Strong: White=1 Black=4 Brilliant: --- Black=1
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Abasov,N2632Gukesh D27430–12024FIDE Candidates 202412.3