[Event "USCF/2021 Electronic Knights Final/21ENf01"] [Site "ICCF"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Barclay, Dean"] [Black "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A16"] [WhiteElo "1800"] [BlackElo "2137"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "86"] [GameId "489232844371"] [EventDate "2024.01.19"] [EventType "corr"] {[%mdl 32768][%evp 11,86,38,43,33,38,37,45,44,36,34,40,29,43,46,46,37,39,33,36,40,46,47,35,53,48,46,40,49,44,32,56,38,93,67,67,71,75,72,71,17,18,20,17,17,32,4,8,5,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]} 1. c4 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 d5 {try something new} (3... Bg7 4. Nc3) 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. Qb3 {Unexpected. I think ?c3 would have been stronger} (5. Nc3) 5... c6 6. Nc3 Nb6 7. Nf3 Bg7 8. O-O {[%CAl Od2d4]} O-O {[#]} 9. d4 $1 {White is slightly better.} Be6 (9... Na6 10. Bf4) 10. Qc2 Na6 {[%CAl Bb8a6,Ba6c7,Bc7e6,Be6d4][%mdl 32] He is playing extremely fast, like Blitz. Maybe he knows the line in and out, or it's psychology.} 11. a3 Nc7 {[%CAl Oa7a5] Move away from a "do nothing" position and control d5} (11... Bg4 {[%CAl Og4f3]} 12. Rd1 (12. e3 Qd7 13. Ne4 Bf5) 12... Qc8 13. Ne5 Bh3) 12. Rd1 Qc8 13. e4 $5 {?g5 was the move} (13. Bg5 Re8 14. e4) 13... Bg4 14. Ne2 Ne6 (14... f5 15. e5 Nbd5) 15. h3 (15. h4 f5 16. e5 f4 17. Nxf4 Nxf4 18. Bxf4 Nd5 19. Qb3 Rxf4 20. gxf4 Bh6 {Against Ng5}) 15... Bxf3 16. Bxf3 c5 17. d5 Nd4 18. Nxd4 cxd4 19. Qe2 (19. Qxc8 Raxc8 $11 20. Bg5 Rfe8 21. Rac1 h6 22. Rxc8 Nxc8 23. Bd2 Nd6 24. Rc1 d3 25. b3 Rc8 26. Rxc8+ Nxc8 27. Kf1 Nd6 28. Ke1 b6 29. Bg2 Kf8 30. Be3 Bc3+ 31. Bd2 Bg7 $1 32. Be3 f5 33. exf5 gxf5 $2 {[%eval 269,27]} (33... Nxf5 $11 {[%eval 28,31] and Black has nothing to worry.} 34. Bf4 Nd4) 34. Bf1 $16) 19... e5 {Inhibits Bf4.} (19... Qc7 20. Bf4 Qc4 21. Rac1 Qxe2 22. Bxe2 Rac8 23. Bg5 $16) (19... Qc4 20. Bg5 e5 21. dxe6 Qxe6) 20. Bd2 $5 {[%CAl Bc1d2,Bd2b4,Bb4e7][%mdl 32]} (20. dxe6 Qxe6 21. Bf4 Nc4 $11 {seems to me the most promissing line for Black}) 20... Qc2 $5 {[%CAl Oc2b3] [#]} (20... Qd7 {[%CAl Ob6c8]} 21. h4 Nc8 22. h5 f5 23. hxg6 hxg6 $14) 21. a4 $1 Nc4 (21... Qb3 {[%CAl Of8c8]} 22. Ra3 Qxb2) 22. Bb4 {[%csl LRc2,LRf8]} (22. Rac1 Qb3 $1 23. Rxc4 d3 $1) 22... Qxe2 23. Bxe2 Rfc8 {[%CAl Bf8c8,Bc8c3,Bc3g3][%mdl 32] Black is weak on the light squares} 24. b3 a5 25. Be7 $5 {White is more active.} (25. Bxc4 axb4) 25... Nb6 26. d6 Bf8 27. Bb5 Rc3 28. f4 $5 {I considered this move as interesting. Now it's on the board} (28. Rac1 Rxc1 (28... Nc8 29. Rxc3 dxc3 30. Bxf8 c2 $3 31. Rc1 Kxf8 32. d7 Nd6 33. Rxc2 Ke7 {[%CAl Oa8d8]} 34. Rc5 f6 {[%CAl Oa8d8]} (34... Nxb5 $2 {[%eval 501,28] 34...f6 1.92} 35. Rc8 $18) 35. f4 exf4 {[#]} 36. e5 $1 fxe5 37. Rxe5+ Kf8) 29. Rxc1 Nc8 $1 30. Bxf8 Kxf8 31. d7 Nd6 {[%CAl Oa8d8]} 32. Rc5 f6 $1 $11) 28... Rxg3+ {The position is equal.} (28... Rxb3 29. fxe5 Rc8 (29... Bxe7 $2 30. dxe7 Rxb5 31. axb5 $18) 30. Rac1 Rxg3+ (30... Bxe7 $2 31. dxe7 Rxg3+ 32. Kf2 $18) 31. Kf2 $18) 29. Kf2 exf4 (29... Rxh3 30. fxe5 Rxb3 31. Rxd4 $16) 30. e5 $5 {can I let the ? roll? ?xb3? or secure ?g7?} (30. Rac1 Nc8 31. Bxf8 Kxf8 32. Rxd4 Na7 $1 33. e5 Nxb5 34. axb5 g5) 30... Bg7 {Black needs to move the ? or go immediately for ?f6} (30... Bg7 $5 31. Bf6 Bxf6 (31... Rxb3 32. Rxd4 Rb2+ 33. Kf3 $11) 32. exf6 d3 $11 (32... Rxh3 33. Rxd4 Re3 34. Rc1 $14)) (30... Bg7 $5 31. Bf6 Rxh3 $11) 31. d7 {Really sharp! That's really forcing! I should have enough compensation} (31. Bf6 Bxf6 32. exf6 d3 {this looks better}) 31... Nxd7 32. Bxd7 {This pair of bishops is nice.} Bxe5 {[%CAl Od4d3]} ({Much weaker is} 32... Rxb3 $6 33. Rab1 Re3 34. Rxd4 $16) 33. Bh4 {if ?xb3 I lose the pawn on b7 or exchange ?. This is a very tough position!} Re3 (33... Rc3 $5) 34. Kg2 Ra6 {[%CAl Oa6d6]} 35. Bb5 Rb6 36. Bf2 $5 (36. Bd8 Rg3+ 37. Kf2 Rd6 38. Bc7 Re6 39. Bxe5 Rxe5 40. Rxd4 {Threatens to win with Bc4.} Rxh3 41. Bc4 g5 42. Rg1 (42. Re1) 42... Rf5) 36... Rxb3 {the only move I think} 37. Rac1 $5 (37. Bxd4 Bxd4 38. Rxd4 g5 {should be equal} 39. Rg1 h6 40. Kh2 {[%CAl Oh3h4]} Rb2+ 41. Rg2 Rxg2+ 42. Kxg2 Kg7 43. Rd8 Kg6 44. Ra8 Kh5 45. Rxa5 Kh4 46. Bd7 Rd6 47. Bc8 Rd2+ 48. Kf3 Ra2 49. Ra7 Ra3+) 37... Kg7 (37... Rb2 38. Rc5 Re6 39. Kf3 {[%CAl Ob5c4]} Kg7 40. h4 h6 41. Bc4 b6 42. Rc8 {[%CAl Of2d4]} Re7 43. Re1 {Strongly threatening Bxd4.} Rd2 44. Re2 Rd1) 38. Rxd4 $5 {[%csl Ge5][%CAl Gb6b5,Ra4b5,Gf4f3,Rg2g1,Ge5d4] Interesting move! Now let's go wild and unexpected} (38. Bxd4 Bxd4 39. Rxd4 Rg3+) 38... R6xb5 39. axb5 {Black must now prevent Rd7.} f3+ 40. Kg1 Bxd4 41. Bxd4+ Kh6 42. b6 {Hoping for Rc7.} Rd3 43. Rc4 {Kf2 is the strong threat.} (43. Be5 Rb3 {draw?} 44. Bd4 {And now Rc7 would win.} Rd3 45. Bf2 {aiming for Rc7.} a4 46. Ra1 a3 47. Bc5 g5 48. Rxa3 Rxa3 49. Bxa3 Kh5 50. Be7 Kh4 51. Kh2 f5 (51... f2 $5 52. Kg2 $8 f5 $16)) 43... f5 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.05 (flawless) /Black=0.03 (flawless) . Inaccurate: White=1 Black=1 OK: White=18 Black=22 Best: --- Black=7 a threefold repetion is very likely and so I offered a draw after long thought. My pawn majority and the position doesn't gave me much advantage I think. Dean answered: one of us could err in the future (e.g., 44 Kf2 f5?), but yes, I agree, a threefold repetition is likely soon if we both are mindful. our moves so far have certainly been just that! So I accept. Well played. Thanks for the challenge. --Dean} 1/2-1/2