[Event "ERC Dual Rated Swiss G20+30"] [White "Rahimov,Komiljon"] [Black "Weber,Whit"] [Site "Bel Air"] [Round ""] [Annotator "Allman,Matt"] [Result "0-1"] [Date "2023.04.13"] [WhiteElo "617"] [BlackElo "1495"] [PlyCount "122"] {B34: Sicilian: Accelerated Dragon with 5 Nc3: sidelines Komiljon demonstrates his sharp claws on a regular basis. The reigning club champ will need to play very carefully.} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 {Whit decides to go with a solid and tested response to 1.e4.} 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 5. Nc3 Bg7 6. Be3 a6 { [#]} (6... d6 $14 {} )7. a3 { Komiljon is the first to step out of the book. Is ... Nb4 a threat or just a monster under the bed?} ({White should try} 7. Nd5 $1 $16 { And now Nxc6 would win.} Be5 8. Nf3 )d6 $146 {[%cal Yd7d6,Yd6d5]} 8. Bc4 {} (8. Nd5 $14 {} )(8. Be2 Nf6 9. Qd2 O-O 10. O-O Bd7 11. Rad1 Rc8 12. Nxc6 Bxc6 13. f3 Qc7 14. Rfe1 Rfd8 15. Bf1 b5 16. Qf2 Qb7 17. Bb6 Re8 18. Na2 Bxe4 19. Rxe4 Nxe4 20. fxe4 Bxb2 21. Bd4 Bxa3 22. Nc3 e5 23. Nb1 exd4 24. Nxa3 Qxe4 25. Bd3 Qe3 26. Nb1 b4 27. Nd2 a5 28. Nc4 Qxf2+ 29. Kxf2 Rc5 30. Ra1 b3 31. cxb3 d5 32. Nxa5 Re3 33. b4 Rc3 34. Bf1 Rc2+ 35. Kg1 d3 36. Rd1 d2 37. Kf2 Re6 38. Bd3 Rb2 39. b5 d4 40. Nc4 Rxb5 41. Rxd2 Rf6+ 42. Kg1 Rb4 43. h3 Re6 44. Kf2 Kg7 45. Rd1 h5 46. Nd2 g5 47. Nf3 g4 48. hxg4 hxg4 49. Ng1 Kf6 50. Ne2 Kg5 51. Rc1 Re3 52. Rc5+ Kh6 53. Rc6+ Kg7 54. Bf5 Rb2 55. Rc2 Rb4 56. Nxd4 Ra3 57. Rd2 g3+ 58. Ke2 Rb8 59. Bd3 Re8+ 60. Kf3 Rd8 61. Ke3 Kf6 62. Ne2 Re8+ 63. Kf4 Rd8 64. Ke3 Kg5 65. Nxg3 Kg4 66. Ne2 f5 67. g3 Rd6 68. Nf4 Rd7 {1/2-1/2 (68) Odeev,H (2305)-Nazari,A (2287) Marmaris 2022} )Nf6 $11 9. f3 {The position is equal.} O-O 10. Qd2 e6 {} (10... Na5 $11 {} 11. Be2 Bd7 )11. O-O-O $14 {Hoping for Nxc6.} d5 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. Bb3 Nd7 {} (13... Qc7 $11 { might be stronger.} )14. Ba4 { } (14. h4 $14 {} )Qc7 15. Bf2 {} (15. h4 $142 {} )a5 $11 16. exd5 cxd5 17. Bd4 f6 {} (17... Ne5 $11 {} )18. Nb5 {} (18. h4 $14 { should be considered.} )Qc6 19. Nc3 Qb7 {} (19... Qc7 $11 {} )20. Bf2 {} (20. h4 $14 {} )Ne5 {Strongly threatening ...Nc4.} (20... Nb6 $5 {[%cal Rb6c4]} 21. Bb5 Rb8 $15 )21. Bb3 {[%cal Rc3d5]} Rb8 22. Na4 Rf7 {} ({Black should play} 22... Qc6 $15 {} 23. Qc3 Nc4 )23. Qxa5 {Whit gives up the pawn for some action on Komiljon's King.} Rc7 { [#]} (23... Nc6 $11 {} 24. Qd2 f5 )24. Nc5 { Komiljon feeling the heat of all those vertical movers bearing down on his King, tries to kick Whit's Queen away.} (24. Rxd5 $1 $14 { But after} Bh6+ (24... exd5 $4 25. Bxd5+ {And the Queen falls.} )25. Kb1 Nc6 26. Qc5 Bf8 27. Rd6 Na5 28. Qxa5 Bxd6 29. Rd1 $16 {Coming out down the exchange a Rook for a Knight and a Pawn is not too bad.} )Qc6 25. Ba4 $1 Bh6+ 26. Kb1 Nc4 $1 {[%csl Ya3,Ya5,Yb2] The right and gutsy move. Whit forces the Queens off the board while a pawn down.} 27. Bxc6 Nxa5 {[%cal Yc4a5,Ya5c4,Yc4e3]} 28. Ba4 Bf8 $1 29. Bg3 {} (29. Nxe6 $15 {} Bxe6 30. Bg3 )e5 $17 30. Nd3 Bxa3 $1 {The power of the Rooks come to bear,} 31. b3 {} (31. Be1 $17 {} Ra7 32. Bxa5 (32. Bf2 $2 d4 $19 )Rxa5 33. Bb3 )Bf5 $19 32. Be1 Nc4 33. g4 Ne3 34. Ba5 Ra7 ({Stronger than} 34... Nxd1 35. Bxc7 Nc3+ 36. Ka1 $17 )({Less strong is} 34... Rxc2 35. gxf5 Rcc8 36. fxg6 Nxd1 37. Rxd1 $16 (37. gxh7+ Kxh7 38. Rxd1 Rb7 $16 ))35. Bd2 {} (35. gxf5 { was worth a try.} Nxd1 36. Rxd1 Rxa5 37. Bd7 )Nxd1 36. gxf5 Rxa4 {Again the Rooks.} 37. Rxd1 Be7 38. Nc1 gxf5 39. Be1 d4 40. Kb2 {The question to Whit now is, do I exchange down, while up the exchange and a pawn while Komiljon has a supported passed pawn. OR do I play on to gain a positional advantage to mute the dang b pawn.} Ba3+ {Whit says, damn the b pawn, full speed ahead!} 41. Kb1 Bxc1 42. Kxc1 {Endgame KRR-KRB} Ra1+ 43. Kd2 Rxd1+ 44. Kxd1 {KR-KB} Kf7 45. Ke2 Ke6 46. h4 h5 47. Kd3 {Against e4+} Kd5 48. b4 e4+ {The massive wall of center pawns is one heck of an obsticle. Komiljon cannot find a way to advance the passed pawn.} 49. fxe4+ fxe4+ {Undoubles the pawns.} 50. Kd2 Rxb4 { } ({Very dissapointing that Whit missed this mate in 16. :-(} 50... f5 $142 {} 51. Bg3 Rxb4 52. Bh2 e3+ 53. Kd3 Rc4 54. Bg3 Rc3+ 55. Ke2 Ke4 56. Kd1 d3 57. cxd3+ Kxd3 58. Be5 e2+ 59. Ke1 Rc1+ 60. Kf2 e1=Q+ 61. Kf3 Qe2+ 62. Kg3 Rg1+ 63. Kh3 Qg2# )51. c3 Rb2+ {Black mates.} 52. Kc1 Rh2 53. Bg3 Rh3 {The disadvantage of Bishops, especially in the endgame - they are stuck either dark or light squares.} 54. Be1 d3 ({While watching, I was thinking along these lines as it seemed a safer route to go.} 54... Rh1 55. Kd1 (55. Kd2 dxc3+ 56. Ke2 Rxe1+ 57. Kxe1 )Rxe1+ 56. Kxe1 dxc3 )55. Kd2 Kc4 56. Kc1 e3 {Center pawns can hurt.} 57. Kd1 Rh1 58. Kc1 Rxe1+ 59. Kb2 d2 60. Ka3 d1=Q {[%csl Gc4][%cal Rd1b3]} 61. Ka2 Qb3# {Weighted Error Value: White=0.49/Black=0.14 (very precise)} 0-1