[Event "Play Offs Rd 2 2022 Kenya Championship"] [White "Hugh,Misiko"] [Black "Mehul,Gohil"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator "USER"] [Result "1-0"] [Date "2022.12.30"] [PlyCount "97"] {Mehul now need just a draw or a win in this game to win the overall title. Let us see what happens.} 1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. Ngf3 c5 5. g3 Nc6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. 0-0 0-0 8. Re1 b5 9. exd5 Nxd5 10. a4 b4 11. Nc4 Bb7 12. a5 a6 13. h4 Bf6 14. Bh3 Re8 15. Ng5 Nd4 16. Ne4 Be7 17. h5 h6 18. g4 Nf6 19. Bg2 Nxe4 20. Bxe4 Bxe4 21. Rxe4 Bg5 22. f4 Bf6 23. Ne5 Bxe5 24. fxe5 Qh4 25. Kg2 Qe7 26. c3 bxc3 27. bxc3 Nb5 28. Bd2 Rad8 29. Qf3 Qd7 30. Rf1 Rf8 31. d4 cxd4 32. c4 Nc3 33. Bxc3 dxc3 34. Qxc3 Qd2+ 35. Qxd2 Rxd2+ 36. Rf2 Rfd8 37. Ref4 Rxf2+ 38. Kxf2 Rd2+ 39. Ke3 Ra2 40. c5 Ra3+ 41. Kd4 Rxa5 42. c6 Rd5+ 43. Kc4 Rd8 44. Kc5 Kf8 45. c7 Rc8 46. Kb6 Ke7 47. Rd4 f6 48. Rd7+ Ke8 49. Rxg7 1-0