[Event "USCF/2021 Electronic Knights Final/21ENf01"] [Site "ICCF"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Schroeer, Egbert"] [Black "Corkum, Tim"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A15"] [WhiteElo "2137"] [BlackElo "2363"] [Annotator "Schroeer,Egbert"] [PlyCount "98"] [GameId "489232715680"] [EventDate "2024.01.19"] [EventType "corr"] {[%mdl 32768][%evp 9,98,13,22,23,17,10,15,3,5,-1,0,3,4,-1,1,-7,1,1,-1,-1,1,-6,1,-3,-6,-9,1,-18,-5,-20,-15,-23,1,-41,-37,-40,-45,-53,-40,-27,-31,-55,-31,-32,-27,-41,-32,-51,-20,-97,-88,-81,-68,-79,-114,-67,-93,-62,-143,-84,-161,-59,-119,-259,-267,-264,-212,-254,-220,-276,-277,-297,-304,-296,-291,-295,-293,-319,-317,-319,-307,-322,-317,-310,-310,-299,-282,-368,-347,-480,-470]} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. b3 {sideline of my standard repertoire} g6 4. Bb2 Bg7 5. g3 O-O (5... b6 6. Bg2 Bb7 7. O-O (7. Nc3 $5) (7. d4 $5 O-O 8. O-O d5 (8... Na6 9. e3) 9. Qc2) 7... O-O 8. Nc3 d6 9. Qc2 c5 10. d4 $11 {should be equal}) 6. Bg2 b6 7. d4 Bb7 8. e3 $5 {The position is equal.} (8. O-O d5 9. cxd5 exd5 10. Nc3) 8... d5 $5 (8... Qe7 9. O-O Ne4 10. Nc3) 9. Nc3 dxc4 10. bxc4 c5 (10... Nbd7 11. O-O c5 12. Qe2) 11. Qe2 (11. d5 $2 {[%eval -170,22] 11.Rc1 0.00} exd5 $17) 11... Qe7 {[%CAl Ga1d1,Rf8d8,Ya1c1,Ge1g1] And theory ends already after 11. move. We are on our own.} (11... cxd4 12. exd4) 12. Rc1 (12. O-O) (12. Rd1 Rd8 13. O-O Nc6 14. d5 exd5 15. Nxd5 Nxd5 16. cxd5 Nb4 17. Bxg7 Kxg7 18. e4 {Black must now prevent Rfe1.} Nxd5 $1 19. Rxd5 Bxd5 (19... Rxd5 $5 20. Qb2+ Rd4 21. Nxd4 cxd4 $11) (19... Rxd5 $5 20. Qb2+ Rd4 21. Nxd4 cxd4 $11) 20. Qb2+) 12... Ne4 {with this move my strategy is gone. Castling should be the right move order. Exchange of ? is probably not good due the fact the ? is coming in.} (12... Rd8 13. O-O Nc6 {more pressure on the d-?} 14. dxc5 Qxc5 15. Nd4 (15. Nb5 $5)) 13. O-O Nxc3 $1 {Didn't expect the exchange. I would have kept the ?} (13... Rd8 14. Rfd1 Nxc3 15. Bxc3 $11 Nd7 16. Qb2 cxd4 17. exd4 Rac8 18. d5 Bxc3 19. Rxc3 {Have a hard time getting an attack. Black's blocking position is pretty strong.}) 14. Bxc3 Nd7 (14... Rd8 15. h4) 15. Rfd1 Rfd8 (15... Rfe8 16. a4 Rac8 17. d5 (17. Qa2) 17... exd5 {[%CAl Od5d4] And now ...d4! would win. aiming for ...d4! Threatens to win with ...d4!} 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. cxd5 Red8 $2 {[%eval 156,20]} (19... Rcd8 $11 {[%eval -8,30] and Black stays safe.}) (19... Rcd8 $11 {[%eval -11,38] and Black is okay.}) ({Better is} 19... Rcd8 $11 {[%eval -20,24]}) 20. e4) 16. h4 {[%CAl Gf3g5]} Rac8 {[%CAl Gf3g5,Rb7f3,Gg1g2,Yh4h5,Yg6h5] I don't feel comfortable and have a hard time calculating a plan.} (16... h6) 17. h5 Ba6 {[%CAl Rc5d4,Gf3d4,Ra6c4,Ge2d2] that's the thread now. I think ?b2 is the best move? or ?a3 to play later ?b4? However, a ? sacrifice with ?gxh5} (17... gxh5 18. Nh4 cxd4 {Hoping for ...Bxg2.} 19. exd4 Bxg2 20. Kxg2) 18. a3 {not a good move I found out in the aftermath.} (18. d5 exd5 19. Bxg7 Kxg7 20. Rxd5 Bb7 $11) (18. Qb2 Bxc4 19. dxc5 Bxc3 20. Rxc3 $11) 18... gxh5 19. Bb2 {[%CAl Gd4d5,Gb2g7,Rd7f6,Rd7f8,Rc5d4]} Nf8 20. d5 {[%CAl Rg7b2,Re6d5,Rf8g6]} Ng6 21. Bh3 (21. Bxg7 {the better move} Kxg7 22. Qb2+ Qf6 23. Qxf6+ $11) 21... Rb8 {I believe Black has an advantage. Very solid position} 22. Bxg7 Kxg7 23. Qb2+ (23. Nd2 $2 {[%eval -266,25] 23.Qb2+ -0.17 23.Qb2+ -0.20} Rxd5 {desaster}) 23... Qf6 24. Qxf6+ Kxf6 25. e4 exd5 (25... h4 26. Nxh4 Nxh4 27. gxh4 exd5 28. cxd5 {Black must now prevent f4.} Rg8+ 29. Kh2) (25... Ne5 $2 {[%eval 220,29] 25...exd5 -0.18} 26. Nxe5 Kxe5 27. f4+ Kf6 (27... Kxe4 $2 {[%eval 776,23] 27...Kf6 1.52 [#] 27...Kf6 1.91} 28. Kf2 $1 $18) 28. d6 $14) (25... Ne5 $2 {[%eval 124,21] 25...exd5 -0.46} 26. Nxe5 Kxe5 27. f4+ Kf6 (27... Kxe4 28. Kf2) 28. d6 $14) (25... Ne5 $6 26. Nxe5 Kxe5 27. f4+ Kf6 28. d6 $14) 26. exd5 {[#]} h4 $1 27. d6 (27. gxh4 Re8 $15) 27... Rg8 $5 (27... hxg3 28. fxg3) 28. d7 (28. Kh2 hxg3+ 29. fxg3 Rge8 30. d7 Re2+) 28... hxg3 (28... Nf4 29. Kh2 hxg3+ 30. fxg3 Nxh3 31. Kxh3 Bb7 {[%CAl Ob8f8,Of6e7] Strongly threatening ...Rbf8!} 32. Rf1 {Threatens to win with Rce1. And now Rce1 would win. Rce1 would now be deadly.} Rgd8 33. Nh4+ $2 {[%eval -209,26][%mdl 8192]} (33. Rcd1 $11 {[%eval -3,37] and White has nothing to worry.}) (33. Rcd1 $11 {[%eval 0,46] and White stays safe.}) (33. Rcd1 $11 {[%eval -1,26]}) 33... Kg7 $19 {[%CAl Og7f8]} 34. Nf5+ {[#]} Kf8 $1 35. Rf4 Rxd7 {Threatens to win with ...Rbd8.} 36. Rh4 {this is too slow}) 29. Rd6+ (29. fxg3 {I think I'm screwed... all this isolated pawns. However, fxg3 was the better move.} Nf4 30. Kh2 Nxh3 31. Kxh3) 29... Ke7 30. Rc6 $1 Nf4 31. Re1+ Kd8 (31... Kf8 $5 32. Bf5 $8 Bb7 $15 (32... Bxc4 $2 {[%eval 994,25] 32...Bb7 0.07} 33. Rc8+ Kg7 34. Ree8 $18) (32... Bb7 $5 33. Ne5 Rg5 34. fxg3 (34. Bxh7 $2 Nh3+ 35. Kh1 gxf2 $19) (34. Rc8+ $2 Rxc8 35. dxc8=B Bxc8 $19) 34... Rxf5 (34... Rxg3+ 35. Kf2 $16) 35. gxf4 Rxe5 (35... Rxf4 $2 36. Rc7 $18) 36. Rc8+ Rxc8 37. dxc8=Q+ Bxc8 38. Rxe5 Ba6 $11)) 32. Bf5 Bb7 (32... Bxc4 $2 {[%eval 32764,6][%mdl 8192] 32...Bb7 -0.86 32...Bb7 -0.08} 33. Rc8+) (32... Bb7 $5 33. Ne5 gxf2+ 34. Kxf2 Bxc6 35. Nxc6+ Kc7 36. Nxb8 Rxb8 $17) ({Worse is} 32... Bxc4 33. Rc8+) 33. Ne5 {[%CAl Re5f7]} Bxc6 34. Nxc6+ Kc7 35. Nxb8 Rxb8 $19 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame. KRB-KRN} ({Don't take} 35... gxf2+ 36. Kxf2 {Intending Re8 and mate.} Rxb8 (36... Kxb8 $2 {[%eval 32754,16][%mdl 8192] 36...Rxb8 -1.15 36...Rxb8 -0.10} 37. Re8+ Kb7 38. Rxg8 h6 39. d8=Q {[%csl Gf5,Gg8][%CAl Rd8c8]} Ka6 40. Qe8) 37. Re7 $1 $17) ({Don't take} 35... gxf2+ 36. Kxf2 {White wants to mate with Re8.} Rxb8 (36... Kxb8 37. Re8+ Kb7 38. Rxg8 h6 39. d8=Q) 37. Re7 $17) 36. Re8 $2 {[%eval -379,34][%mdl 8192] Rxb8 would kill now. White does not recover from this. That was a blunder and after this Black is on a winning path} (36. Re7 $1 $15 {[%eval -66,29]} gxf2+ 37. Kxf2 Rd8 38. Rxf7 Ng6 39. Ke1) (36. Re7 $1 $11 {[%eval -20,38]} Ng6 37. d8=R+ Kxd8 38. Rxf7) 36... gxf2+ 37. Kxf2 {[%CAl Oe8b8]} Rd8 {[%CAl Of4e6] Hoping for ...Ne6!} 38. Re7 (38. Kf3 $2 {[%eval -433,26] 38.Re7 -2.63 38.Re7 -3.70 38.Re7 -3.75} Ne6 39. Bxh7 {[%eval -759,26]} (39. Bxe6 $142 {[%eval -424,25]} fxe6 40. Rxe6) 39... Ng5+ {doesn't work}) 38... Ng6 39. Rxf7 Ne5 $1 {[%csl LRc4,LRd7,LRf7]} 40. Rxh7 Rf8 (40... Nxc4 {[%CAl Od8f8]} 41. Ke2 Nxa3 {That was it. It's over}) ({Not} 40... Nxc4 {[%CAl Od8f8]} 41. a4 $19) ({Weaker is} 40... Nxd7 $2 {[%eval -1,26] 40...Rf8 -3.05 40...Nxc4 -4.33} 41. Re7 $11) ({Weaker is} 40... Nxd7 41. Re7 $11) ({Much less strong is} 40... Nxc4 41. a4 $19) ({Not} 40... Nxd7 41. Re7 $11) 41. Rh5 Nxc4 {[%CAl Oc4d6]} 42. Ke2 Nxa3 43. Kd3 Nb5 44. Bg4 (44. Bh3 Nd6 45. Kc3) 44... Nd6 45. Be6 Nb7 (45... Rf3+ 46. Kc2) 46. Bf5 Rf6 47. Kc3 Nd8 48. Kc4 a6 49. Kb3 Ne6 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.20 (precise) /Black=0.02 (flawless) . Inaccurate: White=5 Black=1 OK: White=15 Black=28 Best: White=2 Black=7 at this point and after some thoughts I resigned. No chance he will blunder and no chance to turn the tide.} 0-1