[Event "1997 Philippine Masters Classics, 2nd L"] [White "FM Sales,Jesse Noel"] [Black "GM Bitoon,Richard"] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Annotator "Sales,Jesse Noel"] [Result "1-0"] [Date "1997.??.??"] [PlyCount "45"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bg5 {This variation avoids the main line of the Grunfeld Defense. The idea behind this strategy is to not allow the Black's dark bishop to achieve an active position.} Ne4 5. Bh4 ({IF} 5. Nxe4 dxe4 {Personally, I do not like white's position because the kingside is not yet developed.} )Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. cxd5 Qxd5 8. Nf3 c5 {GM Richard Bitoon is a tactical player and a strategist. The only way to win against him is through thorough research or a prepared opening plan.} 9. e3 Nc6 10. Be2 cxd4 11. cxd4 Qa5+ {Here, GM Bitoon decided to exchange queens since it is forced to cover the check with the queen at d1 to d2. Other white moves are disadvantageous. Black wanted to settle a quiet position opting for a draw. But white's pieces are well coordinated so there was nothing to worry at all too. I knew he would complicate the position as expected.} 12. Qd2 Qxd2+ 13. Kxd2 ({IF} 13. Nxd2 {The knight was supposed to protect the e5 square to hold the center but by moving the knight to d2 a bit not preferable to me.} )Bf5 14. Rac1 {The rook at a1 wanted to avoid a future threat by the bishop at g7, we must always think and act safely first.} O-O {Black king is safe now, although in the long run, the king is positioned far from the center since it is already an endgame.} 15. Rc5 {Pretty neat developing move!} Rfc8 16. Rhc1 { Now, white is all set-up to attack. It is just a matter of time when black may falter or move passively.} Bf8 {Yes, obviously wants to attack the rook at c5.. } 17. Rb5 {It took me 30 minutes to ponder on this move, it is not actually the idea about taking the b7 pawn but my next move required me to do so.} b6 {? } (17... Be4 {Yes, this is the correct move that leads to exchanges of pieces. PLEASE ANALYZE THIS POSITION: What would be your response?} )18. Rxf5 {The idea behind the move 17. Rb5} gxf5 19. Ba6 e6 20. Bb7 Ne7 21. Bxa8 Rxa8 22. Bxe7 Bxe7 23. Rc7 {!! with white's rook penetrating the 7th rank, moves like 23...Bb4 check 24. Kd1 f6 25. Rb7!! White has a big advantage. Please analyze this position as your assignment. How I won this game... I want you to practice your endgame and think CORRECTLY STARTING AT THE FIRST MOVE... 1-0} 1-0