[Event "USCF/2021 Electronic Knights Final/21ENf"] [Site "ICCF"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Black "Nohr, Matthew"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A13"] [WhiteElo "2137"] [BlackElo "1800"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "107"] [GameId "489181478346"] [EventDate "2024.01.19"] [EventType "corr"] {[%mdl 32768][%evp 19,107,68,71,70,70,70,67,67,66,66,65,69,62,66,66,62,64,42,41,41,42,39,41,42,37,34,39,25,24,23,22,27,123,17,17,13,12,16,19,21,32,36,95,99,96,127,163,135,192,231,198,207,319,317,378,375,379,375,492,493,506,505,499,498,514,513,513,513,525,521,1328,1313,1326,471,1256,1255,1240,965,964,960,879,867,1338,1010,1734,1730,1071,859,857,807]} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 {When Black starts to mimic White, opening my repertoire, the answer is c4 to avoid drawish positions.} g6 {g6 is an option, I expected e6} (2... e6 3. b3 d5 4. Bb2) 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 {[%CAl Gd2d4,Gf1e2,Ge1g1] In my game versus David-Bordier outplayed me with e4. I played e4 against Detlef Zoll in the Veterans World Cup Semi-Final with an advantage.} (4. e3 c5 5. Qb3 d6 6. d4 Qb6 7. Be2 Qxb3 8. axb3 Nc6 9. h3 Bf5 10. O-O h5 11. d5) (4. g3 O-O 5. Bg2) 4... d6 5. d4 {[%CAl Bd2d4,Bd4d5][%mdl 32]} O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nc6 {[%CAl Bb8c6,Bc6e7,Be7f5,Bf5h6,Bh6f7][%mdl 32]} 8. d5 Ne7 9. b4 {pretty much common theory} Nh5 (9... a5 10. Ba3 axb4 11. Bxb4 b6 12. a4 Ne8 13. Qb3) 10. Re1 f5 11. a4 {E97: King's Indian: Classical Main Line (6...e5 7 0-0 Nc6): 8 Be3 and 8 d5 Ne7, not 9 Ne1} a5 12. bxa5 Rxa5 13. exf5 {White is slightly better. let's see how this goes} (13. Bd2) 13... Nxf5 (13... gxf5 14. Ra3 {[%CAl Of3e5]} Nf6) (13... Bxf5 14. Ra3 $11) 14. Bg5 Nf6 15. Bd3 (15. Nh4 $6 $11) 15... Nh6 $6 (15... h6 16. Bd2 (16. Bxf6 Bxf6 17. Be4 h5) 16... Ra8 17. a5 (17. c5 $5 e4 18. Nxe4 Nxe4 19. Bxe4) 17... g5 18. h3) 16. Ne4 Nf7 17. Bd2 Ra8 (17... Ra6 18. Nfg5 Nxg5 19. Nxg5 {[%CAl Oc4c5]} e4 20. Bxe4 Ng4 21. Nf3 $1 $16 {Repels Bd4}) 18. a5 {White has more active pieces.} Bg4 $5 (18... Bf5 19. Qc2) 19. h3 {[%CAl Rf6e4,Rg4f3,Gd3e4,Gd1f3]} Nxe4 (19... Bxf3 20. Qxf3 Nxe4 21. Qxe4 Bh6 {Inhibits h4.} 22. Bxh6 Nxh6 23. c5 Qf6 24. Ra2) 20. Bxe4 Bxf3 21. Qxf3 $16 {½-½ Pierzak,R (2515)-Serazeev,A (2520) Israeli CC 2021 (ISR) corr ICCF ICCF to 2022} Bh6 (21... Qh4 $5 22. Re2 Bh6 23. Be1 {½-½ Lara Ruiz,J (2301)-Tanti,J (2319) CAPEA50-Op-Sf 5 (ESP) corr ICCF 2022 ICCF to 2022}) 22. Bxh6 Nxh6 {strong white Bishop} 23. Qe3 (23. Qb3 $5) (23. Qg3 $5) 23... Nf5 {There are 5 games actually in UltraCorr 2024 with the same position and taking on f5. I think Nf7 would have been better.} (23... Nf7 24. Reb1 b6 25. a6 (25. axb6 Rxa1 26. Rxa1 cxb6 27. Bd3 Qc7) 25... Ra7 26. Qe2 Kg7 27. Bd3 Qh4 28. Ra3 Qd4 29. Qc2 Nh6) 24. Bxf5 Rxf5 25. Reb1 (25. g4 $6 Rf4) (25. Qg3 $5) (25. c5 dxc5 26. Qxc5 e4 27. Rxe4 Qxd5 28. Qc2) 25... Rb8 {[%CAl Gc4c5,Rd6c5,Ge3c5,Re5e4,Gc5e3,Rd8d5,Ga5a6]} (25... b6 26. axb6 (26. a6 Ra7) 26... Rxa1 27. Rxa1 cxb6 28. Rb1 Rf4 29. Qxb6 Qxb6 30. Rxb6 Rxc4 31. Rxd6 Rd4) 26. c5 dxc5 27. Qxc5 e4 {[%CAl Rf5d5,Yc5b4,Gc5e3] I thought about the next move for a pretty long time and I see ?e3 or b4 or c3 as options. I think ?d4 with ?xd5 is leading to an equal position.} 28. Qe3 $36 {[%mdl 2048] White has the initiative.} (28. Qd4 $6 {[%CAl Ob1d1]} Qxd5 $11) (28. Qb4 $5 Qxd5 29. a6) 28... Rxd5 (28... Qxd5 29. a6 $16 {No sacrifices found (Beauty=2.4)}) (28... Qxd5 29. a6 $16) 29. Qxe4 Qd7 {I guess c6 was the better move. Now pinning the ? and forcing the ? to f6} (29... c6 30. Qc4 {Threatens to win with Rb6.} Kh8 31. Qc3+ Kg8 32. Qb4 {Black must now prevent a6.} Rb5 33. Qf4) 30. Qc4 b5 $6 {what if I move a6?} (30... Qf7 {[%CAl Od5d1]} 31. Qh4 {Hoping for a6.} c6 $2 {[%eval 191,30] [%wdl 993,7,0]} ({Better is} 31... Rf8 $14 {[%eval 35,31] [%wdl 34,965,1]}) 32. a6 $18 {a7 would now be deadly.} Qc7 33. a7 Ra8 34. Re1) 31. a6 {White now steadily converts the win.} Ra8 (31... bxc4 $4 {[%eval 563,26] [%wdl 1000,0,0][%mdl 8192] 31...Ra8 1.01} 32. Rxb8+ Kf7 {Strongly threatening ...Rd1+.} 33. a7 {and ? is unstoppable} Qc6 (33... Rd1+ 34. Rxd1 Qxd1+ 35. Kh2 Qd6+ 36. g3 Qd5 37. a8=Q Qxa8 38. Rxa8) 34. a8=Q Qxa8 35. Rbxa8) (31... bxc4 $2 32. Rxb8+ Kf7 33. a7 $18) 32. Qa2 {still attack ?a5 and pinning ?d5} (32. Qe4 c6 33. Re1) 32... Qf7 {[%csl Rd5][%CAl Ga2b3,Rd5d2,Rf7b3,Gb1b5] If he goes for ? exchange I will win a ?} (32... c6 33. Rb2 Qf7 34. Qa5 Rd7) 33. Qb3 {invite to go ?d2} (33. a7 c6 $16) 33... Rf5 (33... c6 34. Qe3 Qc7 35. Rc1 Re5 36. Qb3+ Qf7 37. Qxf7+ (37. Qa3 Re2 38. Qc5) 37... Kxf7 38. Rxc6 {aiming for Kf1.} b4 39. Rc7+ Re7 40. Rc4) (33... Rd2 $2 {[%eval 337,29] [%wdl 1000,0,0] 33...Rf5 1.55} 34. Qxf7+ Kxf7 35. Rxb5) 34. Qb2 {Inhibits Qxb3.} (34. Qxf7+ $2 {[%eval 0,43] [%wdl 4,992,4] 34.Qb2 2.30} Kxf7 $13) (34. Qb4 Rxf2 $2 {[%eval 458,24] [%wdl 1000,0,0][%mdl 8192]} (34... Qd5 35. Rc1 c6 36. Re1 Qc5 {Repels Re7} 37. Qd2 (37. Qb2 {Re2 is the strong threat.} b4)) (34... Qd5 $14 {[%eval 61,31] [%wdl 109,891,0]}) 35. Qxb5 $18) (34. a7 Qxb3 35. Rxb3 c6 $11) 34... c6 {[%CAl Gb1d1,Gb2a2,Ga2a5,Ga5b6]} (34... Qf6 35. Qa2+ Qf7 36. Qa5 Qd7 37. Rd1 $1 Qc6 {[%CAl Of5f2]} 38. Qa2+ Rf7 39. Rd4 $1) 35. Rd1 Qa7 {[%CAl Gd1d2,Gg1h2]} (35... Qf6 36. Qa2+ Qf7 37. Qa5 Qe7 {[%CAl Of5f2] Repels Rd8+} 38. Qb6 {[%CAl Ob6b7] And now Qb7! would win.} Qc5 $2 {[%eval 501,32] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} (38... Rc8 {[%eval 188,28] [%wdl 993,7,0] is a better chance.} 39. Rdc1 Rf6) 39. Rd8+ $18 Rxd8 40. Qxd8+ Rf8 41. Qc7 (41. Qd7 $2 {[%eval 17,32] [%wdl 7,992,1] 41.Qc7 4.74} Rxf2) 41... Qxf2+ 42. Kh2 Ra8 43. a7 Qf7 44. Qb8+ Qf8 45. Qb7) 36. Rd2 Raf8 {[%CAl Ga1d1,Rf5f7,Gb2b3] double ? and put pressure with mate? or ?b3+? I think the ? is better on b3} 37. Qb3+ R5f7 {[#]} 38. Kh1 $1 Qc5 (38... Qe7 39. Rad1 Kg7 40. Rd6 Qa7 $2 {[%eval 558,27] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} (40... Kh6 {[%eval 314,28] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} 41. f3 Qh4) 41. Qc3+ $18 Kg8 42. Qxc6) 39. Rd7 {White is clearly winning.} Qc4 (39... Qxf2 {[%eval 32664,39] [%wdl 1000,0,0] 39...Qf5 5.09} 40. Rxf7 Qxf7 41. Qxf7+ Rxf7 42. a7) 40. Rxf7 ({Weaker is} 40. Qxc4 bxc4 41. Rd4 Ra7 $16) 40... Qxf7 $18 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame. KQR-KQR} 41. Qe3 {need to eliminate ?c6} Qc7 42. a7 {let the pawn roll. I think it's better than Re1.} (42. Re1 Rf7 43. Qc5 Qa7 44. Qxc6 b4) 42... Ra8 43. Qc5 Kg7 (43... Qb7 44. f4) 44. Ra6 Qb7 45. Rxc6 {Intending Rc7+ and mate.} ({Inferior is} 45. Qxc6 Qxc6 (45... Rxa7 46. Qf6+ Kh6 47. Qh4+ Kg7 48. Qd4+ Kg8 49. Rxa7) 46. Rxc6 Rxa7 $11) 45... Rxa7 46. Qe5+ {[%eval 471,28] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} (46. Qd4+ $142 {[%eval 1326,26] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} Kh6 47. Re6) 46... Kh6 {[%eval 1256,28] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} (46... Kg8 $142 {[%eval 471,28] [%wdl 1000,0,0]} 47. Re6 Ra8) 47. Qf4+ Kg7 {the only move, otherwise mate in 2} 48. Qf6+ Kg8 49. Rd6 {[%CAl Rd6d8]} Ra8 {[#]} 50. Qd4 $1 Qf7 (50... Rf8 51. Rd7 Qxd7 52. Qxd7) 51. Rd7 Qf8 52. Qh4 {[%csl Gd7][%CAl Rh4h7]} h6 {I even didn't thought about h6 vs h5} (52... h5 53. Qe4) 53. Qe4 Ra6 54. Qd5+ {Weighted Error Value: White=0.17 (very precise) /Black=0.18 (very precise) . Inaccurate: White=1 Black=5 OK: White=22 Black=14 Best: White=3 Black=7 Strong: White=1 ---} 1-0