[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Studer, Noel"]
[Black "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A88"]
[WhiteElo "2581"]
[BlackElo "2658"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "80"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 15,80,21,29,24,30,16,37,-20,27,-27,-31,-32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,7,8,0,
-305,-300,-587,-571,-539,-525,-697,-672,-862,-843,-984,-912]} 1. d4 f5 2. c4
Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. Nf3 d6 6. O-O O-O 7. Nc3 c6 8. Re1 Na6 9. a3 {
A88: Dutch Defence: Leningrad System: 5 Nf3 0-0 6 0-0 d6 7 Nc3 c6.} Ne4 10. Qb3
Kh8 {[#]} 11. Be3 $146 ({White should play} 11. Rd1 $14) ({Predecessor:} 11. e3
e5 12. Rd1 Qf6 13. Qc2 Nxc3 14. bxc3 Be6 15. Nd2 Qf7 16. Qd3 f4 17. Qe2 exd4
18. cxd4 fxe3 19. fxe3 {1-0 (67) Zidar,J (1294)-Stanic,U (1892) Slovenia 2017})
11... Nxc3 12. bxc3 (12. Qxc3 $142 Nc5 13. Qc2) 12... e5 $11 13. Bg5 Qe8 14. e4
f4 15. gxf4 h6 16. fxe5 hxg5 17. exd6 g4 18. Nd2 (18. Ng5 $2 Qd8 $19) 18... Qf7
19. Re2 Nc5 $1 {[%CAl Rc5b3]} 20. dxc5 {[#] aiming for e5.} Be5 21. Rb1 Rb8 22.
Qa4 a6 23. Qa5 Bd7 24. Qc7 Rfc8 25. Qa5 Be6 26. Nf1 Bxc4 27. Reb2 Bxf1 28. Kxf1
(28. Bxf1 Rf8 $17) 28... Rf8 29. Qc7 {Hoping for Qxf7.} Qc4+ 30. Kg1 Qxc5 31.
Rd1 (31. Rxb7 Qxf2+ 32. Kh1 Rxb7 33. Qxb7 Qf4 34. Qg7+ Kxg7 35. Rb7+ Kg8 36.
Rg7+ Kxg7 37. h4 Qh2#) 31... b5 32. Qe7 Rf6 33. Rf1 (33. Rbd2 $11 {remains
equal.}) 33... Rbf8 $17 ({Don't play} 33... Qxc3 34. Rc2 $15) ({Of course not}
33... Rxd6 $6 34. Rd2 $11) 34. Rd2 {This move loses the game for White.} (34.
Qd7 $17 {is the only way for White.}) 34... Bxd6 35. Qd7 Qe5 {[%csl Gd6][%CAl
Re5h2]} ({Not} 35... Qxa3 36. Rfd1 $17) 36. f4 $2 (36. Rxd6 {was the only
chance.} Rxd6 37. Qxg4) 36... gxf3 $19 {Black is clearly winning.} 37. Qh3+ Kg8
{And now ...Bc5+ would win.} 38. Bxf3 Qxc3 {[%mdl 64] [#] Double Attack} 39.
Rg2 Kg7 40. Qh5 Qc5+ {[%mdl 64] Double Attack. Weighted Error Value: White=0.
52/Black=0.06} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "1.2"]
[White "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Black "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A81"]
[WhiteElo "2591"]
[BlackElo "2648"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "80"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 17,80,17,25,3,52,5,8,14,5,0,0,0,0,8,25,-3,4,0,-7,-35,0,0,31,28,32,28,28,
-29990,-29991,-29993,-29963,-29998,-29999]} 1. d4 f5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2
Bg7 5. O-O O-O 6. b3 b6 7. Bb2 Bb7 8. c4 e6 9. Nc3 Ne4 10. Rc1 {A81: Dutch
Defence: 2 g3.} d6 {[#]} 11. Qd3 $146 ({Predecessor:} 11. Nxe4 Bxe4 12. Ne1
Bxg2 13. Nxg2 Nd7 14. Qd3 Qe7 15. e4 Nc5 16. dxc5 Bxb2 17. cxd6 Qxd6 18. Qxd6
cxd6 {1/2-1/2 (30) Sundararajan,K (2422)-Piorun,K (2651) Karlsruhe 2017}) 11...
Nd7 12. Nd2 {[%CAl Rd2e4] The position is equal.} d5 13. Nf3 c6 14. e3 Qe7 15.
Ne2 a5 16. Qc2 Rfc8 17. Rfd1 a4 18. Ne1 axb3 19. axb3 Ra2 20. Ra1 Rca8 21. Rxa2
Rxa2 22. Nd3 c5 23. cxd5 exd5 24. Qb1 Ra8 25. dxc5 bxc5 26. Ndf4 Ndf6 27. Qc1
Ra2 {[#] And now ...Rxb2! would win.} 28. Bxf6 Bxf6 ({Reject} 28... Qxf6 $6 29.
Bxe4 fxe4 30. Qxc5 $16) 29. Bxe4 $4 {[%mdl 8192] Loses the game.} ({White
should try} 29. h4 $15) 29... Qxe4 $19 ({And not} 29... dxe4 30. Nc3 $16) 30.
Qxc5 (30. Rf1 $142 d4 31. f3 Qxe3+ 32. Qxe3 dxe3 33. Re1) 30... d4 {[%csl Gb7]
[%CAl Re4h1]} 31. Kf1 Qh1+ {[%mdl 64] [#] Double Attack} 32. Ng1 Ba6+ 33. Nd3
Bxd3+ {[%mdl 64] Overworked Piece} 34. Rxd3 Ra1+ 35. Ke2 Qxg1 36. Qc8+ Kg7 {
( -> ...Re1+)} 37. Qc7+ Kh6 {Black mates.} 38. Qf4+ Bg5 39. Qxd4 Rf1 {[%csl
Gg1][%CAl Rf1f2]} 40. e4 Re1+ {Weighted Error Value: White=1.11/Black=0.09} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "1.3"]
[White "Nihal Sarin"]
[Black "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A01"]
[WhiteElo "2620"]
[BlackElo "2699"]
[Annotator "Shahid"]
[PlyCount "59"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 Bf5 3. d3 e6 4. Nd2 Nf6 5. g3 h6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. e4 Bh7 8. Nh3 a5
9. a3 c5 10. O-O O-O 11. Nf4 Nc6 12. exd5 exd5 13. Re1 a4 14. Bxf6 Bxf6 15. Rb1
Ne7 (15... axb3 16. Rxb3) 16. bxa4 Qd7 $2 (16... Ra7) (16... b6) 17. c4 Bg5 18.
Nxd5 Nxd5 (18... Bxd3 $4 19. Rb3 Bf5 20. Nxe7+ Bxe7 21. Rxb7 $18) 19. Bxd5 Qxa4
20. Qxa4 Rxa4 21. Ne4 Bxe4 22. dxe4 Rxa3 23. Rxb7 Bd2 24. Re2 Bc3 25. Kg2 Bd4
26. e5 Ra6 27. f4 Ra1 28. f5 Rg1+ 29. Kh3 Rf1 30. e6 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "1.4"]
[White "Pichot, Alan"]
[Black "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[WhiteElo "2630"]
[BlackElo "2675"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "150"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 25,150,0,0,4,10,0,24,8,13,11,15,6,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,8,26,35,-21,-24,
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Nd5 Nxd5 8.
exd5 Nb8 9. c4 Be7 10. Bd3 a6 11. Nc3 O-O 12. O-O f5 13. f3 Nd7 14. a3 {
B33: Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variations.} b6 15. Kh1 {[#]} Rb8 $146 ({
Predecessor:} 15... a5 16. Be3 Nc5 17. Bc2 Ba6 18. Qe2 Rc8 19. g4 f4 20. Bg1
Nd7 21. b3 g6 {1/2-1/2 (47) Jung,R (2303)-Dessaules,P (2371) ICCF email 2018})
16. Be3 {White has an edge.} Bg5 17. Bg1 Qf6 18. Qc2 Nc5 19. Be2 Qh6 20. b4 Nd7
21. Rad1 Nf6 22. Bd3 Nh5 {[%CAl Rh5g3]} 23. Ne2 Be3 24. Bxe3 Qxe3 25. Qd2 ({
Better is} 25. Rfe1 $14) 25... Qxd2 $11 26. Rxd2 Bd7 27. Rc1 Nf6 28. Kg1 e4 (
28... Rfc8 $15) 29. Bb1 Rbc8 30. Rc3 (30. fxe4 $11 fxe4 31. Ng3) 30... Rfe8 $15
31. Kf1 a5 32. Rd4 axb4 33. axb4 Ra8 34. Bc2 Ra2 35. Rd1 Rb2 36. Rb1 Rxb1+ 37.
Bxb1 Ra8 38. Kf2 Ra4 39. Rb3 exf3 40. gxf3 b5 41. Bd3 Ra2 (41... bxc4 $11 42.
Bxc4 Kf8) 42. cxb5 $16 {b6 is the strong threat.} Kf8 43. b6 {Threatens to win
with b7.} Ra8 44. Nc3 (44. b7 $16 Rb8 45. Ba6) 44... Rb8 $11 45. Ke3 Rxb6 46.
Kd4 Ke7 47. b5 Kd8 48. Ra3 Kc7 49. Ra7+ Rb7 50. Ra6 Rb6 51. Ra1 Rb8 52. Re1 Re8
53. Ra1 Kb7 54. Ra6 Kc7 55. Na4 Rb8 56. b6+ Kd8 57. Nc3 Bc8 58. b7 {[%mdl 64]
[#] Discovered Attack} Rxb7 {And now ...Rb4+ would win.} 59. Rxd6+ Ke7 60. Rc6
Bd7 (60... Rb4+ $1 $11 {keeps the balance.} 61. Kc5 Rb3) 61. Ra6 $16 Rb2 62.
d6+ Kf7 $1 63. Bc4+ Kg6 64. Nd5 ({White should try} 64. Ne2 $14) 64... Nxd5 $11
65. Bxd5 {aiming for Ra7.} Rxh2 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame KRB-KRB} 66. Ra7 Rd2+ 67.
Ke5 {[%mdl 1024] White has compensation.} Re2+ 68. Kf4 Bb5 $2 (68... Rd2 $11)
69. Rb7 Ba4 {intending ...Rd2.} 70. d7 Bxd7 71. Rxd7 Kh6 72. Kxf5 Re8 73. f4
g6+ $2 (73... Rc8 74. Ke5 g6) 74. Kf6 $18 Rf8+ {[#]} 75. Bf7 $1 Rb8 {Weighted
Error Value: White=0.13/Black=0.12} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Pichot, Alan"]
[Black "Studer, Noel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[WhiteElo "2630"]
[BlackElo "2581"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "49"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 20,49,7,3,8,10,14,11,13,16,8,5,16,0,52,0,134,138,167,127,224,216,425,
406,639,635,652,652,625,629,1952,1908]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4
Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Nd5 Nxd5 8. exd5 Nb8 9. c4 Be7 10. Bd3 O-O 11. O-O
a6 {B33: Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variations.} 12. Nc3 Nd7 13. Qc2 g6 {
The position is equal.} 14. Bh6 Re8 15. b4 f5 16. Rad1 $36 {[%mdl 2048] [#]
White fights for an advantage.} Bf6 $146 ({Black should try} 16... b6 $11) ({
Predecessor:} 16... b6 17. f3 Nf6 18. Qf2 Kh8 19. Be3 Nd7 20. Qd2 Bb7 21. a4
Bh4 22. g3 Be7 {1/2-1/2 (28) Willert,F-Siljanovski,D CiF corr 2001}) 17. c5 $14
dxc5 (17... e4 $11 {keeps the balance.} 18. Be2 Be5) 18. d6 $16 b6 19. Nd5 Ra7
(19... Kh8 $16) 20. Nc7 $18 Rxc7 $2 (20... Kh8 {was worth a try.} 21. Nxe8 Qxe8
) 21. dxc7 Qxc7 (21... Qe7 $142 22. Bc4+ Kh8) 22. Qc4+ {White is clearly
winning.} Kh8 23. Qf7 Qd8 {[#]} 24. Bxa6 $1 {[%mdl 512]} Re7 {[#]} (24... Qe7
25. Qxe7) 25. Qxf6+ $1 {[%mdl 576] Pin. Weighted Error Value: White=0.02/
Black=0.62} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Black "Nihal Sarin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E05"]
[WhiteElo "2675"]
[BlackElo "2620"]
[Annotator "Shahid"]
[PlyCount "138"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 0,138,25,19,18,20,17,-3,6,-17,-17,18,11,12,31,-6,3,39,7,20,26,41,49,15,
-432,-432,-535,-1315,-1944]} 1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. g3 Be7 5. Bg2 O-O
6. O-O dxc4 7. Qc2 b5 8. a4 b4 9. Ne5 Qxd4 10. Bxa8 Qxe5 11. Bf4 (11. Qxc4 $2
Ba6 12. Qc2 c6) 11... Qh5 12. Bf3 Ng4 13. Bxg4 Qxg4 14. Nd2 e5 15. Bxe5 Nc6 16.
Nxc4 Qe6 17. Bxg7 $2 (17. Bxc7 Nd4 18. Qd3 Nxe2+ 19. Kg2 Ba6 20. b3) 17... Kxg7
18. Rfd1 Bf6 19. e3 Ne5 20. Nxe5 Qxe5 21. Rac1 Qxb2 22. Qxc7 Bg4 23. Rb1 Qa2
24. Rf1 Bh3 25. Rxb4 Qe2 26. Rbb1 Rc8 27. Qb7 Rc2 28. a5 a6 29. Qe4 Bxf1 30.
Rxf1 Ra2 31. Qf5 h6 32. Rc1 Qb5 33. Qg4+ Qg5 34. Qf3 Rxa5 35. Rc4 Qd5 36. Rg4+
Kf8 $2 (36... Kh7) 37. Re4 (37. Qxf6 Qd1+ 38. Kg2 Qxg4 39. Qd8+ Kg7 40. Qxa5
Qe4+ 41. Kf1 Qc4+ 42. Kg2) 37... Kg7 38. Rg4+ Kf8 39. Re4 Qd6 40. Rf4 Kg7 41.
Rg4+ Rg5 42. h4 Rxg4 43. Qxg4+ Kf8 44. Qc8+ Kg7 45. Qg4+ Kf8 46. Qc8+ Bd8 47.
e4 a5 48. e5 Qd1+ 49. Kh2 Qd5 50. f4 a4 51. Qa6 Qd2+ 52. Kh3 Qd7+ 53. Kh2 Kg7
54. f5 Qxf5 55. Qxa4 Qxe5 56. Qg4+ Kf8 57. Qc8 Qe2+ 58. Kh1 Qd1+ 59. Kg2 Qd5+
60. Kh2 h5 61. Qc3 Kg8 62. Qe3 Kg7 63. Qc3+ Bf6 64. Qe3 Qa2+ 65. Kh1 Qa1+ 66.
Kg2 Qb2+ 67. Kh1 Qd4 68. Qf3 Qg4 69. Qe3 Bd4 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Black "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]
[WhiteElo "2699"]
[BlackElo "2591"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 10,55,21,9,22,24,27,16,22,0,0,0,-9,-8,0,-20,14,9,18,30,26,31,31,31,14,
29988,29989,29990,29991]} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nd2 e6 5. Nb3 Nd7 6.
Nf3 Qc7 {B12: Caro-Kann: Advance Variation.} 7. Be2 c5 8. c3 $5 {[%mdl 4] An
interesting side line.} h6 {[#] The position is equal.} 9. Be3 $146 ({
Predecessor:} 9. O-O c4 10. Nbd2 Ne7 11. b3 cxb3 12. Qxb3 Nc6 13. c4 Na5 14.
Qa4 dxc4 15. Nxc4 Nxc4 16. Bxc4 {1/2-1/2 (40) Chigaev,M (2565)-Rozum,I (2581)
Sochi 2018}) 9... c4 10. Nbd2 b5 11. O-O Bh7 12. g3 Ne7 13. Nh4 Nf5 14. Nxf5
Bxf5 15. g4 Bh7 16. f4 Nb6 17. b3 (17. Rf2 $11) 17... Ba3 $1 $15 18. bxc4 bxc4
19. f5 Bb2 (19... Qd7 $17 {[%CAl Re6f5]} 20. Qc2 Qa4) 20. Rb1 $36 {[%mdl 2048]
White is more active.} Bxc3 21. Qc1 $1 {[%CAl Rc1c3]} Bxd2 22. Bxd2 Qd7 (22...
O-O $1 $11) 23. Qa3 $14 {[%mdl 1024] [#] Hoping for Rxb6! White has
compensation.} Nc8 {[%mdl 8192] This move loses the game for Black.} (23... Qa4
$14 24. Qxa4+ Nxa4) 24. Bd1 $18 Qe7 25. Ba4+ Kd8 26. Bb4 {White mates.} Qc7 27.
Bd6 Nxd6 28. exd6 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.08/Black=0.48} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "2.4"]
[White "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Black "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B12"]
[WhiteElo "2648"]
[BlackElo "2658"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 9,60,-2,0,0,-6,-29,-19,-27,-24,-27,-27,-40,-18,-27,-19,-23,-13,-138,-35,
-29978,-29979]} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 (3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nd7 5. Bd3 Ngf6 6.
Ng5 Qc7 7. N1f3 e6 8. Qe2 h6 9. Bg6 hxg5 10. Nxg5 Ne5 11. dxe5 fxg6 12. exf6
gxf6 13. Nxe6 Bxe6 14. Qxe6+ Qe7 15. Qxe7+ Bxe7 {1-0 (47) Lagarde,M (2638)
-Kamsky,G (2665) Chartres 2021}) 3... Bf5 4. h4 h6 5. Bd3 Bxd3 6. cxd3 {
B12: Caro-Kann: Advance Variation.} e6 7. h5 {[#]} c5 $146 ({Predecessor:} 7...
Ne7 8. Nf3 Nd7 9. Nc3 a6 10. a3 c5 11. dxc5 Nxc5 12. b4 Nd7 13. Bb2 Nc6 {
1/2-1/2 (30) Vokac,M (2360)-Lechtynsky,J (2445) Trencianske Teplice 1985}) 8.
dxc5 {The position is equal.} Bxc5 9. Qg4 Ne7 10. d4 Bb4+ 11. Nc3 Nf5 12. Nge2
Nc6 13. Ng3 (13. O-O $11) 13... Nfxd4 ({Better is} 13... Ncxd4 $17 14. O-O Qh4
15. Qxh4 Nxh4) 14. Qxg7 $15 Kd7 $36 {[%mdl 2048] Black is pushing.} 15. Qxf7+
Qe7 16. Qxe7+ Bxe7 17. O-O Nxe5 18. f4 {[#]} (18. Rd1 $15 Ndc6 19. Bf4) 18...
Rag8 $1 {aiming for ...Nef3+!} 19. fxe5 {Black must now prevent Nge2.} (19.
Nge2 Bc5) 19... Rxg3 20. Bf4 Rg4 {Threatens to win with ...Rhg8.} 21. g3 Rhg8 {
Hoping for ...Bh4.} 22. Kh2 {[#]} Bh4 $1 {[%CAl Rh4g3][%mdl 512]} 23. Rad1 {
Threatening Rd3.} Nf5 {[%CAl Rf5g3]} 24. Ne4 (24. Ne2 $17 {was the only chance.
}) 24... Ke7 $2 25. Nd6 {[%mdl 8192]} (25. Nf6 $11 Bxf6 26. exf6+ Kxf6 27. Rde1
) 25... Nxg3 $19 {[%mdl 64] Double Attack} 26. Bg5+ Bxg5 27. Rf7+ Kd8 {
Strongly threatening ...Be7.} 28. Rxb7 Nf5 {( -> ...Bf4+)} 29. Nxf5 exf5 (29...
Bf4+ $142 30. Kh3 exf5 31. Rb8+ Ke7 32. Rxg8 Rxg8) 30. Rxd5+ Kc8 {Weighted
Error Value: White=0.94/Black=0.56} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "3.1"]
[White "Studer, Noel"]
[Black "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A89"]
[WhiteElo "2581"]
[BlackElo "2648"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "98"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 23,98,57,56,29,21,-2,26,-11,19,23,23,50,36,0,0,0,429,0,0,0,0,0,0,-16,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]} 1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 g6
4. Bg2 Bg7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O d6 7. Nc3 Nc6 8. d5 Ne5 9. Nxe5 dxe5 10. Qb3 h6
11. c5 Kh8 12. Rd1 g5 13. Qa3 {A89: Dutch Defence: Leningrad System: 5 Nf3 0-0
6 0-0 d6 7 Nc3 Nc6.} Qe8 {[#]} 14. Bd2 $146 ({Predecessor:} 14. d6 exd6 15.
cxd6 cxd6 16. Qxd6 Rf7 17. Qb4 Bf8 18. Qa5 b6 19. Qb5 Bd7 20. Qb3 Be6 {1-0 (53)
Kramnik,V (2751)-Vallejo Pons,F (2494) ICC INT 1999}) 14... e4 15. Rac1 {
White has an edge.} (15. c6 $5) 15... Qh5 16. c6 bxc6 17. dxc6 e5 18. Nb5 f4 $1
{Threatens to win with ...e3.} 19. Bb4 Bg4 $2 {[%mdl 8192]} (19... Rg8 $1 $11)
20. f3 $2 ({White should try} 20. Nxc7 $18 Rac8 21. Bxf8 Bxf8 22. Qxa7 Bxe2 23.
Qb7 $1 {[%mdl 512]}) 20... fxg3 $11 21. hxg3 exf3 22. exf3 e4 $1 {[%CAl Re4f3]}
23. Rf1 (23. Nxc7 $2 exf3 24. Bxf8 Rxf8 $19) 23... exf3 24. Bxf3 (24. Bxf8 $11
Rxf8 25. Bxf3) 24... Bxf3 (24... Rf7 $17 {Strongly threatening ...Rb8.} 25. Bc5
Rb8) 25. Qxf3 $15 ({But not} 25. Rxf3 $2 {[#]} Ng4 $1 $19 {[%mdl 512]}) 25...
Ng4 {[%csl Gg4][%CAl Rh5h2]} 26. Qh1 Rxf1+ 27. Rxf1 Qxh1+ 28. Kxh1 Rb8 29. Bc3
Rxb5 30. Rf8+ $1 Kh7 31. Rf7 {The position is equal.} Ne5 {[%mdl 64] Double
Attack} 32. Rxc7 Rc5 33. Rxa7 ({Of course not} 33. Bxe5 Rxe5 34. b4 Re1+ 35.
Kg2 Rb1 $17) 33... Kg6 34. c7 Bf6 35. Ra5 Rxc7 36. Bxe5 $11 {[%mdl 4096]
Endgame KRB-KRB} Rc1+ 37. Kg2 {And now Ra6 would win.} Rc2+ 38. Kf3 {Ra6 is
the strong threat.} Bxe5 39. Rxe5 Rxb2 {KR-KR} 40. Re6+ Kf5 41. Rxh6 Rxa2 42.
g4+ Ke5 43. Rb6 Ra3+ 44. Kg2 Re3 45. Kf2 Rd3 46. Ra6 Ke4 47. Kg2 Rd4 48. Kg3
Rd3+ 49. Kg2 Ke5 {What a bad dream for Black. Weighted Error Value: White=0.
29/Black=0.20} 1/2-1/2
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "3.2"]
[White "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Black "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A26"]
[WhiteElo "2658"]
[BlackElo "2699"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "113"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 12,113,25,23,58,36,33,14,21,11,16,0,31,3,14,10,25,9,0,0,0,-5,4,-7,24,25,
5089,3375,29980,29981,29981,29982]} 1. g3 e5 2. Bg2 Nc6 3. c4 g6 4. Nc3 d6 5.
d3 Bg7 6. e4 Nf6 7. Nge2 h5 {A26: English Opening vs King's Indian with ...Nc6
and d3.} 8. h3 Nh7 9. Be3 {[#]} Nd4 $146 {The position is equal.} ({
Predecessor:} 9... h4 10. Qd2 Be6 11. b3 Nd4 12. g4 c6 13. Rc1 g5 14. Nb1 Bf6
15. Qb2 Qb6 {1/2-1/2 (38) Fucak,E (2320)-Ljubicic,F (2396) Pula 1999}) 10. f4
c6 11. Qd2 Be6 12. O-O Qd7 13. Kh2 O-O 14. Rf2 f5 15. Raf1 Rae8 16. fxe5 dxe5
17. exf5 Nxf5 18. Ne4 b6 19. N2c3 (19. Ng1 {feels hotter.} Nxe3 20. Qxe3 Rxf2
21. Rxf2 Rd8 22. Bf1) 19... h4 (19... Nxe3 {is more complex.} 20. Qxe3 Rf5 21.
b4 Rd8 22. Rf3 Rxf3 23. Rxf3 Bf5) 20. gxh4 (20. g4 {keeps more tension.} Nxe3
21. Qxe3 Qd4 22. Rxf8+ Rxf8 23. Qd2) 20... Nxh4 21. Rxf8+ Rxf8 22. Rxf8+ Bxf8
23. Nf2 Nxg2 24. Kxg2 Nf6 25. Bg5 Nh5 26. Nce4 Bg7 27. b3 Bf5 28. Qe3 Qd4 29.
Qxd4 exd4 30. Kf3 Bd7 31. Be7 Kf7 32. Bd6 b5 (32... Nf6 $14) 33. Bb8 a6 34. Ng4
bxc4 35. bxc4 Ke7 36. a4 Bc8 37. a5 Ke6 (37... Nf6 $1 $14) 38. h4 $16 Ke7 $2 (
38... Nf6 $16) 39. Ne5 $18 {[%mdl 64] [#] Double Attack} Bf5 (39... Bxe5 $142
40. Bxe5 Kf7 41. Bxd4 Bf5) 40. Nxc6+ Kd7 41. Nb4 Nf6 42. Nc5+ Kc8 43. Nbxa6 {
Strongly threatening Be5.} Bf8 44. Be5 Nd7 45. Bxd4 (45. Nxd7 $18 {and the
rest is easy.} Kxd7 46. Ke2 (46. Bxd4 Bxd3 47. Nc5+ Bxc5 $14)) 45... Bxc5 $16
46. Bxc5 $18 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame aiming for d4. KBN-KBN} Kb7 47. Nb4 Nxc5 48.
d4 Nb3 (48... Na6 $5 {[%CAl Ra6b4]} 49. Nd5 Bd3 $11) 49. a6+ Ka7 50. Ke3 {
[%mdl 1024] White has compensation.} Na5 $2 {[%mdl 8192]} (50... Bg4 $14) 51.
c5 {[%CAl Bc4c5,Bc5c6,Bc6d7][%mdl 32]} Nb3 52. c6 Kb6 53. d5 Nc5 54. d6 Nxa6 {
[#]} 55. d7 $1 Bxd7 (55... Nxb4 56. d8=Q+) 56. cxd7 Kc7 57. Nxa6+ {Weighted
Error Value: White=0.14/Black=0.29} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "3.3"]
[White "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Black "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D43"]
[WhiteElo "2591"]
[BlackElo "2675"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "172"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 19,172,14,20,22,39,23,18,20,34,0,8,0,1,-8,-7,-7,-5,-7,-4,-10,-16,-39,0,
-8,-29985,-29986,-29987,-29988,-29989,-29990,-29990,-29991,-29991,-386]} 1. d4
Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c6 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bxf6 Qxf6 7. e3 Nd7 8. Be2 dxc4
9. Bxc4 g6 10. O-O Bg7 11. e4 {11.Re1 is becoming the main line. D43:
Semi-Slav: 5 Bg5 h6.} O-O 12. Re1 e5 {[%CAl Re5d4]} 13. d5 {The position is
equal.} Rd8 14. h3 b5 15. dxc6 bxc4 16. Nd5 {[%CAl Bc3d5,Bd5e3,Be3c4][%mdl 32]}
Qe6 17. cxd7 Rxd7 18. Qc2 Bb7 19. Ne3 Rc8 {[#]} 20. Rad1 $146 ({Predecessor:}
20. Rac1 Qa6 21. Nd2 Rd3 22. f3 Qb6 23. Ndxc4 Rxe3 24. Rxe3 Rxc4 25. Qxc4 Qxe3+
26. Kh1 {1/2-1/2 (39) Laine,J (2251)-Sanchez Huerga,A (2346) ICCF email 2015})
20... Rd3 (20... Rd4 $5 21. Nd5 a5 $11) 21. Rxd3 cxd3 22. Qxd3 Qxa2 23. b3 Qa5
24. Nc4 Qc7 25. Qd6 Qxd6 26. Nxd6 Rb8 27. Ra1 Bf8 28. Nxb7 Rxb7 29. Nxe5 Rxb3
30. Rxa7 $11 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame KRB-KRN} Bd6 31. Ra8+ Kg7 (31... Kh7 $5 32.
f4 $8 Bxe5 33. fxe5 Rb4 $11) 32. f4 Rb4 33. Rd8 Bc5+ 34. Kh2 Rxe4 35. Nd3 Bd4
36. Rd5 Kf6 37. h4 h5 38. Rb5 Re3 39. Nb4 Ke6 (39... Re1 {with more
complications.} 40. g3 Kg7 41. Nd3 Re3 42. Ne5 Kf6) 40. Nd5 Rd3 (40... Ra3 $15
41. Nc7+ Ke7) 41. Nc7+ $2 (41. f5+ $1 $14 {keeps the upper hand.} Kd6 42. Nf4)
41... Kd7 (41... Kd6 $17 42. Na6 Bf2) 42. Nd5 (42. Na6 $1 $11 {keeps the
balance.}) 42... Bf2 43. Nf6+ $2 (43. g4 $17) 43... Kc6 $19 44. Rb1 Bxh4 45.
Ne4 Kd5 46. Ng5 Bg3+ 47. Kg1 Bxf4 48. Nxf7 Ke6 $1 {[%CAl Re6f7]} 49. Rb7 g5 50.
Nh8 $2 (50. Kf1) 50... Bg3 {[%CAl Rd3d1]} 51. Rb1 g4 $2 (51... Rd8 $19 {
and Black stays clearly on top.} 52. Ng6 Kf7) 52. Ng6 (52. Rf1 $17) 52... Kf6 (
52... Kf7 $142 53. Nh8+ Kg7) 53. Nf8 Bd6 $2 (53... Rd6 54. Nh7+ Kg6 55. Nf8+
Kg7) 54. Rf1+ {[#]} Kg5 $1 55. Nh7+ $2 (55. Ne6+ Kh4 56. Rc1) 55... Kh4 56. Nf6
Be5 {Threatens to win with ...Bd4+.} 57. Ne4 Re3 58. Nf2 Bd4 59. Rd1 $2 (59.
Kh1) 59... Bb6 $2 (59... Re4 60. g3+ {[%mdl 64] Decoy} Kxg3 61. Rd3+ Kh4) 60.
Kh1 $2 (60. Kf1 $19) 60... Kg3 61. Nd3 Re2 (61... h4 $142 62. Rb1 Bd4 63. Rd1
h3 64. Nf4 Kxf4 65. Kh2 Be5 66. gxh3 Kf3+ 67. Kh1 g3 68. Rf1+ Ke4 69. Rg1 Re2
70. Rg2 Re1+ 71. Rg1 Rxg1+ 72. Kxg1 Kf3 73. Kf1 g2+ 74. Ke1 Ke3 75. Kd1 Kd3 76.
h4 g1=Q#) 62. Nb4 Be3 63. Nd5 Bg5 (63... Bd2 $142 64. Nf6 Kh4) 64. Nc3 $2 (64.
Rb1) 64... Re3 65. Nd5 Re5 $2 (65... Rb3 $19 66. Nc7 h4) 66. Nc3 $2 (66. Rd3+
$17 Kf2 67. Kh2) 66... Kf2 67. Rb1 {[#]} Bd2 $1 68. Nb5 h4 69. Nd6 Bf4 $2 (
69... g3 70. Nf5 h3 71. Nxg3 hxg2+ 72. Kh2 Re3 73. Rd1 Be1 74. Ne2 Rxe2 75. Kh3
g1=Q 76. Rd3 Re5 77. Rf3+ Ke2 78. Rf2+ Qxf2 79. Kg4 Qh4#) 70. Rb2+ $11 Kf1 71.
Rb1+ $1 Ke2 {White must now prevent ...g3.} 72. Rb4 Bg3 73. Re4+ $1 Kf2 {
( -> ...h3)} (73... Kf1 {seems wilder.} 74. Rxe5 Bxe5 75. Nf5 Kf2 76. Nxh4 Bd4)
74. Rxe5 Bxe5 {KB-KN} 75. Nf5 Bf6 {Strongly threatening ...Bd8.} 76. Kh2 Bg5
77. Kh1 $1 Bd8 {Black wants to play ...Bf6.} 78. Kh2 Bg5 {...Bd8 is the strong
threat.} 79. Kh1 $1 Ke2 {aiming for ...g3.} 80. Kh2 Kd3 {And now ...Ke4 would
win.} (80... Bf4+ {looks sharper.} 81. Kg1 Be5 82. Kh1 h3 83. gxh3 gxh3 84. Ne3
Kxe3 85. Kg1 Kf3) 81. Kh1 Ke4 82. Nxh4 $2 {[%mdl 8192]} Bxh4 {Black mates.} 83.
Kh2 Ke3 84. Kh1 Kf2 85. Kh2 Bg3+ 86. Kh1 Bc7 $2 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.
70/Black=0.57} (86... Bf4 {mates} 87. g3 Kxg3 88. Kg1 Kf3 89. Kf1 Bd2 90. Kg1
g3 91. Kh1 g2+ 92. Kh2 Be3 93. Kh3 g1=Q 94. Kh4 Qh2#) 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "3.4"]
[White "Nihal Sarin"]
[Black "Pichot, Alan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D00"]
[WhiteElo "2620"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "59"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3. e3 c5 4. c3 Qb6 5. Qb3 c4 6. Qc2 g6 7. Nd2 Bg7 8. Ngf3
Bf5 9. Qc1 O-O 10. Be2 Nc6 11. h3 Rfc8 12. O-O Qd8 13. Re1 b5 14. Bd1 a5 15.
Bc2 b4 16. Ne5 Bxc2 17. Qxc2 Qb6 18. Nxc6 Rxc6 19. Be5 e6 20. e4 dxe4 21. Bxf6
Bxf6 22. Nxe4 Be7 23. Rad1 Qb5 24. Nd2 Rd8 25. Re5 Rd5 26. Rxd5 exd5 27. Re1
Bf6 28. Nf3 Rc8 29. g4 Re8 30. Rxe8+ 1/2-1/2
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "4.1"]
[White "Nihal Sarin"]
[Black "Studer, Noel"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A01"]
[WhiteElo "2620"]
[BlackElo "2581"]
[Annotator "Shahid"]
[PlyCount "118"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 Bf5 3. d3 e6 4. Nd2 Nf6 5. g3 h6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. e4 Bh7 8. Nh3 a5
9. a3 O-O 10. O-O a4 11. b4 c5 12. bxc5 Bxc5 13. exd5 Nxd5 14. d4 Be7 15. c4
Qb6 16. Ra2 Nf6 17. Re1 Nbd7 18. Bc3 Qc7 19. Rb2 Nb6 20. Qa1 Ra7 21. Bb4 Nc8
22. Nf4 Rd8 23. d5 e5 24. Ne2 Bxb4 25. Rxb4 Nd6 26. Qxe5 Nd7 27. Qc3 (27. Qd4
Raa8 28. Nc3 Nf5 29. Qg4 $18) 27... Nc5 28. Nf4 Raa8 29. Nh5 f6 30. Nf4 Bf5 31.
Ne6 Qe7 32. Qe3 (32. Nf3 Bxe6 33. Nd4) 32... Nd3 33. Nxd8 Qxe3 34. Rxe3 (34.
fxe3 Rxd8 (34... Nxe1 35. Nxb7 $18) 35. Reb1 Nxb4 36. Rxb4) 34... Nxb4 35. Nxb7
Nxb7 36. axb4 a3 37. Nb3 (37. Re1 Ra4 38. Ra1 Rxb4 (38... h5 39. c5 Rxb4 40. c6
Nd6 41. Rxa3 $18) (38... Nd6 39. c5 Nb5 40. d6 Rxb4 41. Bc6 $18) 39. Rxa3 Rb2
40. Nf1 $18) 37... Ra4 38. c5 $6 (38. g4 Bxg4 39. h3 Bd7 40. c5) 38... Rxb4 $19
(38... a2 39. Bf1 Rxb4 $19) 39. d6 a2 40. Bd5+ Kh7 41. Kg2 Nxc5 42. Na1 Rb1 43.
Bxa2 Rxa1 44. Bc4 Rd1 45. Rc3 Ne4 46. Re3 Nxd6 47. Be2 Rd4 48. f3 Bg6 49. Rc3
Rd2 50. Kf1 Nf5 51. Ke1 Rb2 52. Rc4 Ne3 53. Rc8 Nc2+ 54. Kf1 Nd4 55. Bc4 h5 56.
h4 Nxf3 57. Bg8+ Kh6 58. Bc4 Nd2+ 59. Ke1 Nxc4 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "4.2"]
[White "Pichot, Alan"]
[Black "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B10"]
[WhiteElo "2630"]
[BlackElo "2591"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 9,96,0,0,12,14,0,-11,-8,-20,-31,-27,-33,10,20,31,13,22,4,16,19,14,21,24,
-5884,-5791]} 1. e4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. d3 dxe4 4. dxe4 Qxd1+ 5. Kxd1 Nd7 {[%CAl
Bb8d7,Bd7c5,Bc5d3][%mdl 32]} 6. a4 {[#] B10: Caro-Kann: 2 d3 and 2 c4.} Ngf6
$146 ({Predecessor:} 6... a5 7. Nfd2 e5 8. Nc4 Bc5 9. f3 f6 10. Nbd2 Nh6 11.
Nb3 Be7 12. Ncxa5 Nf7 {1-0 (66) Pichot,A (2837)-Svane,R (2885) Chess.com INT
2019}) 7. Nbd2 Nc5 8. Bd3 {The position is equal.} g6 9. b4 Nxd3 10. cxd3 a5
11. bxa5 Rxa5 12. Bb2 Bg7 13. Bc3 Ra6 14. Kc2 O-O 15. Rhb1 Rd8 16. Nb3 Ng4 17.
Rf1 (17. a5 $14) 17... c5 $11 18. h3 {[#] Black must now prevent Bxg7.} ({
Don't blunder} 18. Nxc5 $2 Rc6 $19) 18... Nf6 19. Ne5 ({But not} 19. Nxc5 Rc6
$17) 19... Nd7 20. Nc4 b6 {[%CAl Bb7b6,Bb6b5][%mdl 32]} 21. Rfb1 Bb7 22. a5 (
22. Bxg7 $11 Kxg7 23. Kd2) 22... b5 $15 23. Ncd2 (23. Bxg7 $15 Kxg7 24. Nc1)
23... Rd6 24. Bxg7 Kxg7 25. f4 ({Better is} 25. Nf3) 25... e5 $17 26. g3 {[#]}
Ba6 $1 27. Nc1 f6 28. Ra3 (28. Rb2 $17) 28... b4 29. Rab3 (29. Ra4 $142) 29...
Nb8 $19 30. fxe5 fxe5 31. Kb2 (31. Ra1 {is the only way for White.} Nc6 32. Kb1
) 31... Nc6 {Black is clearly winning.} 32. Ra1 Nd4 33. Nc4 Rf6 34. Ka2 Bxc4
35. dxc4 Nxb3 36. Kxb3 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame KRR-KRN} Rf1 37. a6 Ra8 38. Kb2 Ra7
39. Ra5 {and the idea Nd3 leaves White hopeful.} Rf2+ 40. Kb3 Rf3+ 41. Kb2 Rf6
42. Nb3 Raxa6 43. Rxa6 Rxa6 44. Nxc5 {KR-KN} Ra3 45. Ne6+ Kf7 46. Nc7 Rxg3 47.
Nd5 Ke6 48. c5 Kd7 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.76/Black=0.27} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "4.3"]
[White "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Black "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E16"]
[WhiteElo "2675"]
[BlackElo "2658"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "102"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 15,102,29,27,27,48,48,50,31,41,23,30,19,36,29,72,68,73,68,104,100,87,83,
-494,-455,-550,-548,-613,-610,-641,-650,-631,-615,-574,-570]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4
e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Bxd2+ 6. Qxd2 Bb7 7. Bg2 d6 8. O-O Nbd7 9. d5 {
E16: Queen's Indian: 4 g3 Bb7 5 Bg2 Bb4+.} e5 10. Nc3 O-O 11. e4 {White is
slightly better.} a5 12. Ne1 Nc5 13. Nc2 Re8 14. Rae1 {[#]} c6 $146 ({
Predecessor:} 14... Ba6 15. b3 Qd7 16. Na3 Qg4 17. f3 Qg6 18. Bh3 h6 19. Nc2
Qg5 20. Ne3 h5 {1-0 (33) Socko,B (2613)-Jaroch,K (2247) Bialystok 2016}) 15.
dxc6 Bxc6 16. f3 Qc7 17. Ne3 Rad8 18. Rd1 g6 19. Bh3 Kh8 20. Rf2 Rf8 21. Qe1
Qb8 22. Rfd2 Ne8 23. Nb5 ({Better is} 23. Ned5 $16) 23... f5 $1 $11 24. exf5
Bxf3 25. fxg6 $1 hxg6 26. Rc1 (26. Rf2 $11 Nc7 27. Nxd6) 26... Ne4 $15 27. Rdc2
Ng5 28. Bg2 Bxg2 29. Kxg2 Qb7+ 30. Nd5 Nf6 31. Nbc7 {[%mdl 8192] [#]} ({
White must play} 31. Nbc3 $1 $15) 31... Qc8 32. Nxf6 Qh3+ ({Weaker is} 32...
Qxc7 33. Nd5 $15) ({Black should play} 32... Rxf6 $19 33. Nd5 Rf3) 33. Kh1 $17
Rxf6 34. Nd5 (34. Rf2 $17 Rf5 35. Rxf5 gxf5 36. Nd5) 34... Rf3 $19 35. Rf2 Rdf8
36. Rxf3 Rxf3 37. Qe2 Rxg3 38. Rf1 {[#]} (38. Qf1 $17 {is the only way for
White.} Qxf1+ 39. Rxf1) 38... Ne4 $1 $40 {[%mdl 640] Black goes for the king.}
39. Rf8+ Kg7 40. Qf1 Qxf1+ 41. Rxf1 {[%mdl 4096] Endgame KRN-KRN} Rd3 42. Nc7
$2 (42. Nxb6 {was worth a try.} Rd2 43. c5) 42... Rd2 43. Ne6+ Kh6 44. Re1 (44.
Rf3 {was called for.} Ng5 45. Nxg5 Kxg5 46. a3) 44... Nf2+ {Black is clearly
winning.} 45. Kg1 Rxb2 46. Re3 g5 47. Rf3 Ne4 48. Re3 Nd2 49. Rg3 g4 50. h3
gxh3 51. Rxh3+ Kg6 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.33/Black=0.13} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "4.4"]
[White "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Black "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C02"]
[WhiteElo "2699"]
[BlackElo "2648"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 20,60,-65,-86,-71,-75,-10,-21,-13,-12,-12,-5,-17,-25,-27,-65,-60,-52,
-185,-134,-1111,-1068]} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bd7 6. Bd3
cxd4 7. cxd4 Qb6 8. O-O Nxd4 9. Nxd4 Qxd4 10. Nc3 a6 11. Re1 Rc8 {C02: French:
Advance Variation.} 12. a3 Bc5 (12... Ne7 $17) 13. Be3 $11 Qh4 {[#] White must
now prevent ...d4.The position is equal.} 14. g3 {[#]} Qd8 $146 {And now ...d4
would win.} ({Predecessor:} 14... Qe7 15. Qg4 f5 16. Qf4 Bxe3 17. Qxe3 Nh6 18.
Rac1 O-O 19. b4 f4 20. gxf4 Qh4 {1-0 (41) Vielwock,V-Stock,J (2053) Ditzingen
2001}) 15. Bxc5 Rxc5 16. Qg4 g6 17. Rac1 Ne7 18. h4 Rc7 19. h5 Bc6 20. Ne2 Bd7
21. Nd4 Rxc1 22. Rxc1 Nc6 23. Nf3 f5 24. Qf4 gxh5 25. b4 Qe7 26. b5 axb5 27.
Bxb5 Rg8 28. Qh6 Qf7 {aiming for ...f4.} ({Don't play} 28... Qxa3 $6 29. Bxc6
bxc6 30. Rb1 $11) 29. Be2 (29. Qe3 $1 $15) 29... Rg6 (29... f4 $19 30. Nh4 Qf8
31. Bxh5+ Kd8 32. Qf6+ Qxf6 33. exf6 Rf8 34. gxf4 Rxf6) 30. Qxh5 {[%mdl 8192]
[#]} (30. Qf4 $17 Rg4 31. Qd2) 30... Rxg3+ $1 {[%mdl 576] Discovered Attack.
Weighted Error Value: White=0.54/Black=0.15} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "5.1"]
[White "Studer, Noel"]
[Black "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D22"]
[WhiteElo "2581"]
[BlackElo "2699"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "76"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 15,76,58,55,50,63,41,41,44,45,43,38,36,81,75,89,85,91,89,93,74,133,116,
-1327]} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. Nf3 a6 4. e3 Bg4 5. Bxc4 e6 6. Nc3 Nc6 7. h3 Bh5
8. O-O Nf6 9. Re1 {D22: Queen's Gambit Accepted: 3 Nf3 a6 4 e3.} Bd6 {[#] 9...
Be7 is the fancy move.} 10. Bf1 $5 $146 {[%mdl 8] New and interesting.} ({
Predecessor:} 10. e4 Bxf3 11. gxf3 e5 12. d5 Ne7 13. f4 Ng6 14. f5 Nf8 15. f4
N8d7 16. Qf3 Qe7 {0-1 (34) Aditya,M (2438)-Alekseenko,K (2696) Chess.com INT
2020}) 10... O-O 11. g4 {White is slightly better.} Bg6 12. e4 Bb4 13. Bg5 {
[#] aiming for e5.} Qd7 14. d5 Bxc3 15. bxc3 exd5 16. Bxf6 gxf6 17. exd5 Na5 ({
Black should try} 17... Ne7) 18. c4 b6 19. Qd4 Qd6 20. Re3 Rfe8 21. Rae1 Rxe3
22. Rxe3 ({Don't do} 22. Qxe3 b5 $14) 22... Rd8 23. Nd2 (23. h4 $142) 23... Nb7
$16 24. h4 {Hoping for h5.} h6 25. Rf3 (25. Bd3 $16 Bxd3 26. Qxd3) 25... Qe5
$11 26. Nb3 c5 27. Qd2 Kg7 28. a4 a5 29. Rg3 Nd6 {...Ne4 is the strong threat.}
30. f4 Qe8 {Threatens to win with ...Ne4.} 31. Re3 (31. Qb2 $1 $11 {keeps the
balance.}) 31... Qxa4 $17 32. f5 $2 {Loses the game.} (32. Qe2 $17) 32... Nxc4
$19 33. Bxc4 Qxc4 {[%mdl 64] [#] Double Attack} 34. fxg6 Qxg4+ 35. Kh2 $2 (35.
Qg2 Qxg2+ 36. Kxg2) 35... Qxh4+ 36. Rh3 Qg5 {[%mdl 64] Double Attack} 37. Qe2 (
37. Qxg5 $142 hxg5 38. Nd2) 37... Rxd5 38. Rg3 Qh5+ {Weighted Error Value:
White=0.58/Black=0.10} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "5.2"]
[White "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Black "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B72"]
[WhiteElo "2648"]
[BlackElo "2675"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "135"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 19,135,-7,0,0,0,-7,8,0,0,0,0,0,13,0,11,-96,21,-31,58,63,54,51,122,123,
29979,29980,29984,29985,29988,29989]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 g6 4. d4 cxd4
5. Nxd4 Bg7 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Bc4 O-O 8. Bb3 d6 9. h3 Na5 {outshines the older 9...
Bd7.} 10. O-O b6 11. Re1 {B72: Sicilian Dragon: 6 Be3, lines with h3+Bc4 and
sidelines.} Bb7 12. Bg5 Nxb3 13. cxb3 $5 {[%mdl 4] [#] The position is equal.
Exploring less charted territory.} h6 $146 ({Predecessor:} 13... Rc8 14. f3 Re8
15. Qd2 a6 16. a4 Nd7 17. Rad1 Nc5 18. Bh6 Bxh6 19. Qxh6 e5 20. Nc2 Nxb3 21. h4
Nc5 22. Rd2 Bc6 23. Nb4 a5 24. Nxc6 Rxc6 25. Red1 {1/2-1/2 (25) Soltanici,R
(2363)-Sebe Vodislav,R (2346) Istanbul 2004}) 14. Bh4 Qd7 15. Qd2 Rac8 16. Rad1
Kh7 17. Ndb5 (17. f3 $11) 17... a6 (17... g5 $1 $17 {[%CAl Rg5h4]} 18. Qd3 gxh4
19. e5+ Kh8 20. exf6 Bxf6) 18. e5 dxe5 (18... Nh5 $15 19. Na3 b5 20. exd6 exd6)
19. Qxd7 $14 Nxd7 20. Bxe7 Rfe8 21. Bb4 $16 {aiming for Nd6.} (21. Rxd7 $6 Bc6
$11) 21... axb5 22. Rxd7 {[%mdl 64] Double Attack} Bc6 23. Rxf7 Kg8 24. Ra7 e4
25. Nd1 Ra8 26. Rxa8 Rxa8 27. a3 Bd5 28. Bc3 Bxb3 29. Bxg7 Kxg7 {[%mdl 4096]
Endgame KRB-KRN} 30. Nc3 Bc2 (30... b4 $16 31. axb4 Bc2) 31. Nxb5 $18 ({
Don't play} 31. Nxe4 $6 b4 $16) 31... Kf6 32. Nc3 Kf5 33. Nd5 {Hoping for Ne3+.
} Bd3 34. Rc1 ({Don't do} 34. Nxb6 $6 Rb8) 34... b5 35. Rc5 Ke5 {[#]} 36. Ne3+
({Better is} 36. Nc3+ $1 $18 Kd6 37. Rd5+ Ke6 38. f4) 36... Kd6 $16 37. Rd5+
Ke6 38. Rc5 Kd6 $1 {[%CAl Rd6c5]} 39. Rc3 Rf8 40. Ng4 h5 41. Ne3 Ra8 42. h4 Rf8
43. g3 Ra8 44. Ng2 Bc4 (44... b4 $16 45. Rb3 (45. axb4 Ra1+ 46. Kh2 Rf1 $11)
45... bxa3 46. Rxa3 Rb8) 45. Nf4 Bf7 46. Kf1 (46. Re3 $18) 46... b4 47. axb4
Rb8 48. Rc2 Rxb4 49. Rd2+ Ke5 50. Ke2 Rb3 51. Ng2 Bc4+ 52. Kd1 Rb6 53. Ne3 Be6
54. Kc1 (54. Ke2 {is more complex.} Rb5 55. Ke1 Bf7 56. Ng2 Rb8 57. Rc2) 54...
Ra6 55. Nc2 (55. Rc2 $16) 55... Bb3 $11 56. Kb1 Ba2+ 57. Kc1 Bb3 58. Re2 Rc6
59. Kb1 Bc4 60. Rd2 Bd3 61. b3 Kf5 $2 {[%mdl 8192] [#]} (61... Bxc2+ $11 62.
Rxc2 Rb6) 62. Rxd3 $1 $18 {[%mdl 512]} exd3 {KR-KN} (62... Rb6 63. Ne3+) 63.
Nd4+ {[%mdl 64] Double Attack. White mates.} Ke4 64. Nxc6 Kf3 65. Ne5+ Kxf2 66.
Nxd3+ Kxg3 67. b4 g5 68. hxg5 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.17/Black=0.18} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "5.3"]
[White "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Black "Pichot, Alan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D02"]
[WhiteElo "2658"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "97"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 9,97,0,0,0,0,0,0,-8,0,0,0,-6,92,84,89,77,84,92,79,89,88,95,97,94,107,92,
834]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bf4 c5 4. e3 Nc6 5. Nbd2 Qb6 6. dxc5 {D02: 1 d4
d5 2 Nf3 sidelines, including 2...Nf6 3 g3 and 2...Nf6 3 Bf4.} Qxb2 7. Rb1 Qc3
8. Bb5 {The position is equal.} g6 9. O-O Bg7 $1 10. Nd4 $5 {[%mdl 4] [#]
Exploring less charted territory.} Qxc5 $146 (10... Bg4 $11 11. Be2 Bxe2 12.
Qxe2 (12. Nxe2 Qxc5 13. Rxb7 O-O $15) 12... O-O) ({Predecessor:} 10... Bd7 11.
N2b3 O-O 12. Ne2 Qb4 13. a4 Ne4 14. f3 Nc3 15. Nxc3 Bxc3 16. Qxd5 Be6 {0-1 (50)
Kamsky,G (2665)-Deac,B (2625) Chess.com INT 2021}) 11. N2b3 $36 {[%mdl 2048]
White is on the roll.} Qb6 {[#]} 12. Na5 $1 {[%mdl 64] Deflection} Qxa5 13.
Nxc6 bxc6 14. Bxc6+ {[%mdl 64] Double Attack} Bd7 15. Bxa8 {aiming for Rb8+.}
O-O 16. Bb7 Bb5 {[#]} 17. Qe1 {[%CAl Re1a5]} Qa4 18. Rb4 Qa5 19. Bc7 Qxc7 20.
Rxb5 e6 $1 21. Qa5 Qxc2 22. Rc5 {[%CAl Bb5c5,Bc5c6,Bc6b6][%mdl 32]} Qb2 {
[%CAl Rb2b7]} 23. Qxa7 Ne4 24. Rc6 Bc3 {White must now prevent ...Be1.} 25. Rb6
Qc2 {Threatens to win with ...Be1.} 26. Qa3 Be5 27. Rc6 Qe2 {[#] Strongly
threatening ...Bxh2+!} 28. Ba6 $1 {[%CAl Ra6e2]} Qh5 (28... Qd2 $16) 29. h3 Bb8
(29... Ng5 $16) 30. Qb2 Be5 (30... Ng5 $142 31. Qe2 Nxh3+ 32. gxh3 Qxh3) 31.
Qc2 $18 Bb8 32. Bd3 Nf6 33. Qb2 Be5 34. Qe2 Qh4 35. Rfc1 Qa4 36. Rc8 Rxc8 37.
Rxc8+ Kg7 38. Rc1 Qa3 39. Rb1 Bc7 (39... Nd7 $16 {is a better defense.} 40. Qc2
Nc5) 40. g3 Be5 41. Rb7 h5 $2 (41... Qa8) 42. Qc2 Qa5 $2 (42... Qa8) 43. Kg2 {
White is clearly winning.} d4 {Hoping for ...Qd5+.} 44. e4 h4 45. Rb5 Qe1 (
45... Qc7 $142 46. Qxc7 Bxc7) 46. Rxe5 hxg3 47. fxg3 Nd5 48. Rxd5 exd5 49. exd5
{Weighted Error Value: White=0.19/Black=0.27} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "5.4"]
[White "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Black "Nihal Sarin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A41"]
[WhiteElo "2591"]
[BlackElo "2620"]
[Annotator "Shahid"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. Nf3 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. c4 d6 4. Nc3 Nc6 5. d5 Ne5 6. Nxe5 Bxe5 7. e4 Bg7 8. Be2
Nf6 9. Be3 O-O 10. Qd2 Re8 11. f3 a6 12. h4 c5 13. g4 e6 14. dxe6 Bxe6 15. h5
b5 16. hxg6 (16. Bh6) 16... fxg6 17. cxb5 $6 (17. Bh6) 17... d5 18. exd5 (18.
Bxc5 dxe4 19. Qxd8 Raxd8 20. g5 Nd7 21. Nxe4) 18... Nxd5 19. Bg5 (19. Nxd5 Qxd5
20. Qxd5 Bxd5 21. Kf2) 19... Qd7 20. Ne4 Bd4 21. bxa6 Rab8 22. Rb1 $2 (22. Rc1
Rxb2 23. Rc2 Reb8 (23... Rb1+ 24. Rc1) 24. Bd1) 22... Bxg4 23. a7 Qxa7 24. Bc4
Qf7 25. Qh2 h5 26. fxg4 Rxe4+ 27. Kd1 Rd8 28. Rf1 Ne3+ 29. Kd2 Qxc4 30. Bxd8
Qc2+ 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "6.1"]
[White "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Black "Studer, Noel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A17"]
[WhiteElo "2591"]
[BlackElo "2581"]
[Annotator "ChessBase"]
[PlyCount "63"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
[TimeControl "900+5"]
1. Nf3 {[%emt 0:00:03]} d5 {[%emt 0:00:05]} 2. e3 {[%emt 0:00:01]} Nf6 {
[%emt 0:00:02]} 3. c4 {[%emt 0:00:00]} e6 {[%emt 0:00:01]} 4. Nc3 {[%emt 0:00:
02]} dxc4 {[%emt 0:00:51]} 5. Bxc4 {[%emt 0:00:02]} a6 {[%emt 0:00:02]} 6. a4 {
[%emt 0:00:27]} c5 {[%emt 0:00:10]} 7. b3 {[%emt 0:00:12]} Nc6 {[%emt 0:00:09]}
8. Bb2 {[%emt 0:00:09]} Be7 {[%emt 0:00:02]} 9. O-O {[%emt 0:02:30]} O-O {
[%emt 0:00:04]} 10. Ne2 {[%emt 0:00:19]} Rb8 {[%emt 0:01:38]} 11. Ng3 {[%emt 0:
01:29]} b5 {[%emt 0:00:33]} 12. axb5 {[%emt 0:00:07]} axb5 {[%emt 0:00:02]} 13.
Be2 {[%emt 0:00:02]} Qb6 {[%emt 0:02:10]} 14. Qb1 {[%emt 0:00:04]} Bb7 {
[%emt 0:00:31]} 15. Ng5 {[%emt 0:00:46]} g6 {[%emt 0:01:56]} 16. N5e4 {[%emt 0:
01:04]} Nxe4 {[%emt 0:00:07]} 17. Nxe4 {[%emt 0:00:17]} f5 {[%emt 0:00:02]} 18.
Nc3 {[%emt 0:00:40]} Bf6 {[%emt 0:03:34]} 19. Rc1 {[%emt 0:02:23]} Ba6 {
[%emt 0:00:11]} 20. Bf1 {[%emt 0:00:13]} Rfd8 {[%emt 0:00:07]} 21. Nd5 {
[%emt 0:00:49]} Rxd5 {[%emt 0:00:25]} 22. Bxf6 {[%emt 0:00:02]} e5 {[%emt 0:00:
29]} 23. Qb2 {[%emt 0:01:20]} Rf8 {[%emt 0:00:06]} 24. Bg5 {[%emt 0:00:11]} Nb4
{[%emt 0:00:21]} 25. d4 {[%emt 0:01:05]} exd4 {[%emt 0:02:36]} 26. exd4 {
[%emt 0:00:08]} f4 {[%emt 0:00:12]} 27. Be7 {[%emt 0:00:15]} Rff5 {[%emt 0:00:
47]} 28. Bxc5 {[%emt 0:00:08]} Qd8 {[%emt 0:00:04]} 29. Bxb4 {[%emt 0:00:10]}
Rh5 {[%emt 0:00:04]} 30. Qe2 {[%emt 0:00:34]} Bb7 {[%emt 0:00:07]} 31. Qe7 {
[%emt 0:00:12]} Qb8 {[%emt 0:00:05]} 32. Rc7 {[%emt 0:00:04]} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "6.2"]
[White "Nihal Sarin"]
[Black "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A01"]
[WhiteElo "2620"]
[BlackElo "2658"]
[PlyCount "100"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 Bf5 3. d3 e6 4. Nd2 Nf6 5. g3 a5 6. a3 h6 7. Bg2 Bh7 8. e4 c6
9. Nh3 Be7 10. O-O Na6 11. Nf4 O-O 12. Re1 b5 13. Qe2 Nc5 14. Rad1 Rc8 15. h4
Re8 16. e5 Nfd7 17. d4 Na6 18. c4 Nc7 19. c5 f6 20. Bh3 Bf8 21. exf6 Qxf6 22.
Nf3 Be4 23. Ne5 Nxe5 24. dxe5 Qf7 25. Bd4 Be7 26. f3 Bh7 27. Ng2 Rf8 28. Rf1
Ra8 29. Kh2 Na6 30. Rc1 Nc7 31. Qe3 Qg6 32. Rcd1 b4 33. a4 Qf7 34. Rd2 Kh8 35.
Rdf2 Qg6 36. Nf4 Qf7 37. Ng2 Qg6 38. Rd2 Qf7 39. g4 h5 40. g5 Bf5 41. f4 g6 42.
Bxf5 Qxf5 43. Qh3 Qxh3+ 44. Kxh3 Kg8 45. Kg3 Ne8 46. Ne3 Ng7 47. Rdf2 Kf7 48.
Re2 Ke8 49. Ref2 Kd7 50. Re2 Rh8 1/2-1/2
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "6.3"]
[White "Pichot, Alan"]
[Black "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C18"]
[WhiteElo "2630"]
[BlackElo "2648"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "66"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 13,66,-13,-12,-36,-25,-29,-18,-29,-29,-14,0,-25,-31,-42,61,-42,-35,-35,
-722,-711,-1059,-1046,-956,-885]} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 Ne7 5. a3
Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 c5 7. h4 Qc7 8. h5 {C18: French: 3 Nc3 Bb4: Main line: 7 h4 and
7 Qg4.} cxd4 9. cxd4 Qc3+ 10. Bd2 {The position is equal.} Qxd4 11. Nf3 Qe4+
12. Be2 Nf5 {[#]} 13. Rb1 $146 ({Predecessor:} 13. O-O Nc6 14. Re1 O-O 15. h6
Nxh6 16. Bxh6 gxh6 17. Rb1 Kh8 18. Bb5 Qg6 19. Bxc6 bxc6 {1/2-1/2 (58) Almasi,
Z (2707)-Vallejo Pons,F (2705) Beijing 2011}) 13... b6 (13... Nc6 $15) 14. O-O
(14. Rb4 $1 $14 d4 15. g4) 14... Ba6 $15 15. Bd3 Qa4 16. Rb4 Qd7 $36 {White is
under pressure.} 17. c4 Nc6 18. Bxf5 (18. Ra4 $11 {keeps the balance.} Bxc4 19.
Bxc4 dxc4 20. Rxc4) 18... exf5 $17 {Black converts the advantage convincingly.}
(18... Nxb4 $2 19. Bb1 $19) 19. h6 (19. Re1 $17) 19... gxh6 20. Re1 (20. Rb1
$17) 20... Bxc4 ({And not} 20... Nxb4 21. e6 $14) 21. Rb2 Rg8 22. Bf4 (22. Nh4
$17 {was called for.}) 22... O-O-O 23. Qd2 (23. Nd4 $142) 23... Kb7 24. a4 d4
25. Rc1 (25. g3 $142) 25... Qd5 $19 {[#] Strongly threatening ...Qxf3.} 26. Ne1
d3 27. a5 b5 {Black is clearly winning.} 28. Qc3 {next Qxc4 is good for White.}
Ka8 29. Rd2 Nd4 30. Be3 Ne2+ 31. Rxe2 dxe2 32. Qb4 {[#]} Rxg2+ $3 {[%mdl 64]
Clearance} 33. Nxg2 Rg8 {[%csl Gg8][%CAl Rd5g2] Weighted Error Value: White=0.
98/Black=0.45} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "6.4"]
[White "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Black "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D25"]
[WhiteElo "2675"]
[BlackElo "2699"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "56"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 12,56,39,31,46,36,30,31,84,63,62,76,75,63,72,38,50,0,0,0,0,0,0,-145,
-114,-109,-389,-385,-486,-492,-462,-440]} 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 dxc4 4. e3
Bg4 5. Bxc4 e6 6. h3 Bh5 7. Nc3 Nc6 {D25: Queen's Gambit Accepted: 4 e3:
sidelines and 4...Bg4.} 8. Bb5 Bb4 9. Qa4 O-O ({Black should play} 9... Bxf3
$14 10. gxf3 Qd7) 10. Bxc6 $16 Bxc3+ 11. bxc3 bxc6 12. Ne5 Nd7 13. Nxc6 Qg5 {
[%CAl Rg5g2] [#]} 14. g4 $146 ({Predecessor:} 14. Rg1 Rfe8 15. Qa5 Qh4 16. g4
Bg6 17. Rg3 Nf6 18. Qxc7 Ne4 19. Ba3 Nxg3 20. Qxg3 Qxg3 21. fxg3 {1/2-1/2 (41)
Lipinski,G-Sawadkuhi,M Kiel 1965}) 14... Bg6 15. h4 Qf6 {Hoping for ...Nc5!}
16. f4 {Black must now prevent g5.} Rfe8 {And now ...Be4 would win.} 17. Ba3 (
17. Ne5 $1 $11 {remains equal.} Nxe5 18. dxe5) 17... Be4 $17 {[%mdl 1024]
Black has strong compensation.} 18. Rh2 Qg6 19. g5 Qh5 {Strongly threatening ..
.Qf3.} 20. Na5 $2 {[#]} ({Much weaker is} 20. Ne7+ Rxe7 $1 {[%mdl 512]} 21.
Bxe7 Qf3 $1 $17) (20. Kd2 Qf3 21. Na5 (21. Ne7+ Rxe7 22. Bxe7 Nb6 $17)) 20...
Qg4 $1 $19 21. Kd2 Nb6 (21... e5 $142 22. Rf1 Qf5) 22. Qd1 {[#]} (22. Qb5 {
was called for.} Rad8 23. Bb4) 22... Qf5 $1 {[%CAl Rf5a5]} 23. Bc5 Rad8 (23...
Nd7 $19 24. Nb3 e5) 24. Bxb6 $17 axb6 25. Nc4 {[#]} c5 $1 $36 {[%CAl Rc5d4]
[%mdl 2048] ...cxd4 is the strong threat. Black is on the roll.} 26. Ne5 $2 {
[%mdl 8192]} (26. Ke1 $17 {was worth a try.}) 26... cxd4 $19 {[%mdl 64]
Overworked Piece} 27. cxd4 {[#]} Rxd4+ $1 {[%mdl 512]} 28. exd4 Qxf4+ {Double
Attack. Weighted Error Value: White=0.61/Black=0.18} 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "7.1"]
[White "Studer, Noel"]
[Black "Gelfand, Boris"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A32"]
[WhiteElo "2581"]
[BlackElo "2675"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "70"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 15,70,-7,0,-19,-16,-24,-8,-16,-14,-10,0,-12,0,-7,25,0,0,-6,-21,-21,-7,
-762,-1330,-1315]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Nf3 c5 6. Bd2
cxd4 7. Nxd4 Nc6 8. a3 {now scores much better than the old 8.Be2.} Be7 9. Nf3
{A32: Symmetrical English: 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 e6.} d5 10. cxd5 exd5 11.
Be2 {The position is equal.} Bd6 {[#]} 12. Qc2 $146 ({Predecessor:} 12. O-O Qe7
13. Nb5 Bb8 14. Rc1 Ne4 15. Nbd4 Nxd4 16. exd4 Bd6 17. Re1 Bg4 18. Ne5 Bxe2 19.
Qxe2 {0-1 (41) Voiculescu,P-Furman,S Bucharest 1954}) 12... Re8 13. Nb5 Bb8 14.
Nbd4 Qd6 15. Nxc6 bxc6 16. Bb4 Qc7 17. Rc1 Bd7 18. Nd4 {[%CAl Rd4c6]} a5 19.
Bd2 {[%CAl Rd4c6]} Rc8 20. Nf5 {Black must now prevent Ne7+.} Qe5 21. g4 (21.
Ng3 $11) 21... Ne4 $17 22. Ng3 Nxd2 23. Qxd2 Ba7 24. O-O a4 25. Kg2 c5 26. f4
Qe6 27. Bf3 {[#]} (27. e4 $15) 27... Bc6 $1 28. Nf5 Rab8 29. Rc2 $2 {This move
loses the game for White.} (29. Kg3 $17) 29... h5 $19 30. h3 g6 31. Nh6+ {[#]}
Kg7 $1 32. g5 c4 33. Re1 $2 (33. f5 Qe5 34. Kh1) 33... Rb3 {Black is clearly
winning.} 34. Qa5 Bb6 35. Qa6 Ra8 {Weighted Error Value: White=0.59/Black=0.08}
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "7.2"]
[White "Alekseenko, Kirill"]
[Black "Pichot, Alan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D00"]
[WhiteElo "2699"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "67"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 9,67,-2,-7,0,4,-18,-18,-14,7,0,6,-20,21,0,6,-68,-73,-65,-47,-51,-52,-58,
-4,0,0,31,0,223,188,1275,1037,29990,29988,29987,896]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3.
Bf4 e6 4. Nb5 Na6 5. e3 c6 6. Nc3 {D00: 1 d4 d5: Unusual lines.} Be7 7. h3 O-O
8. Nf3 {[#] The position is equal.} b5 $146 ({Predecessor:} 8... c5 9. Nb5 Bd7
10. c3 c4 11. a4 Qb6 12. Nd2 Bxb5 13. axb5 Qxb5 14. b3 Rac8 {1-0 (38) Bluebaum,
M (2670)-Fier,A (2569) Chess.com INT 2021}) 9. Bd3 b4 10. Na4 Qa5 11. b3 c5 12.
Nxc5 (12. Ne5 $11 Bd7 13. O-O (13. Nxd7 Nxd7 14. O-O c4 $11)) 12... Nxc5 $15
13. dxc5 Qxc5 14. O-O a5 15. Be5 Ne4 16. Nd2 Nf6 (16... Nc3 $15 17. Qh5 f5) 17.
Qe2 Bb7 (17... Nd7 $5 {[%CAl Rd7e5]} 18. Bd4 (18. Qh5 $2 g6 $19) 18... Qd6 $11)
18. Rfc1 Rfc8 (18... Nd7 $5 {[%CAl Rd7e5]} 19. Bd4 (19. Qh5 $2 g6 $19) 19...
Qd6 $11) 19. c3 bxc3 (19... Nd7 $5 {[%CAl Rd7e5]} 20. Bd4 Qd6 $15) 20. Rxc3 Qa3
21. Nf3 Ne4 22. Bxe4 dxe4 23. Nd2 f6 24. Bd4 Rxc3 25. Bxc3 Rc8 26. Nc4 {[#]}
Ba6 $1 {White must now prevent ...Bxc4.} 27. Qg4 Bxc4 28. bxc4 Rc6 29. Bd4 Qa4
30. c5 $40 {[%mdl 128] Strongly threatening Rb1. White is up to no good.} e5 $2
{[#]} (30... Qc2 $1 $11 {and Black has nothing to worry.}) 31. Qd7 $1 Kf8 {[#]}
(31... Bf8) 32. Rb1 $1 $18 {aiming for Rb7.} Qxa2 (32... Rb6 33. Qc8+) 33. Rb8+
Kf7 34. Qe8+ {Weighted Error Value: White=0.17/Black=0.49} 1-0
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "7.3"]
[White "Lagarde, Maxime"]
[Black "Nihal Sarin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C28"]
[WhiteElo "2648"]
[BlackElo "2620"]
[Annotator "Shahid"]
[PlyCount "100"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d3 Nc6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Nge2 d5 6. exd5 Nxd5 7. O-O Be6 8.
f4 $2 (8. Bxd5 Bxd5) 8... Nxc3 9. bxc3 (9. Nxc3 Qd4+ 10. Kh1 Bxc4 11. dxc4 Qxc4
12. fxe5 Bxc3 13. bxc3 O-O) 9... Bc5+ 10. Kh1 Bxc4 11. dxc4 Qxd1 12. Rxd1 f6
13. Ng3 Rd8 14. Rf1 O-O 15. Ne4 Be7 16. f5 Na5 17. c5 Rd5 18. Rb1 b6 19. cxb6
axb6 20. g4 Nc4 21. Rg1 Nd6 22. Nxd6 Bxd6 23. Be3 Ra5 24. Ra1 Ra3 25. Bd2 h6
26. h4 Ra4 27. Rg2 Rfa8 28. Rag1 Kf7 29. Be1 Rxa2 30. Re2 R2a4 31. Kh2 Rf4 32.
Kh3 Raa4 33. Bd2 Rf3+ 34. Rg3 h5 35. gxh5 Rxf5 36. Reg2 Bf8 37. Rd3 Rxh5 38.
Rg4 Rxg4 39. Kxg4 Kg6 40. Rd7 f5+ 41. Kg3 Bd6 42. Bg5 e4+ 43. Kh3 Rh8 44. Be3
Re8 45. h5+ Kxh5 46. Rxg7 f4 47. Bd4 e3 48. Rg1 f3 49. Rb1 Re4 50. Bf6 e2 0-1
[Event "54th Biel GMT Rapid 2021"]
[Site "Biel"]
[Date "2021.07.25"]
[Round "7.4"]
[White "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Black "Keymer, Vincent"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A46"]
[WhiteElo "2658"]
[BlackElo "2591"]
[Annotator "TA"]
[PlyCount "72"]
[EventDate "2021.07.25"]
[EventType "tourn"]
[EventCountry "SUI"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceQuality "1"]
{[%evp 9,72,-8,0,0,45,45,165,167,204,140,148,156,148,114,115,76,90,43,64,0,0,
-1032,-1022,-929,-866,-1045,-1030,-920,-923,-887,-825]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3.
Bf4 c5 4. e3 Nc6 5. c3 h6 {[#]} 6. Ne5 $146 {A46: 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6: Torre,
London and Colle Systems.} ({Predecessor:} 6. Nbd2 d5 7. Bd3 Nh5 8. Be5 a6 9.
O-O Nxe5 10. Nxe5 Nf6 11. f4 Bd6 12. f5 exf5 13. Bxf5 O-O 14. Qf3 Qe7 15. Bxc8
Raxc8 {1-0 (54) Mezentsev,I (2354)-Ponkratov,P (2623) Chess.com INT 2020}) 6...
g5 7. Bg3 Ne4 {[#]} (7... h5 $14) 8. Qf3 $1 $18 {[%csl Ge5][%CAl Rf3f7] White
is clearly better.} Nd6 9. Bd3 cxd4 10. exd4 Nf5 11. Nd2 Bg7 12. O-O ({Of
course not} 12. Bxf5 $6 exf5 13. Qxf5 Nxe5 $14) 12... d5 13. Bxf5 (13. Rae1 {
looks sharper.} O-O 14. Nxc6 bxc6 15. Nb3 Nxg3 16. Qxg3 f5 17. f4) 13... exf5
14. Nxc6 (14. Qh5 $1 $14 O-O 15. Nxc6 bxc6 16. f4) 14... bxc6 $11 15. Rfe1+ Kf8
$1 16. h3 f4 17. Bh2 Bf5 18. Qe2 f6 19. Nb3 Kf7 20. Nc5 Re8 21. Qh5+ Bg6 22.
Qg4 Qd6 (22... h5 $17 23. Qd1 Bf8) 23. Qd7+ (23. Qf3 $11) 23... Qxd7 $17 24.
Nxd7 a5 25. a4 Bf5 26. Nc5 Bf8 27. f3 Rxe1+ 28. Rxe1 Bxc5 29. dxc5 {[%mdl 4096]
Endgame KRB-KRB} Bc2 30. Ra1 Rb8 31. b4 $2 {[%mdl 8192] [#] Loses the game.} (
31. g3 $17 {is more resistant.}) 31... d4 $19 {Black is clearly winning.} 32.
b5 d3 33. Kf2 d2 34. Ke2 d1=Q+ 35. Rxd1 Bxd1+ 36. Kxd1 cxb5 {Weighted Error
Value: White=0.67/Black=0.15} 0-1