[Event "Titled Tuesday intern op 25th Aug"] [Site "Chess.com INT"] [Date "2020.08.25"] [Round "7"] [White "Nakamura, Hikaru"] [Black "Abdusattorov, Nodirbek"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D46"] [WhiteElo "2736"] [BlackElo "2627"] [PlyCount "63"] [EventDate "2020.??.??"] {At the moment, we are studying the Queen's Gambit Declined: Systems without Nc3. We witnessed GM Abhimanyu Mishra beat 2700 FIDE Rated Super GM Vincent Keymer playing black in the 1st series. Now, the featured game is an exciting one.} 1. Nf3 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. c4 c6 4. d4 e6 5. Nbd2 {This is the: Without the Nc3 System of the Queen's Gambit Declined.} Nbd7 6. Bd3 Bd6 {Now, black played Bd6 instead of Be7} 7. e4 dxe4 8. Nxe4 Nxe4 9. Bxe4 Nf6 10. Bc2 {Of course, the white bishop needs to be at c2, to pressure the h7 later.} O-O ({IF} 10... Bb4+ 11. Bd2 Qa5 12. a3 Bxd2+ 13. Qxd2 Qxd2+ 14. Kxd2) 11. O-O b6 12. Bg5 h6 13. Bh4 g5 {THIS IS THE ASSIGNMENT:} 14. Bg3 {Much better than sacrificing a piece.} ({IF} 14. Nxg5 hxg5 15. Bxg5 Kg7 16. Qd3 Rg8 17. f4) 14... Bxg3 15. fxg3 {Yes, more pressure if the f file is open.} c5 16. Qe2 Bb7 ({IF} 16... cxd4 17. Qd3 Kg7 18. Ne5 Bb7 19. Rae1) 17. Rad1 Qe7 18. d5 {Good move!!!} Rad8 19. h4 {Super GM Nakamura is a beast when given an advantageous position, he easily finds the best move even if on time trouble.} g4 20. Nh2 h5 21. Qe5 { White is winning...} Ne8 22. Qxh5 f5 23. Nxg4 {Wow...} Ng7 ({IF} 23... fxg4 24. Qxg4+ Ng7 25. Qg6) 24. Qg6 exd5 ({IF} 24... fxg4 25. Qh7#) 25. Nh6+ Kh8 26. Nxf5 Nxf5 27. Bxf5 Rd6 28. Qh5+ Kg8 29. Rde1 Qg7 30. Bh7+ {Nice...} Kh8 ({IF} 30... Qxh7 31. Rxf8+) 31. Rxf8+ Qxf8 32. Re8 {Fantastic attacking game by Super GM Hikaru Nakamura. After the 13...g5 move, black's kingside position is weakened. Also, white's 18. d5 move added insult to black's position while GM Nakamura continued to break black's weak kingside pawn structure, resulting in a hopeless position. Very entertaining game... Thank you and keep safe always. God Bless...} 1-0